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- Discover how speaking and being out there is one of the best marketing strategies
- Find out how you can overcome your “What if” questions and share your ideas with the world
- Learn how you can market with confidence and clarity and get new clients
- Wanting to Know How to Become a Fearless Speaker and Get Your Message to Market with Confidence and Clarity? Learn more about the Power of Speaking in Raising Your Profile and Gaining New Clients: https://www.succeedthroughspeaking.com/live-demo-registration
Have you always been scared of public speaking or even as simple as presenting your ideas to others?
Do you often find yourself being overwhelmed by the different “What if” questions before your presentations?
Are you ready to go out of your comfort zone and become a fearless speaker that guarantees to raise your profile and get you new clients?
Tom Bailey is the Founder of Succeed Through Speaking and spent the first 25 years of his life becoming an expert at avoiding public speaking. He now helps other entrepreneurs, experts, coaches, and consultants use speaking to raise their profile and gain new clients.
In this episode, Tom shares his tips on how to market through speaking. He also shares his insights on how to overcome your public speaking fears and change those “What if” questions into new opportunities!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:31 – Tom’s ideal client: “They’re experts, entrepreneurs, consultants, and coaches who are typically either solopreneurs or maybe they’ve got one or two VA’s in their team.”
- 01:48 – Problem Tom helps solve: “So the typical problem is that they’re the world’s best-kept secret. And what I mean by that is that they’re normally amazing at what they do. They can provide such great value, but nobody knows that they exist.”
- 02:38 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Tom: “I think the best way to position this is because I was my first client, as you mentioned, and I did spend the first- how many? 28 years, I think it was, avoiding public speaking, and it really did hold me back in terms of relationships, in terms of career.”
- 04:00 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Tom’s solution: “From my typical experiences is that they are all too often instead of being the face of their business, they’ll hide behind their business. And what I mean by that is they’re typically posting faceless, inauthentic content on social media.”
- 05:17 – Tom’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I think what they need to do is really take note of what you and I are doing right now. So, Tom, as the host of your own podcast, you know, you’re showing up online as the expert or authority in your niche. And because ultimately, you’re the figurehead of your brand.”
- 06:25 – Tom’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Tom’s Masterclass: www.succeedthroughspeaking.com
- 07:20 – Q: I think the main question that comes up is around the fear of public speaking. You know, where does it come from? And what can I do about it? And the biggest thing for me with fear is that it normally shows up as “What if” questions linked to the presentation or the video. A: Ultimately, it’s just trying to reduce the fear of these “What if” questions by creating some “What could happen if we took this opportunity”.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Instead of posting other people's content, be the face of your business.” -Tom Bailey Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone! A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to, as always, from Little Castaways Beach on the sand here next to the blue ocean on the Pacific, joined today by another Tom from around the other side of the world. Tom, good day. Sir, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Tom Bailey 00:27
Thank you so much. It’s the Tom Show today. I’m here in Wolverhampton in the UK.
Tom Poland 00:32
Perfect! And England’s doing very well on the European Football Championship, I see. More power to them.
Tom Bailey 00:38
Hopefully good news in the final on Sunday. Hopefully!
Tom Poland 00:41
We’ll cross lots of fingers for you. As long as you let us win the rugby without minding who wins the soccer, alright? It’s a deal! So, for those of you who are not aware of Tom, Tom and I have known each other for quite some time now. He’s the Founder of Succeed Through Speaking and ironically spent the first 25 years of his life avoiding public speaking in any way shape or form. But he’s really well qualified to help entrepreneurs, experts, coaches, consultants use speaking to raise their profile and generate new clients. Tom, it’s a pleasure to have you on the show. I can’t wait for this. I’m looking forward to it with real interest! The title today is, “How to Get Your Message to Market with Confidence and Clarity”. Our seven minutes start now, sir. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Tom Bailey 01:31
Thanks for having me, Tom. So, you pretty much nailed my ideal clients. They’re experts, entrepreneurs, consultants, and coaches who are typically either solopreneurs or maybe they’ve got one or two VA’s in their team.
Tom Poland 01:42
Perfect! Thank you. And so, question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Tom Bailey 01:48
So, the typical problem is that they’re the world’s best-kept secret. And what I mean by that is that they’re normally amazing at what they do. They can provide such great value, but nobody knows that they exist. And it’s either because they’re too scared to go on camera. They’ve been putting off starting a podcast for the past eight years. Or they’re just avoiding going on webinars, delivering presentations, as well. And it’s typically like me due to a fear of public speaking, or just some limiting beliefs that are holding them back.
Tom Poland 02:17
Perfect. Thank you, sir. So, with question number three, and we got six minutes left, so we’re doing well. Question number three is, what are some of the symptoms that they’re experiencing? And now, you’ve mentioned a couple, there’s perhaps a fear of public speaking that’s holding them back. How else is someone- going to sort of look at their business, have a look at their life, and go, “I need to listen up a bit more closely to this.” What’s happening for them?
