- Discover how you can build a money-making and client-bringing funnel in lesser time
- Understand more about what goes into making a funnel work rather than just expecting it to magically work
- Find out why choosing the funnel type that suits your business is crucial in making your funnel successful
- Wanting to Know How You Can Build Your Very Own Gorgeous Designer-Looking Funnel? Learn more on how you can create your own money-making and client-bringing funnel in just two hours: www.funnelcures.com/tom
Do you often find yourself struggling with your funnels and their long and difficult instructions?
Have you been picking those complicated funnels to deal with thinking it would give you the best results but just end up frustrated?
Are you ready to build your very own gorgeous funnel that will bring more profit, more clients, and more success to your business?
Going from $0 to $3 million in 6 months with five easy-to-create funnels, Tammy Lane loves playing hooky with her kids while her funnels bring in clients.
In this episode, Tammy shares her insights on why building a funnel for your business shouldn’t be as complicated and time lengthy as you think. She also talks about why funnels are crucial for your business and can help you a ton when it comes to your sales and clients!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:44 – Tammy’s ideal client: “We really do focus on people who are entrepreneurs, including coaches and consultants, who haven’t had a funnel working before. They might have tried to set one up, but they’re aware of how powerful funnel is and they’re motivated to get one implemented.”
- 02:09 – Problem Tammy helps solve: “Even my new marketer clients know how complicated it is to get all the tech pieces connected to actually get a functioning funnel working. And so we really focus on solving, we call it “Techitis”, by delivering funnels to our clients with a quick build technology in 90% less time.”
- 02:49 – Typical symptoms that clients experience before reaching out to Tammy: “They’re interested in bringing in more clients. They’re looking for how to have a little bit of leverage so they’re not having to do manual reach outs to people. And to take people through a process where they can get to know them online.”
- 03:31 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Tammy’s solution: “We develop funnel curious for ourselves, and then rub it out to clients. And really, some of the common mistakes are thinking that they’re going to buy a funnel template, and that it’s just going to work and to be technically working in order to bring in clients.”
- 05:12 – Tammy’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “The biggest thing is getting started in the right direction. And that would be choosing the funnel type that is going to suit their business, or their ad and choosing something simple.”
- 06:08 – Tammy’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Tammy’s Workshop: www.funnelcures.com/tom
- 06:46 – Q: What makes us different from the 7 million other funnel-building softwares? A: There’s a couple of things. One is we’re really focused on getting people set up with the first funnel.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If somebody introduces you to a funnel type that has 12 steps in it, run fast! You're looking for something that has a handful of pages in it to start, so there's less things to get right.” -Tammy Lane Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you, as always, from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Tammy Lane. Tammy, a very warm welcome. Good day from down under! Where are you hanging out?
Tammy Lane 00:25
I’m on the west coast of Canada, coming near Vancouver.
Tom Poland 00:29
Sounds good. So, we were just talking about wilderness before the interview, folks. And Tammy was saying, she drove for how long?
Tammy Lane 00:35
10 hours and saw 3 less-than-100-person towns.
Tom Poland 00:40
Amazing! Where else can you do that in the world? So as to such beauty. Let’s introduce you to Tammy. Tammy is pretty frickin’ extraordinary. I’m delighted you accepted our invitation to be on the show, Tammy! She went from $0 in sales- pausing for dramatic effect, it’s worth the pause- to $3 million in six months with just five relatively simple and easy-to-create funnels. Because we are all- well, not all of us, but those of us who dabbled in funnels know how incredibly complicated they can be. So what Tammy loves to do is playing hooky with- if you’re in Australia or the UK, that means not going to school, not going to work- with the kids, while her funnels bring in clients! Music to my marketing ears, Tammy. Let’s get on the way. The title of the interview is, “How to Get Your First Funnel Bringing in Clients in 90% Less Time” than it would normally takes. And true to her word, Tammy is going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Tammy, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Tammy Lane 01:44
We really do focus on people who are entrepreneurs, including coaches and consultants, who haven’t had a funnel working before. They might have tried to set one up, but they’re aware of how powerful funnel is and they’re motivated to get one implemented.
Tom Poland 01:59
Might have even dipped their toe in the water but not had great results. Thank you. So tell us, question two and six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them? How would you define that?
Tammy Lane 02:09
Well, you know, and lots of- even my new marketer clients know how complicated it is to get all the tech pieces connected to actually get a functioning funnel working. And so we really focus on solving, we call it “Techitis”, by delivering funnels to our clients with a quick build technology in 90% less time, but we also have a system where they can build it themselves much quicker than they normally could.
