- Discover how to build relationships that create opportunities through a process called OPP
- Find out how to package your expertise, so you are strategically positioned in the marketplace
- Learn how to master your marketing, leverage media, and monetize your business
- Would you like to discover a breakthrough in your business? Click on the link for your Marketing, Media & Money Biz Quiz https://www.m3bizquiz.com
Do you experience low conversion rates from your discovery calls and enrollment conversations?
Have you checked if your message is confusing and doesn’t speak to your target audience?
How do you create a lifestyle built around a business that supports that?
Patty Farmer is a Marketing & Media Strategist, Speaker, Podcast Host, Magazine Publisher & Event Producer. She helps entrepreneurs leverage the media and create marketing strategies that are profitable and not painful.
In this episode, Patty shares how you don’t always need to go out and find your target people; instead, you only have to find partners that serve the exact audience you do. And that she recommends building relationships that pave the way for opportunities that foster that process.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:07 – Patty’s ideal client: My ideal clients are established service-based entrepreneurs that are women, 40 plus, who are struggling to identify, attract, and convert their ideal buyers.
- 01:39 – The problem she helps solve for her clients: The problem I solve is helping them to package their expertise. And then position them in the marketplace strategically to master their marketing, leverage the media, and monetize their business.
- 01:50 – Symptoms of the problems her client faces: a lot of those things are the same things, which is a really low conversion rate, whether that’s from a discovery call and enrollment conversation. Social offers, those types of things, right? So, they have a confusing message.
- 02:55 – Common mistakes clients make before consulting Patty: The biggest one is that they confuse networking with marketing and sales. Marketing and sales are separate all in themselves. But people get confused when they’re trying to throw networking in the mix.
- 03:43 – Patty’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The number one way is what I like to call OPP. Everybody talks about opportunity; OPP is other people’s people. And the best way to do that is to promote other people to promote yourself. So, it’s finding opportunities where you both have the same audience. And you can put each other in front of that audience.
- 05:03 – Patty’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Would you like to discover a breakthrough in your business? Click on the link for your Marketing, Media & Money Biz Quiz https://www.m3bizquiz.com
- 06:10 – Q: What’s the number one takeaway I want your audience to get? A: I believe that the secret to success is designing the lifestyle you want to live and then building a business that supports that lifestyle, not the other way around.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You need to find partners where you all serve the same audience, and then get in front of each other's audience.” -Patty Farmer Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Patty Farmer. Patty, get a warm welcome Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Patty Farmer 0:22
Dallas, Texas.
Tom Poland 0:23
Dallas, Texas. That’s one of the most modern airports. I remember going around there, hopping onto the shuttle, and there was no driver. That was a little scary to start with. But it seemed to work out fine. For those of you who don’t know, Patty she’s a marketing and media strategist. And you can get a lot of leverage out of the media. She’s also a speaker, podcast host, magazine publisher, and event producer. She helps entrepreneurs leverage the media and create profitable marketing strategies and not painful. Good idea. So, that brings us nicely, Patty, to the subject of our interview, which is how to leverage the media. Our time starts now. Question number one is, who’s your ideal client?
Patty Farmer 1:07
My ideal clients are established service-based entrepreneurs that are women, 40 plus, who are struggling to identify, attract, and convert their ideal buyers.
Tom Poland 1:17
Oh, yeah. Well, that’s a lot of them, right? That’s a lot. Thank you for that. So, that probably leads to question number two, which might be self-evident now. But tell us a bit more about the problem you solve.
Patty Farmer 1:29
The problem I solve is helping them package their expertise and then position them strategically in the marketplace so that they can master their marketing, leverage the media, and monetize their business.
Tom Poland 1:41
Perfect. So, let’s go then to how someone knows; question three, what are the symptoms? What’s going on in their business or their life where they go, ‘Do I need to find out more about what Patty does?
Patty Farmer 1:50
A lot of the things are usually the same things, right? A lot of those things are the same, which is a really low conversion rate, whether from a discovery call and enrollment conversation. Social offers, those types of things, right? So, they have a confusing message. Those are some of the symptoms that people really have, right, and don’t understand the target buyer. And they’re still trying to talk to their target market.
