How to Make the Clients Go Wild – In Just 7 Minutes with Maribeth Kuzmeski

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  • Learn what real fans of your business will do
  • Learn why consistent brand messaging is important and why it needs to resonate
  • Find out the common brand messaging mistakes that are costing you customers


Maribeth Kuzmeski, the President of Red Zone Marketing. She is a marketing strategist, advisor to financial services companies, bestselling author of seven books, and a professional speaker. She speaks on topics including marketing, sales, relationship development, and branding.

In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Maribeth shares strategies for standing out in order to achieve measurable new business growth for financial services firms, entrepreneurial-minded corporations, and salespeople

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 00:55 – all about Maribeth Kuzmeski
  • 01:35 – Maribeth describes her ideal clients
  • 01:44 – the marketing and sales problem she helps solve for her clients
  • 02:00 – symptoms her clients experience with regards to their marketing and sales messaging
  • 03:05– common mistakes her clients do when making their messaging
  • 04:19 – Maribeth’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Simple Repeatable Statement of Value ( SPSV)
  • 05:23 – Maribeth’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Free Messaging Worksheet
  • 06:03 – Why do most businesses fail?

Tweetable Takeaway from this Episode:
“You wonder why nothing is happening because you are not using the proper words to get them to want something to happen.” - @MBKuzmeski Share on X
“Business owners do not spend enough time thinking through what the message should be. Taking the time to understand what is actually going to resonate, testing a few things out, to see what is actually going to resonate with someone else.” -… Share on X
“It is a matter of practicing that messaging and finding what is actually going to work.” - @MBKuzmeski Share on X
“Business owners haven’t spent enough time connecting their intentions with their words. Intention not connecting with their messaging.” - @MBKuzmeski Share on X