- Discover how knowing your “why” should be the foundation of your business
- Learn more about why analyzing your key performance is essential to business growth
- Find out how you can make an effective financial strategic plan that can increase your financial well-being and grow your business
- Check out Susie’s Website: live.susiecarder.com/path-to-profits1
Do you want to learn how to increase your financial well-being and grow your business more? Do you want to know how to make an effective financial strategic plan?
Susie Carder has created $10 million dollar businesses and her genius is the ability to simplify complicated issues by creating simple proven systems that create dramatic growth. She’s helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs increase revenues by anywhere from 25% to over 3,000%.
In this episode, Susie shares how to quit running your business blind because you do not have the ROADMAP that will tell you exactly what you need to do to reach your revenue goals.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:54 – Susie’s ideal client: “My ideal client is an entrepreneur that loves to grow, that’s gotten themselves to a certain spot and now they’re ready to leverage it. They’re out of answers themselves.”
- 02:07 – Problem Susie helps solve: “I’m the money honey. So what I know 88% of small businesses are not profitable, only 1.7% hit that million-dollar mark. So I make math fun, I make the money fun.”
- 03:01 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Susie: “So what I find is business is a lot like this combination lock. Remember these from school, one little kick-off, and it won’t open. And so you can have your sales, your marketing, your operations, your finance, but if it’s not done in the right order, if it’s not done in the right process, if we’re not evaluating and analyzing what are the key performance indicators, you can have the right combination in the wrong order, and it’s not going to open.”
- 04:04 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Susie’s solution: “Again, it goes back to the finances of the foundation. You’re right. We build it on cement not sinking sand. With the clients that I’ve worked with, that’s what I always start with. And what I realize is people either overspending, they’re not following budgets, they get caught up in the excitement of “I made a million dollars”, but they spent 1,000,005. Right?”
- 05:25 – Susie’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “So the quickest way to cash, like everybody wants that, the quickest way to cash, is finding the right strategic partner. So I grew this brand with strategic partners, instead of me building clients one time, one at a time, one at a time, let me go find those partners that have my ideal client that I’m in complement with, not a competition with.”
- 06:10 – Susie’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Susie’s Website: live.susiecarder.com/path-to-profits1
- 07:30 – Q: Why? A: Like if you don’t have your “why” clear, money is not the answer. So many entrepreneurs chase the money. It’s not the money. It’s what’s the “why” for you in the world.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you don't have your 'Why' clear, money is not the answer. So many entrepreneurs chase the money. It's not the money, it's what's the 'Why' for you in the world.” -Susie Carder Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by the illustrious, the bodacious, and the most beloved Susie Carder. Good day, Susie, how are you doing? Where are you hanging out?
Susie Carder 0:23
I’m hanging out in San Diego. Beautiful, sunny, amazing! I’m spoiled.
Tom Poland 0:29
One of my favorite places in the US, San Diego. It’s got pretty much everything going from climate to entertainment to culture to cafes, and it’s a cool place. Anywho-
Susie Carder 0:38
-Open again, which is awesome.
Tom Poland 0:40
Eh, open again, which is great. Yeah, thank you, COVID. So for those of you who don’t know, Susie, frankly, you must have been living in a cave, she’s worked with some of the biggest names in sales and marketing and business growth and development. The list would fill a book the size of war and peace, but let’s condense that a little bit. She’s actually personally created not one, but two businesses that were each generating more than $10 million, who real generous acquirer of a genius, if you like, is the ability to take something as actually quite complicated and to simplify it, not just to simplify it, but to put it into simple systems that stupid people like me could follow that increases revenue. And she’s done that actually over 100,000 times with 100,000 entrepreneurs that is, and increased revenues from a minimum with those 100,000 or 25% to a whopping, over a whopping 3,000%. So pretty freakin’ awesome, Susie! It’s a privilege to have you on the show. Thank you for joining me. The title today, folks, is, How to Power Up Your Profits. Susie’s gonna tell you how to do that in just seven minutes. Susie, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Susie Carder 1:54
My ideal client is an entrepreneur that loves to grow that’s gotten themselves to a certain spot, and now they’re ready to leverage it. They’re out of answers themselves. They’re doing about 2 million to 10 million. That’s my sweet spot.
Tom Poland 2:05
So they’re doing okay, but they know that they can do a whole lot better. So that leads us nicely into question number two, six, and a half minutes left. Tell us more about the problems you solve for them.
Susie Carder 2:17
I’m the money honey. So what I know 88% of small businesses are not profitable, only 1.7% hit that million-dollar mark. So I make math fun, I make the money fun. We all have to have money in order to live our lifestyle. And so most entrepreneurs stick their head in the sand, I want to get your head out of the sand, look at strategy, look at how we can increase your financial well-being.