Tom Poland 2:17
Right, or they sometimes just wonder why their marketing isn’t working; they’re feeling like the world’s best-kept secret.
Patty Farmer 2:22
That is absolutely true; I think they’re the world’s best secret. And really, it’s because they’re trying to talk to too many people at once instead of really learning how to get into a niche and serving them. Thank you for that.
Tom Poland 2:34
Thank you for that. So, let’s get to question four. And we’ve got five and a half minutes left. We’re talking about; generally, people are pretty smart and ambitious; they want to grow their business, serve more people, and generate more revenue. So, they’re going to be trying stuff, is what I’m saying. So, question four, what are some of the common mistakes they make when trying to get more clients on board to generate more business?
Patty Farmer 2:55
I think the biggest one is that they confuse networking with marketing and sales. Marketing and sales are separate all in themselves. But people really get confused when they’re trying to throw networking in the mix, as well. They try to talk to everybody; there’s a customer journey, right? Everybody’s in a different stage of that customer journey. And what they’re doing is, they’re trying to talk to all of them at once, instead of realizing that one person may be just being made aware of what you do, and somebody else might be ready to evaluate or purchase, but they talk to them all exactly the same way. Okay,
Tom Poland 3:29
Okay, so let’s talk about something they could do to solve this problem. It is probably not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction. Question five, four minutes left, what’s a valuable free action that someone could take that will take that step in the right direction?
Patty Farmer 3:43
So, the first thing I think is that we really need to spend the biggest portion of our time building relationships, right? Right now, relationships are the currency in today’s business environment. And the number one way is what I like to call OPP. Everybody talks about opportunity; OPP for me is other people’s people. And the best way to do that is to promote other people to promote yourself. So, it’s finding opportunities where you both have the same audience. And you can put each other in front of that audience.
Tom Poland 4:13
Thank you for that. And so, let’s… How would someone identify OPP? How would they move forward to figure out who those people are that’s got the OPP?
Patty Farmer 4:22
I think the first way is to really be thinking about what are the things that you do? Who do you serve? That’s really what it’s about, really more than what you do is, who do you serve? And then ask yourself, who else serves them in a completely different way? It’s okay if you overlap a little bit. I find that very helpful sometimes, but who serves those same people, so you’re not having to go out and find the same people all the time. You just need to find partners where you all serve the same audience and then get in front of each other’s audience.
Tom Poland 4:51
Perfect. Thank you for that. So, question number six, let’s direct people to a resource that you might be able to offer them that they’re going to find out more about how you work with your clients and some more top tips?
Patty Farmer 5:03
Absolutely. So, talking about relationships, right? I really also believe that one of the things that we need to do is work in our brilliance and hire other people to work in theirs. But one of the things that people like to think about is they like to think about their strengths. And these are my strengths, and then I like to focus on that, which is great, right? That’s really, really great; low-hanging fruit and all that. But the opportunity is really in where you’re not strong because that’s when you have the opportunity to collaborate with other people. So, the resource that I have, the www.m3bizquiz.com, is an assessment that, in three minutes or less, you can find out where you’re strong, where you’re not so strong, where you need to tweak and where you need to get massive growth. And then you know which things to do yourself and where you need to bring those partners in.
Tom Poland 5:51
Great. Thanks, Patty. So that’s www.infomarketing3bizquiz.com. Go get it, Marketing, Media, and Money Business Quiz. Thank you for that. Question number seven, and we’ve got 90 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t.
Patty Farmer 6:10
What’s the number one takeaway that I want your audience to get?
Tom Poland 6:14
Oh, love that –focus. Yes.
Patty Farmer 6:17
Right? And what the answer to that is, I believe that the secret to success is designing the lifestyle you want to live and then building the business that supports that lifestyle, not the other way around.
Tom Poland 6:27
Lifestyle. Patty Farmers. Thank you so much for your time.
Patty Farmer 6:32
Thank you.
Tom Poland 07:56
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