Tom Poland 02:35
Perfect! Thank you. Question three, six minutes left, what are the some of the typical symptoms that your new clients will have experienced? In other words, if someone’s listening to this- kind of, what’s going to be like a heads up for them that they need to find out more about what you do?
Tammy Lane 02:49
So definitely, they’re interested in bringing in more clients. They’re looking for how to have a little bit of leverage so they’re not having to do manual reach outs to people. And to take people through a process where they can get to know them online. So a new audience member can start to get to know them and either book a call with them or buy from them online.
Tom Poland 03:10
Sounds like that’s quite an integral part of the way you do funnels. It’s this getting to know, first, so we avoid the premature proposition. That might bring us nicely into question number four which is, what are some of the mistakes that you find people are making with funnels before they find your proprietary solution?
Tammy Lane 03:31
And I’ve certainly made all of these, but, really, we develop funnel curious for ourselves, and then rub it out to clients. And really, some of the common mistakes are thinking that they’re going to buy a funnel template and that it’s just going to work and to be technically working in order to bring in clients. And so the mistake is not understanding what goes into making a funnel work. There are multiple cases. I’d say they set up. They pick too complicated of funnels to get started with. And so we want to try and keep it as easy to set up as possible in the beginning.
Tom Poland 04:10
Right. And did you- a side question. Did you find that a lot of things that you were told would work really well in the funnel, didn’t actually work too good at all?
Tammy Lane 04:20
I know like the first funnel I got introduced to was a quiz funnel. Who knew a quiz funnel takes like- now it takes me two months to set up. Like I can’t even imagine somebody who’s trying to set that up now.
Tom Poland 04:34
Tammy Lane 04:35
Tom Poland 04:35
So any other common mistakes you want to touch on before we go to the next question?
Tammy Lane 04:39
Yeah, and one last really important one is that a lot of people struggle through getting it set up, they finally get it working, and then when they have it, it looks kind of homemade. And that’s like the death knell when it comes to positioning yourself as a leader.
Tom Poland 04:54
Right. There’s a professional offering because if the funnel looks kind of homemade, what’s the service like?
Tammy Lane 04:59
Tom Poland 05:00
Okay, thank you. So question five, we’ve got three and a half minutes left. Going well for a time. One valuable free action, like a top tip you could give someone that’s not going to set the whole funnel up, but it might start them off on the journey on the right foot.
Tammy Lane 05:12
Yeah, so I think the biggest thing is getting started in the right direction. And that would be choosing the funnel type that is going to suit their business, or their ad and choosing something simple. So the easiest way I can say that is if somebody introduces you to a funnel type that has 12 steps in it, run fast! You’re looking for something that has a handful of pages in it to start, so there’s less things to get right.
Tom Poland 05:39
Right. And I suppose the old 8020. You know, you do this thing with 20% of the time and the complexity and still get 80% of the result at least. So let’s go to thank you for that. Let’s go to question number six, and we’ve got two and a half minutes left. One valuable free resource. We are interested in someone listening to this can go, “Oh my god! I like the idea of simple funnels that can deliver clients, people getting to know me”, and then you know, converting into clients. Where can people go to find out more is what I’m asking?
Tammy Lane 06:08
So we have an awesome workshop that’s happening, and they can get access at www.funnelcures.com/tom. And inside of there, we’re going to show them how to get their funnel set up in two hours, gorgeous designer-looking funnel and we’re going to be able to do that with them because we’re going to give them the funnel templates on the call.
Tom Poland 06:28
Very clever! So, www.funnelcures.com/tom. Thank you for that. Nice touch! One minute and 45 seconds left, so a world of time. Question number seven, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Tammy Lane 06:46
So I had to think long and hard about this but I think the biggest thing is what makes us different from the 7 million other funnel-building software. And there’s a couple of things. One is we’re really focused on getting people set up with the first funnel. I don’t think there’s any other funnel builder out there where they can deliver a fully working funnel to their clients when they come on board. So we really are reducing the amount of time that it takes to be operational. And I’m a Facebook advertiser by background like that’s my whole business prior to this. And we have a built-in API with Facebook and Google so that we can report ad results to Facebook and to Google without relying on the device that people are on.
Tom Poland 07:34
Right. Perfect! Very clever, proprietary. I just want to say, Tammy Lane, thank you so much. You’re a breath of fresh air! The simplicity and the openness and the ideas have all been really valuable. Thank you so much!
Tammy Lane 07:47
Thanks for having me, Tom.
Tom Poland 07:49
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