How to Make an Extra 6 or 7 Figures Using Conversational Commerce – In Just 7 Minutes with Paul Ace

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  • Find out how to break through that glass ceiling through the power of conversational commerce
  • Learn more on why managing and tracking can help you get better results and help your business grow
  • Understand how lifetime customer value is crucial to getting you that extra 6 or 7 figures


  • Wanting to Find Out How to Break Through that Glass Ceiling and Make an Extra 6 or 7 Figures? Learn more on how you can improve your lifetime customer value and give only the best to your clients:


Have you been wanting to scale up your business but end up struggling with how to break that glass ceiling?

Do you want to know how to track your most profitable path and make an extra 6 or 7 figures in your business?

Are you ready to learn more about conversational commerce and how to level up your lifetime customer value?

Paul Ace is the CEO of Amplify C-Com. They help 7-figure high ticket course creators break through their glass ceiling to generate an extra six or seven figures+ in new revenue using conversational commerce.

In this episode, Paul talks about the importance of measuring and tracking every stage of your business and how it can help you better understand your customers and give them the best of what they want. He also shares his tips and insights on why you need to better understand lifetime customer value and its purpose.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:15 – Paul’s ideal client: “So our ideal client is 7-figure+ course creators who have a high ticket offer, who, right now, really want to scale up, but they don’t want to go and train a massive team internally.”
  • 01:48 – Problem Paul helps solve: “The big problem we solve a lot of the time is helping clients break through that glass ceiling, right? So the glass ceiling usually is like, “Hey, I got to a point. And then either my ads are starting to slow down in terms of the rowers, or in terms of actual scaling.”
  • 03:02 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Paul: “So you know, we are very- we’re quite niche-specific, right? And so we build on our “Small Giants” philosophy. So it means we have a small number of clients, but we go really, really deep with those clients.”
  • 05:14 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Paul’s solution: “So the first one is what you don’t measure doesn’t get managed. And so knowing every single stage of the journey– what’s going on, and what is the most profitable path? Secondly, when people split tests.”
  • 05:57 – Paul’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “So one valuable free action is to go and map out your whole customer journey. I’m going to check another one quick and go and put a customer survey out and find out what your customers want and give it to them.”
  • 06:15 – Paul’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Paul’s Website:
  • 06:50 – Q: How do you get more people to buy? A: So using conversational commerce. So taking the customer’s language patterns, and using them back in the market.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Lifetime customer value dictates everything in the business!” -Paul Ace Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Paul Ace. Paul, good day, sir. Where are you hanging out?

Paul Ace 00:22
Good day, Tom. I am across the pond as far as you can go in the sunny UK, yet to be like what seems to be the sunny UK.

Tom Poland 00:31
Right. So you’re actually pretty early in the morning by the sound of it. So-

Paul Ace 00:34
I love it!

Tom Poland 00:35
But you’re probably an early bird, anyway. So for those of you who don’t know Paul, he is the CEO of Amplify C-Com. He helps seven-figure high ticket course creators break through the glass ceiling to generate an extra six or seven figures+ in new revenue using conversational commerce. Very interesting concept! And that introduces us quite nicely to the title today, Paul, which is, “How to Make an Extra Six or Seven Figures Using Conversational Commerce ”. Paul’s gonna share how to do that in the next seven minutes. Paul, our time starts now. Sir, question number one, who is your ideal client?

Paul Ace 01:15
So our ideal client is 7-figure+ course creators who have a high ticket offer, who, right now, really want to scale up, but they don’t want to go and train a massive team internally. Or they’ve gotten to a point of bandwidth where they’re just like, “We’ve got nothing left.” And they want to go and take it to the next level. So we come in and help them, support them with that whole process to make an extra six or seven figures.

Tom Poland 01:38
So they’re doing pretty well already. but they want to get to the next level, but they run out of bandwidth. So is that- question number two is what’s the problem you solve? Do you want to add anything more to that?

Paul Ace 01:48
Yes, the big problem we solve a lot of the time is helping clients break through that glass ceiling, right? So the glass ceiling usually is like, “Hey, I get to a point. And then either my ads are starting to slow down in terms of the rowers, or in terms of actual scaling.” If they can’t scale anymore because they’ve just run out of their own ideas to an extent because they don’t have their report in place to accurately scale on a 30-, 60-, 90-day process. So one of the big things that we help them solve is lifetime customer value. And actually understanding what a lifetime customer value is, and how to track that and understand the most profitable path in their business, so they can go in and scale confidently and know the numbers inside out.