Tom Bailey 02:38
Yeah, well, I think the best way to position this is because I was my first client, as you mentioned, and I did spend the first- how many? 28 years, I think it was, avoiding public speaking, and it really did hold me back in terms of relationships, in terms of career. It held me off from starting my own business for about seven years. And then when I did eventually launch it, I didn’t want to tell anybody about it because I was, again, scared of their opinions or judgment. And I think, to answer your question, the biggest symptom is inaction or lack of action. Really due to the fear of other people’s opinions on us.
Tom Poland 03:15
Right. So, they’re aware of the potential to generate clients through speaking, but are concerned that when they do the speaking, people are going to be criticizing and judging, and maybe-
Tom Bailey 03:27
It could be family.
Tom Poland 03:27
They will themselves, as well.
Tom Bailey 03:29
Yeah, exactly. It could be family. Could be friends. Could be past colleagues. You know, they’ve got a fear of what other people’s opinions often will be.
Tom Poland 03:36
Right! That’s interesting. Thank you for that. Just under five minutes left. We’re talking about people- I mean, the business coaches, consultants. They’re generally quite smart people and they’re ambitious. And they’re going to be aware that they’ve got this critical voice in the back of their head, imagining what other people are going to be thinking. So, they’re going to try stuff. So, question number four is, what are some of the common things that they try that turn out to be mistakes?
Tom Bailey 04:00
Yeah, so from my typical experiences is that they are all too often instead of being the face of their business, they’ll hide behind their business. And what I mean by that is they’re typically posting faceless, inauthentic content on social media. So, you know, we see people posting quotes from other people every single day. Links to articles from other experts every single day. And ultimately, we spend hours on social media creating this content, but none of it is actually authentic from the heart. And so, I think the challenge here is that, how do we get our clients in front of their ideal clients with authority, with positioning, with credibility. And three is in the form of sharing and value, videos, podcast episodes, free webinars, you know, standing on stages, speaking, presenting. And really, instead of posting other people’s content is to be the face of your business.
Tom Poland 04:58
Scary but potentially incredibly liberating.
Tom Bailey 05:01
Absolutely, yeah.
Tom Poland 05:02
So, thank you for that. Just over three minutes left. Question five is can you give us, audience listeners, one valuable free action that it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Tom Bailey 05:17
I think what they need to do is really take note of what you and I are doing right now. So, Tom, as the host of your own podcast, you know, you’re showing up online as the expert or authority in your niche. And because ultimately, you’re the figurehead of your brand. And for me, I’m showing up today as an expert. I’ve been brought here today or sourced to bring some expertise to your followers. And then equally, I have my own podcast show as well, whereby I can show up with the authority on my show. So, what are we doing right now? We’re using public speaking, presenting. We’re using positioning to put ourselves in front of our market as an expert or authority. And if my clients had any fear around this, then the starting point would be to do audio-only. And just interview experts to be voiced out.
Tom Poland 06:04
And it could be a very- you could be a structured way that feels a lot safer for people to dip their toe into the speaking water, so to speak. Pardon the pun. So, let’s help people even some more. So, question six, 2 minutes left, one valuable free resource you could direct people to that’s going to- it’s going to give them some more free stuff to help them get stuck into this.
Tom Bailey 06:25
Perfect! Thank you so much for asking. So, I run a monthly live demonstration or masterclass. It is on the first Thursday of the month at 4 pm UK time. And we dive into how you can become a fearless speaker, how you can get your message to market with confidence and clarity, and how that will help you raise your profile and attract new clients.
Tom Poland 06:48
Brilliant. What’s the URL? A registration page?
Tom Bailey 06:52
Yes, the best place to find it is quite simply on the home page of my website, which is www.succeedthroughspeaking.com. But Tom, I’ll also share a link with you if you can just drop that into the show.
Tom Poland 07:04
We will pop it into the show notes, for sure! Succeedthroughspeaking.com. On the homepage there, there is a link to register before the upcoming webinar. Thank you, sir. And question number seven, we’ve got one minute left, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Tom Bailey 07:20
I think the main question that comes up is around the fear of public speaking. You know, where does it come from? And what can I do about it? And the biggest thing for me with fear is that it normally shows up as “What if” questions linked to the presentation or the video. So, it could be, “What if I make a mistake?”, “What if I forget my lines?”, “What if the technology fails on me like it did for me today?”, “What if I embarrass myself?” And you know ultimately a lot of these questions will stop us in our tracks. So, what I like to do is turn on their heads and say well, you know, “What if you did forget your lines, what could you do about it? What could you do to prepare more to ensure that you don’t forget your lines? And if you did forget them, what could you do to rectify the situation?” So ultimately, it’s just trying to reduce the fear of these “What if” questions by creating some “What could happen if we took this opportunity”.
Tom Poland 08:13
Perfect! Mitigate the risk, mitigate the fear. Tom Bailey, thanks so much for your time.
Tom Bailey 08:17
Thanks for having me.
Tom Poland 08:19
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