- Learn how to harness the power of content by having a clear why with your business goals
- Know how to unleash the power of content that can help you build and scale your business
- Learn what content marketing and why is it important
- Grab Your Free Editorial Calendar Template: https://lacyboggs.com/theinvisible/
Lacy Boggs is a content strategist, author of the bestselling Kindle ebook, “Make a Killing With Content,” and the director of The Content Direction Agency.
In this episode, Lacy shares how she helps personality-driven brands create and implement content marketing strategies tailor-made to support their customers and reach their goals.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:43 – Lacy’s ideal client: Our ideal clients are online business owners who drive leads through their content or through their websites and who have a personality-driven brand.
- 01:58 – Problem she helps solve: We create unique content strategies and then help do the implementation for that so that they don’t have to.
- 02:34 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Lacy: A lot of times what I hear is that they simply don’t have the time to create all the content they need to market their business on all the different channels we have to be on these days.
- 04:14 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: A lot of times even very successful business owners haven’t really connected the dots between their content and their business goals. So, they may be creating tons and tons of content but they haven’t actually figured out like is this piece of content moving my business toward the goal.
- 05:31 – Lacy’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): I always tell people to start with why. There are two big whys when it comes to content. There’s the why for your reader or your audience and there’s the why for your business. And if you can define those two big why’s for your content strategy that’ll go a long way to making sure that each piece is aligned with the why.
- 06:37 – Lacy’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): lacyboggs.com/theinvisible
- 07:28 – Q:’How to actually leverage each piece of content.?” A: Don’t reinvent the wheel when you’re trying to do your content. Lead them back to your cornerstone piece of content. And that cornerstone piece of content should usually be supporting your business goals like have an opt-in, grab leads, get people to sign up for your thing, or apply to talk to work with you.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“There are two big whys when it comes to content. There's the why for your reader or your audience and there's the why for your business. And if you can define those two big why's for your content strategy that'll go a long way to making… Share on X “Don't reinvent the wheel when you're trying to do your content. Lead them back to your cornerstone piece of content. And that cornerstone piece of content should usually be supporting your business goals like have an opt-in, grab leads,… Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: [00:00:09] Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland. Beaming out to you from on the sand next to the waves, a Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Lacy Boggs. Lacy, good day. Welcome, and where are you hanging out?
Lacy Boggs: [00:00:25] Oh, I’m here in just north of Denver, Colorado.
Tom Poland:[00:00:29] Beautiful. How’s the weather this time of year? Hot?
Lacy Boggs: [00:00:31] It’s hot here.
Tom Poland:[00:00:32] Yeah, yeah. It’s beautiful here. We have 70, 80 degrees most days and its winter. And as you always know it’s a tough winter in Queensland when you’ve got to wear two T-shirts instead of one.
Tom Poland: [00:00:45] Oh, just rub it in. Go ahead.
Tom Poland: [00:00:47] All right. So, for those of you don’t know Lacy, Lacy Boggs is simply extraordinary. And if you go to her website, you’re going to find out just how extraordinary she is. And the painstaking energy that she’s put into creating a brand which is nothing less than extraordinary and highly differentiated. Which is very apt because she’s a content strategist, author of the bestselling Kindle e-book “Make a Killing with Content”, and the director of Content Direction agency. She helps personality-driven brands, and you silly frankly if you’re not using a personality lead your brand, to implement content marketing strategies tailor-made to support the customers and reach their goals. So, the subject today of our seven-minute interview is “How to Leverage Your Content to Generate Leads”. Music to my ears. We’re going to do that in just seven minutes. Lacy, your seven minutes starts now. Questionable one is, who is your ideal client?
Lacy Boggs: [00:01:43] Our ideal clients are online business owners who drive leads through their content or through their websites and who have a personality-driven brand. So, a strong brand voice.
Tom Poland: [00:01:52] Perfect. Thank you. Sixth and quarter minutes left, question number two. What’s the problem you solve for them?
Lacy Boggs: [00:01:58] So we create unique content strategies and then help do the implementation for that so that they don’t have to. So, a lot of times our clients are busy. They might be scaling up; they’re trying to leverage everything they’re doing to do more. And so we take some of that off their plate so they don’t have to worry about creating unique strategies or even writing their own blog posts anymore.
Tom Poland: [00:02:18] Wow. Okay. Thank you. Six minutes, quarter minutes left, question number three. So, we’ve got someone who’s growing but wanting to scale. What are some of the symptoms that are going to be experiencing of their problem that would kind of help them know that they need someone like you?
Lacy Boggs: [00:02:34] Absolutely. A lot of times what I hear is that they simply don’t have the time to create all the content they need to market their business on all the different channels we have to be on these days. Sometimes I also hear people say that you know I’ve been blogging about this thing for whatever five, six, eight, ten years. I’ve run out of ideas; I’ve said it all. It’s all been said and done. Sometimes they’re just, they need to be focusing on their zone of genius as the CEO or as the deliverer of their product or service. And so, they need to get it off their plate so they can spend their time more wisely.