Tom Poland 02:30
There’s a heck of a lot of what you just said there. So folks, if you want to unpack that, you might want to sort of rewind and have a listen. Because knowing the most profitable part of your business– which part of your marketing is working? Which part of the client work is actually more profitable? And unpack all that. Question number three is some of the typical symptoms that people experienced with this problem. We’ve got five minutes left. It sounds like a part of it is there are people not too sure, actually, where the results are coming from. Anything you want to add to that? Or any other symptoms people are going to be noticing if the people- are they going to be needing what you’ve got?

Paul Ace 03:02
Yes. So you know, we are very- we’re quite niche-specific, right? And so we build on our “Small Giants” philosophy. So it means we have a small number of clients, but we go really, really deep with those clients. And one of the first things I asked someone on a client interview to see if we’re going to be a good fit together is, “So, what is your LTV right now?” And then most of them can’t even- bear in mind these are seven-figure, maybe mid-seven figure level for doing $4, 5, 6 million a year. And they don’t know what the customer lifetime value is.

Tom Poland 03:31
They probably don’t even know what LTV stands for?

Paul Ace 03:33
Well, that’s the thing, lifetime customer value, right, dictates everything in the business! So one of the other things that they find, as well, is we ask them questions, for example, like, “Your customer journey right now, do you have that all mapped out?” Like, “So where is the map of your whole customer journey?”, “How do you know every touchpoint that a customer has on the way to becoming a customer?” And then another one of the key problems, right? A lot of the time as you’re growing and scaling from that $1 million to $10 million range, you’re in scaling mode, and you just kind of like firefighting. And then, at some point, you hit a block because you don’t know, you’re just kind of like, “Okay, well, everything was working, And now it’s not. But we don’t know why because we didn’t have the report in or we didn’t have the systems and processes in place to understand what was working and what wasn’t.” So one of the other things that we asked was, “Hey, when was the last time you did a customer survey?” You know, “What do customers love about what you do? What do they hate? And what can they improve on? And what language patterns are they using that we can then use in the marketing?”

Tom Poland 04:33
You’re really giving people a heck of a lot of clarity on what’s actually going on in their business by the sound of it.

Paul Ace 04:37
Exactly! Imagine it like a doctor coming in, right? So we have like three stages, like we diagnose, find out what the problem is, not the symptom, the cause of the problem. And we go and add conversation into that of where we go and add conversational commerce and like everything from the language patterns that we use to build in systems and automation. And then we look at their growth stage where it’s like, “Okay, how do we go and scale that and repeat that over and over again?”

Tom Poland 05:04
Okay, thank you. So we got two and a half minutes left, four questions to go. What are some of the common mistakes? Just a couple that people are often making in trying to break through that glass ceiling you referred to?

Paul Ace 05:14
Yeah. So the first one is what you don’t measure doesn’t get managed. And so knowing every single stage of the journey– what’s going on, and what is the most profitable path? Secondly, when people split tests. They split tests based on that individual page. So for example, if you split testing one opt-in page versus the other opt-in page, great one might convert better than the other, but does it turn into Lifetime Customer Value back in sales? So we track it through the whole journey to actually see which is most profitable.

Tom Poland 05:43
Critical. Yeah, a common mistake I’ve seen as well. Absolutely critical! So let’s flip it and go to question five. Moving people forward, one valuable free action. Real quick, what’s the top tip you got for folks?

Paul Ace 05:57
So one valuable free action is to go and map out your whole customer journey. I’m going to check another one quick and go and put a customer survey out and find out what your customers want and give it to them.

Tom Poland 06:06
And what they really want. Thank you. So 80 seconds left. Question six, one valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about what you do to get more help?

Paul Ace 06:15
Yeah, so you can go get “The Seven Figure Audit” which basically runs through our whole process of what we look at, and you can mark yourself off and check it off. So you can go to go.amplifyccom, no hyphen or anything in that. So it’s

Tom Poland 06:36
And we’ll have that underneath the video, but if you’re listening to this on iTunes, it’s, which stands for Marketing the Invisible. 40 seconds left, sir. Plenty of time! What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?

Paul Ace 06:50
How do you get more people to buy?

Tom Poland 06:52
How do you get more people to buy, Paul?

Paul Ace 06:54
So using conversational commerce. So taking the customer’s language patterns, and using them back in the market and say, for example, we just did a test with a customer where we took the survey results and then use those for new benefit statements on their page and it resulted in LTV, after the first day, going up 284%, I think, it was.

Tom Poland 07:17
Perfect. Amazing. Paul Ace, thank you so much for your time.

Paul Ace 07:21
Thank you very much.

Tom Poland 07:22
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