How to Get Quick Wins Within 90 Days – In Just 7 Minutes with Jon Keel

Check out episode
  • Discover why your message and purpose is valuable in getting more clients and growing your business
  • Find out more about how principles are better and more important than techniques
  • Learn the three questions that you should be focusing on that will guarantee your target clients hooked on what you have to share


  • Wanting to Have a Continuous Business Growth and a Predictable and Increasing Revenue? Learn more on how to Secure the Future You Want and Become Confident in Your Business:


Have you been feeling frustrated with your profit and your business’s growth?

Does it feel like a rollercoaster ride instead of a predictable and steady rise?

Are you ready to know how you can create a predictable and increasing profitable revenue for your business?

Jon Keel has 15 years of speaking experience with closing 30% or more of the room. He addresses the problem of stagnant, slow, or decreasing revenue growth in businesses of $1M and larger business owners.

In this episode, Jon shares his tips on what will guarantee you to have quick wins, great business growth, and predictable and increasing revenue in a short amount of time. He also talks about what you should be avoiding when marketing your business and getting your target clients hooked on what you’ve got to share!

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:20 – Jon’s ideal client: “It’s mature business owners with seven-figure revenues who want to significantly increase their revenue, boost their profits and move away from stagnant or slow or decreasing revenue growth.”
  • 01:47 – Problem Jon helps solve: “Well, I give my clients, Tom, a predictable revenue-generating system. In essence, a machine that produces results over and over and over. And I’ve done that for the last 20 years.”
  • 02:05 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jon: “Yeah, the business owner has pain. I mean, really frustration. They’ve seen things change over the last couple of years, particularly with what we’ve come out of.”
  • 03:23 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Jon’s solution: “Well, over the last five to seven years, specifically, I have found three big ones that stand out. And the first one is, their messaging is confusing. And I believe if you confuse, you lose.”
  • 06:56 – Jon’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I could spend 30 minutes on the call with anybody. And this is not a sales call. I’m just listening and point them in the right directions.”
  • 07:03 – Jon’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Jon’s Website:
  • 07:34 – Q: Why do people continue to solve their revenue problems on their own? A: Because they have pride or they just don’t know that they don’t know.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“The roadmap should be based on timeless principles, not techniques. Techniques come and go. Principles never change.” -Jon Keel Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to as always from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by the erstwhile Jon Keel. Jon, welcome, sir. Good day! Where are you hanging out?

Jon Keel 00:24
Tom, it’s great to see you again. I’m hanging out in Dublin, Ohio, which is a suburb of Columbus.

Tom Poland 00:30
Dublin, Columbus, Ohio. Perfect. Thank you, sir. For those who don’t know Jon, his super talent is addressing the big problem that a lot of $1 million-plus businesses experience, which is revenue that’s either stagnant, it’s plateaued, or it’s just unbearably slow, or worst of all, it’s decreasing. So that’s the problem he solves. He’s got 15 years experience of speaking with this. He’s a very accomplished and professional effective speaker in his own right, typically closing 30% more of the audience in the room, enrolling them into his program. So, a lot we can learn from Jon. We are going to, specifically, today, focus on the title which is, “How to Get Quick Wins Within 90 Days”. Jon, our seven minutes starts now. Sir, question number one, as always, is who is your ideal client?

Jon Keel 01:20
And you actually helped me with this, about six months ago, Tom. It’s mature business owners with seven-figure revenues who want to significantly increase their revenue, boost their profits and move away from stagnant or slow or decreasing revenue growth.

Tom Poland 01:37
Ooh, I have chills on my spine. That’s just going to resonate with so many people. Thank you, sir. So, let’s talk about question number two, six and a half minutes left. What’s the problem you solve?

Jon Keel 01:47
Well, I give my clients, Tom, a predictable revenue-generating system. In essence, a machine that produces results over and over and over. And I’ve done that for the last 20 years.

Tom Poland 01:58
And boy, folks, that repeatability, the relentlessness, the systemization of the actions that give you the outcomes- that’s really where the money is, and it’s also where you can help the most people and it’s also what you can sustain rather than wishing or hoping or praying. So big validation for Jon’s approach there, but also generally, look for repeatable processes. Question number three, sir, five- under six minutes left, you should say. Share with us the typical symptoms that this business owner is going to be experiencing. We’re looking at declining or slow or stagnant revenue, but what else is going on in their business that they would see as symptoms that would give them kind of a heads up to go, “I need to find out more about what John’s offering.”

Jon Keel 02:05
Yeah, the business owner has pain. I mean, really frustration. They’ve seen things change over the last couple of years, particularly with what we’ve come out of.