Tom Poland: [00:03:08] I’m interested so sub-question 3a, five and a half minutes left. Do you often have clients who struggle with articulating their message and their content, or most of your clients are pretty good at that but just short time, or a bit of both?
Lacy Boggs: [00:03:23] A bit of both. Sometimes we work with people who are pivoting or leveling up their business. So, their message is changing slightly and they’re trying to refine it or they sometimes attracted kind of the wrong crowd for what they’re trying to sell. And so sometimes we help them try to refine that message that we’re attracting the right people.
Tom Poland: [00:03:40] Right. It’s interesting isn’t that how a slight twist or a pivot on the message attracts, can attract a completely different audience and sometimes that voice is…
Lacy Boggs: [00:03:47] Even the type of content you’re creating.
Tom Poland: [00:03:49] Yes. It’s like you know if I put steak out in front of my beehive, no one’s very interested. But if I put it in front of my dog, woo-hoo! Okay. So, question number four. So, people are needing more content and, they need more leads and they’re writing more content. But what are some of the mistakes they’re probably going to make along the way trying to solve this problem before they find out about you?
Lacy Boggs: [00:04:14] Yeah, absolutely. I find that a lot of times even very successful business owners haven’t really connected the dots between their content and their business goals. So, they may be creating tons and tons of content but they haven’t actually figured out like is this piece of content moving my business toward the goal. So, I always suggest that the mistake people are making is not looking at that big picture and aligning each piece of content whether it be a blog post, a podcast, a video, even down to a tweet with their business goals. Why are we producing this piece of content right now?
Tom Poland: [00:04:48] So they’re not working back from the goal and making sure there’s alignment.
Lacy Boggs: [00:04:51] Exactly and sometimes they’re just writing when they’re inspired or writing whatever they feel like writing at the time. Which is great when you’re feeling inspired. But what do you do when you’re not feeling inspired, right? And the other thing is that you know writing this blog post whenever you feel like it is kind of like throwing spaghetti at the wall and spaghetti isn’t a strategy. So, if we get a little more strategic, we can create posts and content that really drive leads and move the business.
Tom Poland: [00:05:15] I can see that’s a title of a book, “Spaghetti is Not a Strategy”. Okay. Thank you. Just over three minutes left, question number five. What’s one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to not solve the whole problem but moves them a step forward?
Lacy Boggs: [00:05:31] I always tell people to start with why. So, figure out which, I’d say there are two big whys when it comes to content. There’s the way for your reader or your audience and there’s the why for your business. And if you can define those two big why’s for your content strategy that’ll go a long way to making sure that each piece is aligned with the why right? Because we can’t cross the finish line if we don’t know where it is. So, get very granular about why you’re creating content. Why does your audience care and why are you doing it for your business?
Tom Poland: [00:06:00] So not to put you on a stop but question 5A therefore is, can you give an example of your why?
Lacy Boggs: [00:06:07] Sure. So, my why for my business is often to attract those higher-level business owners who are interested in doing business with us. So, for example back when I was writing “How To” post all the time, I wasn’t attracting those higher-level business owners because they don’t care how to do it. They want to hire somebody else to do it. So, I needed to change my strategy to make sure my why was aligned with the content.
Tom Poland: [00:06:29] What a perfect example. Thank you. Ten minutes left, question number six. What’s one valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them a little further with the problem?
Lacy Boggs: [00:06:37] Sure. So, I am giving away today my free editorial calendar template. It’s the same exact template I used with all of my six and seven-figure business clients. You can go to lacyboggs.com/theinvisible, all one word. And grab that and it has a link to a video that shows you how to use it. But when you get that big picture and you can see everything at once with this editorial calendar, you’ll be able to plan out your content a little more strategically.
Tom Poland:[00:07:04] And the landing page is just like all of your website pages, it’s just beautifully done.
Lacy Boggs: [00:07:08] Thank you.
Tom Poland:[00:07:08] It’s just stunning in its appeal and so differentiated, that’s the thing. Thank you for that. So that’s lacy, L-A-C-Y B-O-G-G-S, lacyboggs.com/theinvisible. We’ve got a whopping 65 seconds left. So, question number seven is what is the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Lacy Boggs: [00:07:29] So we didn’t talk about how to actually leverage each piece of content. So that you’re getting the most bang for your content buck. So, I would always tell people don’t reinvent the wheel when you’re trying to do your content. I like, to keep that wheel metaphor, I like the “Hub and Spoke” model. So, we create one big piece of content whether that’s a blog post, podcasts, a video, and then create lots of little pieces of content around it that all lead back. All roads lead to Rome right. So, we’re leading them back to our cornerstone piece of content. And that cornerstone piece of content should usually be supporting your business goals like have an opt-in, grab leads, get people to sign up for your thing, or apply to talk to work with you.
Tom Poland: [00:08:11] Brilliant. Lacy Boggs, thank you so much for your time.
Lacy Boggs: [00:08:13] My absolute pleasure.
Tom Poland: [00:08:15] Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.