How to Leverage YouTube Ads and Generate Leads & Sales – In Just 7 Minutes with Aleric Heck

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  • Discover how to leverage Youtube – the 2 billion member platform to drive more leads and grow your business
  • Learn how to effectively reach people when they’re on the YouTube homepage or searching for specific topics or solution
  • Find-out the advantage of Youtube ads compared to other paid ads options



Businesses are looking for new ways to win the hearts and minds of their audiences and drive business results.

Aleric Heck is a YouTube Ads Expert, who started out 10 years ago by building the largest app review channel on the platform, AppFind, with over 400k subscribers.

He has helped his clients generate over 8 Figures in Sales using YouTube Ads and is a member of the ClickFunnels 2-Comma Club.

In this episode, Aleric shares how he helps entrepreneurs and marketers harness the power of YouTube Ads to grow and scale their businesses through AdOutreach.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:35 – Aleric’s ideal client: “So, our ideal client is really anyone who’s looking for more leads and sales online, but specifically, we’ve worked with a lot of people who are either selling a course, you know, high ticket coaching, consulting, kind of more in the info, you know, coaching course kind of space.”
  • 01:59 – Problem Aleric helps solve: ” So, the biggest problem and a lot of you listening are probably seeing this right now, is lead costs are going through the roof on Facebook, Google Search, traditional platforms. We help cut those costs down by using YouTube ads, and not only decrease the cost but also increase quality because you add that video element. So that’s what we help people out with, with YouTube ads.”
  • 02:29 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Aleric: “So, one of the biggest things are people are just seeing their costs go up and up, right? Results start slipping, and it just really feels like you’re stuck, or you’re going backward with your advertising. That’s the biggest symptom.”
  • 03:06 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Aleric and his solution?: “Obviously, the biggest problem is not doing it in the beginning. But those that do they often try to use placement advertisements or really just scratched the surface where you’re picking specific videos to run your ads in front of. There’s, you know, courses out there that really quite frankly, aren’t that great, that are only talking about this one way. And that’s the biggest problem is people just try and target videos instead of going into the broader array of targeting we’re going to talk about in a second.”
  • 03:52 – Aleric’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): So, the first is creating a video ad that’s actually going to convert on YouTube. Most people when they do, and this is another mistake, is they’ll do like a one-minute ad. We found a three to five-minute ad, really educates your viewer, provides value, actually performs the best on YouTube. So, it has a hook, it educates and has a call to action, exactly. And then on the targeting side, not only targeting in front of keywords or videos or channels, or topics, but also layering in audiences. There’s a way in YouTube to layer in audiences like you can on Facebook. So now you have audiences plus the video that they’re watching, that’s the combination that produces the best results.
  • 05:24 – Aleric’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Claim Your YouTube Ads Gift From Aleric Heck & the AdOutreach Team: Choose Your Gift Here:
  • 05:54 – Q: How is Facebook ads compare with YouTube ads? A: With Facebook ads, what we found is people are just kind of scrolling through, right? They’re just scrolling through the newsfeed and you have to really try and get, capture their attention, pattern interrupt, you’re probably familiar with some of those principles. On YouTube, people are actively searching right now for what you have to offer. They’re actually looking up, right, let’s say you sell an exercise course. So, this can be applied to a lot of different things, but people are looking out for the best workouts, right? They’re looking at how to grow their business if you’re a consultancy, right? They’re looking these up on YouTube. You can get in front of them when they have intent, you layer it with those audiences. So now you have audiences plus the video that they’re watching. And you have an ad that not just says, “Hey, go here,” it actually provides value. It hooks them, it educates, introduces them to you, so they’re actually watching a video of you. And then they have a call to action to get them to take action. So, you can see how that stack works a lot better on YouTube versus Facebook.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Have a call to action to get them to take action.”-@AlericHeck Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: 0:09

Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Aleric Heck. Aleric, good day, a very warm welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?

Aleric Heck: 0:19
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on, Tom. I’m here in Boston, Massachusetts, and I’m excited to dive in everything.

Tom Poland: 0:25
All right. Well, it’s great to have you on the show. I’m going to check this stuff out before we met, and it’s incredibly impressive. And folks, I said to Aleric, before we start, I said, I’m going to cut your bio down, it’s way too long. And I read through it, and I thought, I can’t take anything out of that. This is so, so let me read you the bio.

Tom Poland: 0:40
So, Aleric started out on YouTube 10 years ago by building the largest app review channel on the platform. And if you don’t think that’s impressive, AppFind had over 400,000 subscribers. So, I think he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to YouTube. Now, he helps entrepreneurs and marketers harness the power of YouTube Ads to grow and scale their business through AdOutreach. He’s helped his clients generate over eight figures in sales. Wow. So that’s like 10 million bucks or more, folks, using YouTube Advertisements and is a member of the ClickFunnels 2-Comma Club, which means you’ve done exceptionally well.

Tom Poland: 1:20

So, the subject is nicely aligned with your bio, which is, “How to Leverage YouTube Ads and Generate Leads and Sales.” And you’re going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. So, let’s kick off, sir, your time starts now. Question number one is, who’s your ideal client?

Aleric Heck: 1:35

So, our ideal client is really anyone who’s looking for more leads and sales online, but specifically, we’ve worked with a lot of people who are either selling a course, you know, high ticket coaching, consulting, kind of more in the info, you know, coaching course kind of space.

