- Learn how to not let your today’s emergencies dictate your plan
- Know how to be a mediocre marketer of your service as soon as your revenue increases
- Learn how to get unstuck and scale your business to the next level
Barry Moltz is a small business expert, keynote speaker, and radio talk show host.With decades of entrepreneurial experience in his own business ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, Barry Moltz has discovered the formula to get stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward.
In this episode, Barry shares how he gets business owners growing again by unlocking their long forgotten potential. Barry applies simple, strategic steps to facilitate change.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:21 – Barry’s ideal client: someone that’s been in business for three to five years that their business is not going as well as they thought
- 02:05 – Problem he helps solve: sales and marketing, leadership and management, their own personal productivity, the customer experience, or in money and cash flow.
- 02:29 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Barry: Double helix trap–where sometimes they’re really busy and when they were busy, they don’t do any sales and marketing and then things get really slow.
- 03:42 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: They get excited about doing marketing for a week or a month but they don’t keep it going forward.
- 04:24 – Barry’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Think about what pain your business solves, who solves it, and how you can become a subject matter expert. And tell them about how you can help them but without actually selling your product.
- 05:04 – Barry’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): American Express Small Business Resource Center
- 06:35 – Q:”Is everyone cut out to be a small business owner?” A: And the answer there is not. It’s not a panacea. It’s not a get rich quick scheme, it’s not really for everybody. I think that if you enjoy it being different every single day and you can deal with the uncertainty and you’re willing to invest the next five or 10 years your life to chase a passion, you should go for it. If you can’t do that, you should really take the easier way out and find yourself a job. I know, if I can hold a job, I would.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Think about what pain your business solves, who solves it, and how you can become a subject matter expert. And tell them about how you can help them but without actually selling your product.” -@barrymoltz Share on X “If you enjoy it being different every single day and you can deal with the uncertainty and you're willing to invest the next five or 10 years your life to chase a passion, you should go for it.” -@barrymoltz Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland. Beam me out to as ever from on the sand next to the ways a little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Barry Moltz. Barry, a very good probably afternoon for you sir, welcome.
Barry Moltz: Thanks for having me.
Tom Poland: Thanks for being here. Where, were about to you hanging out, Barry?
Barry Moltz: Today I’m in Chicago.
Tom Poland: Chicago. Thank you. So, hands across the water. So, for those of people who don’t know Barry, he is the proud owner of the shortest bio in the world. Normally when I ask for a bio, I get a short encyclopedia and have to edit and slash and burn. Barry’s bio says, “I am a small business expert, keynote speaker, and radio talk show host”. So, without further ado, no one can accuse you of blowing your own trumpet, Barry.
Barry Moltz: We try to use the word “Trump” at that much in American any more. So that’s why we don’t blow our own trumpet any more.
Tom Poland: All right. All right. So, the title is, “How to Get Your Small Business Unstuck”, and Barry’s going to tell you, folks, how to do that in just seven minutes. So, Barry, our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Barry Moltz: My ideal client is someone that’s been in business for three to five years that their business is not going as well as they thought. They have enough money to keep the company going but it’s not that rousing success that’s really satisfying them or getting them rich. So, they’re stuck.
Tom Poland: Perfect. Thank you. So comfortable enough cash flow but just sensing there’s a whole new world of potential there to be tapped.
Barry Moltz: Or cash flow just gets you by every single month but there’s really nothing that’s really growing at you. Not really excited and you don’t really know where you can go forward.
Tom Poland: Sounds frustrating. Until they meet you. Question number two, six minutes 20 seconds left. What’s the problem you solve? You’ve described it in part but is there any more?
Barry Moltz: Yeah. People usually stocked in one of five areas. One is sales and marketing, leadership and management, their own personal productivity, the customer experience, or in money and cash flow. Those are the five top areas.
Tom Poland: Perfect. So, question number three, six minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that someone’s going to be experiencing before they find your services?
