- Learn why understanding your purpose first will guarantee you to lead with velocity
- Understand why having a vision is better than having an answer upfront
- Find out how having a velocity mindset can promise you better leadership skills, better business, and a better you
- Wanting to Discover How You Can Achieve Bigger and Better Results Faster? Learn more about the Velocity Mindset and How It will Do Wonders for You and Your Business: velocitymindset.com
Have you been being biased when it comes to taking new opportunities and risks for your business?
Are you feeling doubtful when it comes to locking in sales from your clients or customers?
Do you want to know how having the velocity mindset can help you can sell more, lead more, and be more?
Ron Karr has worked with leaders on six continents to eliminate risk, gain buy-in and achieve better results faster with the Velocity Mindset. He has generated over a billion dollars in incremental revenues for clients.
In this episode, Ron talks about the value of clearing your mind from what you know and focusing more on what you want to create for yourself and for the world. He also shares his insights on why having answers to your questions and problems upfront isn’t always the best answer for you and your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:45 – Ron’s ideal client: “For speaking, it’s any organization that’s looking to motivate and move their audiences forward for consulting and coaching. Its high-growth companies are in the $10 to $200 million range.”
- 02:00 – Problem Ron helps solve: “So we’re helping them build high-performing sales cultures. So, working with the CEOs, the C- Suite, as well as, all the other departments on how are they going to meet and exceed the needs of their customers in the marketplace?”
- 02:38 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Ron: “Well, the typical symptoms are when they’re trying to grow and they’re growing. They’re trying to influence others, whether it’s employees or customers, and they’re not buying the Kool-Aid if you will.”
- 03:16 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Ron’s solution: “Well, when they think about velocity and Tom, I’ll ask you this word. When you hear the word “velocity”, what’s the word that comes to your mind? You’re- forward. But that’s only half the definition.”
- 04:47 – Ron’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Well, it goes to what we just talked about, and the free piece of advice is called “a clean sheet of paper”. So, whenever you’re creating that vision, number one, start with a clean piece of paper. Forget about what you know the world to be.”
- 06:20 – Ron’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Ron’s Website: velocitymindset.com
- 07:20 – Q: What is the simplest tactic to remember when you’re trying to influence others? A: People do things for their own reasons, not yours.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Leaders do not have the answers upfront. They have the vision, but they're comfortable knowing that they will ask the questions to get the answers they need to succeed.” -Ron Karr Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out here from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Ron Karr. Ron, good day. Sir, a very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Ron Karr 00:24
I’m hanging out in Edgewater, New Jersey, right on the Hudson River, opposite Manhattan.
Tom Poland 00:28
New Jersey. I have a client in New Jersey and I love the way he says “coffee”. He says “coffee”. Looks like it’s got an ‘R’ in it, right?
Ron Karr 00:35
Yeah, exactly.
Tom Poland 00:36
Yeah, of course! Well, great. Great to have her on your show. It tastes better when it’s coffee, I think. So, for those of you who don’t know Ron, you’ve probably been living in a cage because he’s pretty well known in a cave, I should say. Ron has worked with leaders on six continents to eliminate, I didn’t even know there were six, Ron, but- that’s- you’ve covered a lot of ground.
Ron Karr 00:51
That’s just seven, but I didn’t add in the penguins yet.
Tom Poland 01:02
All right. Okay, well, that’s going to add something to your bucket list, right? You’ve commercial bucket list. So, six continents, which I think is pretty much all of them other than a tactic, to eliminate risk to gain buy-in. And to, thereby, achieve better results faster with, what he’s termed and registered as a trademark, it’s that important, like the Velocity Mindset. He’s generated over a billion dollars in incremental revenues for clients, which is- no, you can’t live on a billion dollars, but it’s a good start, right? So, the title of this little interview is, “How to Lead with Velocity”. And Ron’s going to share with us how to do that in just seven minutes. Ron, our seven minutes start now. Sir, question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Ron Karr 01:45
For speaking, it’s any organization that’s looking to motivate and move their audiences forward for consulting and coaching. Its high-growth companies are in the $10 to $200 million range.
Tom Poland 01:55
Perfect. So, tell us for those high-growth companies, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Ron Karr 02:00
So, we’re helping them build high-performing sales cultures. So, working with the CEOs, the C- Suite, as well as, all the other departments on how are they going to meet and exceed the needs of their customers in the marketplace? And how can they do it more effectively, so they can gain velocity in getting to their results?
Tom Poland 02:17
Perfect. Thank you, sir. Question three, six and a half minutes left. So, let’s talk about these C-Suite execs, they’re sitting there, a larger organization. They’re wanting to get some velocity in their sales results. How do they know they need you? In other words, what are some of the typical symptoms that they’re going to be experiencing? They’re going yeah, “I better find out more about Velocity Mindset.”
Ron Karr 02:38
Well, the typical symptoms are when they’re trying to grow and they’re growing. They’re trying to influence others, whether it’s employees or customers, and they’re not buying the Kool-Aid if you will.