Tom Poland: 1:51
Right. Perfect. A lot of our listeners are in that space. So, question number two, six and a half minutes left, what is the problem you solve?

Aleric Heck: 1:59

So, the biggest problem, and a lot of you listening are probably seeing this right now, is lead costs are going through the roof on Facebook, Google Search, traditional platforms. We help cut those costs down by using YouTube ads, and not only decrease cost, but also increase quality because you add that video element. So that’s what we help people out with, with YouTube ads.

Tom Poland: 2:18
Perfect. And six minutes left, question number three, what is the typical symptoms that people are going to be experiencing prior to finding AdOutreach?

Aleric Heck: 2:29
Yeah. So, one of the biggest things are people are just seeing their costs go up and up, right? Results start slipping, and it just really feels like you’re stuck, or you’re going backwards with your advertising. That’s the biggest symptom.

Tom Poland: 2:42
Thank you. And five and a half minutes left. So, question number four, and this is a big one, what are some of the common mistakes that people make trying to solve their lead gen problem prior to finding your solution? So, these are things that they think are going to work but they don’t end up working, and they’re just wasting time, they’re wasting money, getting frustrated and disappointed. What are some of those things so we can make sure that our listeners don’t suffer from that?

Aleric Heck: 3:06
Yeah. So, the biggest thing is, you know, and this is assuming people do take that leap and start to look into YouTube ads.

Obviously, the biggest problem is not doing it in the beginning. But those that do they often try to use placement advertisements or really just scratched the surface where you’re picking specific videos to run your ads in front of. There’s, you know, courses out there that really quite frankly, aren’t that great, that are only talking about this one way. And that’s the biggest problem is people just try and target videos instead of going into the broader array of targeting we’re going to talk about in a second.

Tom Poland: 3:38
Interesting. Thank you. So, question number five then, what’s one valuable free action that someone could take that’s going to take them a step closer to generating leads from YouTube ads? Four and a half minutes left, so plenty of time.

Aleric Heck: 3:52
Absolutely. So, there’s two main ones and I’ll hit these quickly. So, the first is creating a video ad that’s actually going to convert on YouTube. Most people when they do, and this is another mistake, is they’ll do like a one-minute ad.

Aleric Heck:4:04
We found a three to five-minute ad, really educates your viewer, provides value, actually performs the best on YouTube. So, it has a hook, it educates and has a call to action, exactly. And then on the targeting side, not only targeting in front of keywords or videos or channels, or topics, but also layering in audiences. There’s a way in YouTube to layer in audiences like you can on Facebook. So now you have audiences plus the video that they’re watching, that’s the combination that produces the best results.

Tom Poland: 4:35
Perfect. Thank you. Two great tips. So, question number six, just under four minutes left, what’s one valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more, understanding how to generate new clients from YouTube ads?

Aleric Heck: 4:50
Absolutely. So, I actually put together a page at, that’s A-D-O-U-T-R-E-A-C-H dot com slash gift, and I let you pick your own free resource. So, I actually have a few of them there. We have an entire hour-long webinar that covers exactly how this works. Obviously, you know, I don’t like fluff, so I really just dive into everything on the webinar. Step by step, sort of like the action tips I gave you guys a second ago. We actually break down the high converting YouTube ad, the types of targeting we talked about on our principles.

Aleric Heck:5:22
I’ve got a video let’s say, you’re on high ticket, we’ve got an actual video training on how to run YouTube ads for high ticket offers. We’ve got some case studies and even our free Facebook group on YouTube ads, you can ask questions, kind of join the community. Just go to, and you can pick your own resources or choose them all.

Tom Poland: 5:42
Fantastic. Brilliant. So that’s Two and a half minutes left, you’re really doing well, succinct, articulate, and chock full of values. Question number seven, the final question is, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?

Aleric Heck: 5:57
Absolutely. So, the big question that I would say that you should have asked me is, really how Facebook ads compare with YouTube ads? Because I think that this is one big thing that people listening right now really going to get.

Aleric Heck: 6:09
With Facebook ads, what we found is people are just kind of scrolling through, right? They’re just scrolling through the newsfeed and you have to really try and get, capture their attention, pattern interrupt, you’re probably familiar with some of those principles. On YouTube, people are actively searching right now for what you have to offer. They’re actually looking up, right, let’s say you sell an exercise course. So, this can be applied to a lot of different things, but people are looking out for the best workouts, right? They’re looking at how to grow their business, if you’re a consultancy, right? They’re looking these up on YouTube.

Aleric Heck:6:37
You can get in front of them when they have intent, you layer it with those audiences. So now you have audiences plus the video that they’re watching. And you have an ad that not just says, “Hey, go here,” it actually provides value. It hooks them, it educates, introduce them to you, so they’re actually watching a video of you. And then they have a call to action to get them to take action. So, you can see how that stack works a lot better on YouTube versus Facebook.

Tom Poland: 7:02
I would think so. Well, that’s it. Thank you so much, sir, for your time. Lots of value, very articulate, very succinct. Folks, go to Aleric, thanks so much.

Aleric Heck: 7:12
Thanks so much.

Tom Poland: 7:13

Aleric Heck: 7:14
Thanks, Tom.

Tom Poland: 7:15|
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