Barry Moltz: Well usually began what I call the double helix trap where sometimes they’re really busy and when they were busy, they don’t do any sales and marketing and then things get really slow. And they start doing some sales and marketing but as soon as things get busy as a result of doing that sales and marketing, they stop doing sales marketing to actually go do the work. So, they get a stuck flat. They don’t have an active pipeline. They don’t make a consistent pipeline. They don’t have automated marketing processes so they can be there when people are ready to buy.
Tom Poland: Right. So, they, so it sounds like through lack of systems and platforms et cetera that they become a victim of their own success. That they don’t have scalability. Is that…
Barry Moltz: Or that they don’t realize that you always at the marketing that you actually can’t sell it in anybody. You have to be there when people are ready to buy and you don’t know when people can be ready to buy.
Tom Poland: Right. Ok. Thank you. So, question number four, just under five minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that people are going to make when they’ve got that problem, where they don’t have the scalability and they keep creating business for them and dropped the ball on sales and marketing? They’re going to try stuff to fix that, right. So, what are the things that they try that, that are mistakes?
Barry Moltz: Yeah, they get excited about doing marketing for a week or a month but they don’t keep it going forward. Or they identify a prospect and prospect says no but they don’t keep going back that prospect every week or every month to show them that they’re an expert. So, the next time this person has a problem they contact them. Or they don’t know how to hire the right people, they think the business is all about them. So, they hire sometimes assistants who will work for them but they never build a sustainable organization. So those are really the top two ones that people really struggle with.
Tom Poland: Perfect. Thank you. Four minutes left. Question number five, what’s one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to help them, just a little bit, with this problem.
Barry Moltz: Well one thing that I would do is think about what pain your business solves, who solves it, and how you can become a subject matter expert. And tell them about how you can help them but without actually selling your product. People no longer want to be sold, they don’t want to buy your stuff. They want to have a relationship with you. They want to have an authentic relationship with you. They want to have an experience. So, get over selling products and services and features and try to help them.
Tom Poland: Perfect. Thank you. So, three minutes 20 seconds left. One valuable free resource, this is question number six, that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more.
Barry Moltz: One valuable free resource. Well, I think one of the best valuable free resource for small business owners if you go to the American Express Small Business site, they’ve been doing content marketing for 15 years. And any subject that you want help on, they have it there. And I’ve been writing for them for seven years.
Tom Poland: So what if I Google American Express…
Barry Moltz: Just move to American Express Small Business.
Tom Poland: Small business. Perfect. Wow, you’ve been writing for them for seven years. And what about your website as well as Barry. As we, we can’t use the Trump word. Oops, I just used it, but not to blow your own trumpet. Barry Moltz, m-o-l-t-z.
Barry Moltz: Right. Just barrymoltz.com b-a-r-r-y-m-o-l-t-z dot com. I’m the unstuck guy.
Tom Poland: You’re the unstuck guy, what will they find there?
Barry Moltz: They’ll find ways to get unstuck. I’ve been doing a blog for the last 15 years as well as there’s my radio show that’s been going on for 10 years. We have over 500 episodes, interviewing various business thought leaders. As well as you can find some other paid types of videos or courses depending on how you learn.
Tom Poland: Now, the radio show is freaking awesome. I know because I was on it once.
Barry Moltz: Been great, it’s been 10 years. So, I’ve never thought when I started my basement, I’d be a real radio show and these major brands they pay me real money to run their commercials.
Tom Poland: Yeah. I know it’s a brilliant show. Congratulations on that.
Barry Moltz: Thank you.
Tom Poland: Look we’ve got just under two minutes left, so question number seven.
Barry Moltz: Yeah. I’m going, I’ve accomplished more period of time.
Tom Poland: What is the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t?
Barry Moltz: I think one of the questions should be, “Is everyone cut out to be a small business owner?” And the answer there is not. It’s not a panacea. It’s not a get rich quick scheme, it’s not really for everybody. I think that if you enjoy it being different every single day and you can deal with the uncertainty and you’re willing to invest the next five or 10 years your life to chase a passion, you should go for it. If you can’t do that, you should really take the easier way out and find yourself a job. I know, if I can hold a job, I would.
Tom Poland: Yeah, thanks. Barry Moltz, thanks so much for your time.
Barry Moltz: Thank you.
Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.