Tom Poland 02:48
Ron Karr 02:48
So, they’re getting frustrated. It’s basically when they feel like the world is passing them by. And they thought they had a good plan, but whatever they were doing is not working, then they call us up and say, “Can you help us?”
Tom Poland 02:59
Perfect. Thank you, sir. So, these are pretty smart people in high-powered organizations. They’re going to be trying things. Sometimes they’re going to make some mistakes before they find your solution. So, question four, five and a half minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that these folks are making before they discover your solution?
Ron Karr 03:16
Well, when they think about velocity and Tom, I’ll ask you this word. When you hear the word “velocity”, what’s the word that comes to your mind?
Tom Poland 03:22
Ron Karr 03:23
Rocketship! Right. Speed, momentum, right?
Tom Poland 03:26
Ron Karr 03:26
You’re- forward. But that’s only half the definition. And when people just think about it, that’s when they get burned out. Because they’re moving fast, fast, fast. They’re doing anything, but they’re not making sure the tasks are supporting their purpose. And that’s when they fall short. True definition of velocity, physics definition, is speed with direction. You place the word “direction” with your purpose. What is the end game? What is the end result? What does it look like? And then to make sure that all your tasks are supporting that purpose.
Tom Poland 03:56
Perfect. Thank you, sir. So, it’s not just a matter of speed and doing things faster and doing more of them, you’ve got to be clear on your purpose, and you’ve got to make sure that the speed is well directed.
Ron Karr 04:05
Another thing that they make a mistake on is they feel that if they don’t have the answers upfront, then they’re doing something wrong. Leaders do not have the answers upfront. They have the vision, but they’re comfortable knowing that they will ask the questions to get the answers they need to succeed. If you have all the answers upfront when you create that vision, then usually what you just do is create the past because you’re going by what you know the world to be.
Tom Poland 04:30
Right. Wow, that’s profound! So, let’s go to question number five, four minutes left. What I’m after here is, Ron, is one valuable free action that someone listening to this- it’s not going to solve the whole problem, they need Velocity Mindset for that, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Ron Karr 04:47
Well, it goes to what we just talked about, and the free piece of advice is called “a clean sheet of paper”. So, whenever you’re creating that vision, number one, start with a clean piece of paper. Forget about what you know the world to be. Forget about what you think you can or cannot do. Put all those biases and experiences aside. Write down what you want to create for yourself and for the world, whether it’s a sales call. What is the goal at the end of this call? Many times, salespeople have the wrong goal. If it’s a five cycle sales call, and it’s the first call to a prospect, and someone says to me, “The goal is to close the deal”. That’s the wrong goal. Because you’re going to be closing when you shouldn’t be. You should- the goal for that call should be simple. Qualify, would have been a good prospect for you and them, and then identify a path forward. So, whether it’s for a year of time, for your life, what does success look like to you? Be bold. Write it down. Forget about whether you can do it or not. Forget about whether you have the answers or not. Just write it down. And then as you go through the journey, you will get what’s called “clarity of vision” and the answers will come to you.
Tom Poland 05:52
What did you call it, sorry?
Ron Karr 05:54
Clarity of vision.
Tom Poland 05:55
Right! And the answers will come to you. Yeah, I love that whole concept about-
Ron Karr 05:58
And it only comes from the journey.
Tom Poland 06:00
Right. You can’t get there ahead of time. If you’ve- like you said before, if you know all the answers, you’re just going to be replicating the past, which is kind of not what you want. I wouldn’t think. So, thank you for that. Question six, we’ve got two and a half minutes left. What I’m after here is one valuable free resource. Where could folks go that they can find out more about Velocity Mindset?
Ron Karr 06:20
Alright. So first of all, the book, the Velocity Mindset is for leaders, but let me define leaders. Leaders are everybody in this world. You lead your family. You lead yourself. Like Simone Biles, you lead others. We’re all leaders. And the whole premise of the book is what would the world look like if everybody acted like a leader and not a victim of circumstance. So what they can do is if they go to velocitymindset.com, again, that’s velocitymindset.com, there are several resources including a free leadership assessment. Now, if you’re not a manager, don’t let that throw you, you’re still a leader. Take the assessment. It’s five questions. You rate yourself. Besides getting the rating, you’ll also get tips and best practices on how you can move forward in all of those five areas.
Tom Poland 07:05
Credibly valuable. That’s just could be the thing that unblocks velocity. There’s also a free chapter to the book there, folks. So, it’s velocitymindset.com. Thanks, Ron. We’ve got 80 seconds left. Question number seven is what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Ron Karr 07:20
One question you should have asked me but didn’t is, what is the simplest tactic to remember when you’re trying to influence others?
Tom Poland 07:27
And what is-
Ron Karr 07:28
And the answer is- drumroll, please.
Tom Poland 07:30
Drum roll!
Ron Karr 07:30
People do things for their own reasons, not yours.
Tom Poland 07:34
-Yours. Right! So, you got to find out what those reasons are. Ron Karr, thank you so much for your insights and your time.
Ron Karr 07:39
Thank you so much.
Tom Poland 07:40
Tom Poland 07:41
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