Tom Poland 02:49

Jon Keel 02:49
In fact, I recently did a survey on LinkedIn and found that 30% of the businesses that responded in that target market are suffering this. They are suffering.

Tom Poland 03:01

Jon Keel 03:01
They’re the ones not growing.

Tom Poland 03:02
So obviously, the stagnant, the declining, or the very slow business growth, but frustration. So, the frustration is around. I guess they’ve tried a lot of things. And it hasn’t been working, hence the frustration. So that might bring us nicely to question four. Five minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that these folks are making before they find your solution?

Jon Keel 03:23
Well, over the last five to seven years, specifically, I have found three big ones that stand out. And the first one is, their messaging is confusing. And I believe if you confuse, you lose.

Tom Poland 03:36

Jon Keel 03:37
They’ve positioned themselves as the hero of the story, so to speak, where their customer or client, quite frankly, doesn’t really care about them. They only care about how they’re going to transform them.

Tom Poland 03:48

Jon Keel 03:49
Or transform their businesses.

Tom Poland 03:51

Jon Keel 03:51
You know, get to help people move from where they are to where they want to be. And along with that, is they make it too darn complicated, Tom.

Tom Poland 04:00

Jon Keel 04:01
What you do, how you do it, and how do we work together are the three questions that most people need to be focusing on to address with their questions. Keep it simple, stupid, so to speak.

Tom Poland 04:12
Any other common mistakes that you see?

Jon Keel 04:14
Oh yeah. Here’s number two. The second one is that people are acting like amateurs when it comes to building their businesses. It’s similar to a little league baseball player trying to compete in the major leagues. As we say, down-home in Arkansas, “That dog don’t hunt.” And it’s really not even- it’s not even a fair comparison. You know, I’ve seen it so many times. A business owner or senior leader in the business, they’re faced with this stagnant or slow revenue growth or decreasing, and they know they need to dramatically improve their marketing and sales processes. They know that, inherently, and they read a marketing book or they go to a weekend seminar where they get good information and they get all excited. And then they lay out a plan of sorts, sort- maybe develop a strategy? Probably not. And then they execute. And then several months later down the road, they throw up their hands due to their lack of success, and they quit. And there should be no surprise because they’re an amateur playing against professionals. And you’ll never win. Gladwell, Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in the field. And I can share my 24 years of working with almost 1300 clients. I’ve definitely put in my 10,000 hours.

Tom Poland 05:29

Jon Keel 05:30
And I am going out of business. You know, as you know, your business, it isn’t easy. It takes a lot of hard work. It takes determination. Takes not giving up. Plus, you have to know what you’re doing. And I’ve learned that, in my years, that I don’t know it all. In fact, I still pay people every month to help me. I need the expert assistance; somebody I can trust. And I still do it as I said. An early mentor told me, he says, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest”. And that’s what I do. Number three, they don’t realize that without a good roadmap, you have a good chance to get lost. And that’s time and money you can’t afford to spend.

Tom Poland 06:12

Jon Keel 06:13
And the roadmap should be based on timeless principles, not techniques. Techniques come and go. You know, a new technique or tactic hits the market. Six months later, a new one will come out. And then like six months later, a new one will come out. It’s like bright, shiny object syndrome over and over and over again.

Tom Poland 06:32

Jon Keel 06:33
You know, principles never change. I’m using principles that are over 100 years old in some cases, and techniques do. And it’s not all that sexy sometimes, but it just works.

Tom Poland 06:43
It works.

Jon Keel 06:44
You go over and over again.

Tom Poland 06:45
Real well. Thanks, Jon. Better move on. 60 seconds left, four questions to go. One valuable free action. What’s a top tip you could give to folks quickly that’s going to help them move in the right direction?

Jon Keel 06:56
I could spend 30 minutes on the call with anybody. And this is not a sales call. I’m just listening-

Tom Poland 07:00

Jon Keel 07:01
And point them in the right directions.

Tom Poland 07:03
Jon’s 30-minute calls are legendary! Folks, you want to go to Check out the 30-minute phone call. As Jon said, it’s not a sales call, it’s an exploration. And I think you’ll get some pretty good ideas from that. But also, as you exit that, you get offered a complimentary report. Five things you need to do now to increase your online leads and business revenue. Jon, thank you for that. We’ve got one question left, 12 seconds. What’s the one question I should have asked you and didn’t?

Jon Keel 07:34
Why do people continue to solve their revenue problems on their own?

Tom Poland 07:38
And in five seconds, the answer.

Jon Keel 07:41
Because they have pride or they just don’t know that they don’t know.

Tom Poland 07:45
Right. Jon Keel, thanks so much for your insights.

Jon Keel 07:47
Appreciate it, Tom.

Tom Poland 07:50
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