Tom Poland 2:40
So we’ve got this entrepreneur and they’re doing okay but their sense is a whole lot more upside. Question number three and six minutes left, so we’re doing pretty good on time, is what’s going on in their business or their life and there’s one of the sorts of the symptoms that they would know they go, “Geez, I need to reach out to Susie because I’ve got these that she’s describing me.” What’s going on?
Susie Carder 3:01
Right. So what I find is business is a lot like this combination lock. Remember these from school, one little kick-off, and it won’t open. And so you can have your sales, your marketing, your operations, your finance, but if it’s not done in the right order, if it’s not done in the right process, if we’re not evaluating and analyzing what are the key performance indicators, you can have the right combination in the wrong order, and it’s not going to open. So most entrepreneurs that are at that place of “I’ve done everything I know how to do, what am I missing?” I am the locksmith for your business to be able to go in and look at, “Here’s what’s missing. Let’s get you the right combination in the right order to open up that.”
Tom Poland 3:38
The right sequence. Fantastic. So you’ve worked with just an extraordinary number of remarkable people, people who are already selling the successful and you’ve got them to another level again. A lot of the smart people, this is question number four, a lot of smart people have tried stuff that was just never gonna work. So what are some of the common mistakes that you’ve noticed that people make before they find your solution? Four and a half minutes left.
Susie Carder 4:04
Again, it goes back to the finances of the foundation. You’re right. We build it on cement not sinking sand. With the clients that I’ve worked with, that’s what I always start with. And what I realize is people either overspending, they’re not following budgets, they get caught up in the excitement of “I made a million dollars”, but they spent 1,000,005. Right? So really looking at a budget, what does that look like but really do it in a way that empowers them? A lot of CPAs, accounts, which I am not, right, aren’t willing to take the time to explain like, “Why are we doing what we’re doing?” I love doing this because I was so horrible at it. I might, “There might be other people that feel that way.” And I will start sharing my spreadsheet with you Tom on the side. Yeah, I kinda- spreadsheet. Yeah, you want it? And realize that most entrepreneurs feel that way. Right? It’s like, what are the indicators? What’s that financial formula I need? How do I price my services? Right? What is my turn ratio? What’s my average ticket? Like stuff that’s just born and let’s put it in a systematic way to empower you versus different patterns.
Tom Poland 5:01
That an entrepreneur can follow?
Susie Carder 5:03
Tom Poland 5:04
And, so thank you for that. Great value in that idea alone. Question number five, three and a half minutes left, can you give folks listening to this one valuable free action, something that they can physically do, or digitally do that’s not gonna solve the whole problem, but they’ll probably need you for that, but this will still take them a step in the right direction?
Susie Carder 5:25
Yeah, so the quickest way to cash, like everybody wants that, the quickest way to cash, is finding the right strategic partner. So I grew this brand with strategic partners, instead of me building clients one time, one at a time, one at a time, let me go find those partners that have my ideal client that I’m in complement with, not a competition with. Or I’m not competing for what they’re doing. My clients need them, their clients need me, right? It’s a different way of looking at your business, but a faster way to excel. Spend your time doing that. Finding the right strategic partner, game-changer in your business.
Tom Poland 5:56
Perfect, thank you very much. Question number six, two and a half minutes left, where can people go to find out more about this? You got a landing page somewhere that we can direct people to that’s going to give them even more resources?
Susie Carder 6:10
Yes, so a couple of different things. One, you can find me by my name, Susie Carder. It’s C-A-R-D as in dollar and dinero, E-R, and that my website, my social media handle, all under my name. Lots of resources there. I have something called, Path to Profits. Now it’s a bit of a tongue twister, but I promise you it’s worth it. And we’ll put that in the notes but it’s live.susiecarder.com/path-to-profits1. I know it’s a marble in your mouth, but I give you a tool that looks at how many qualified leads do you need in order to make the revenues that you want. I find people, Tom, are chasing fans not pursuing potential clients. And so quit chasing fan, let’s only deal with qualified clients. It shortens your sales cycle, shortens your money, drama, right, and allows you to get busy quicker, faster,
Tom Poland 7:04
Practical feet on the ground advice and I have to say, Susie, the big game-changer for me 20 something years ago was a consultant who said to me, “You got to work that number out.” That’s the number. So it’s live.susiecarder, with a D for dollar .com/path-to-profits1. Susie, last question, 75 seconds left. What’s the one question that I should have asked you but didn’t?
Susie Carder 7:31
Oh, so juicy. “Why?” Like if you don’t have your “why” clear, money is not the answer. So many entrepreneurs chase the money. It’s not the money. It’s what’s the “why” for you in the world. My “why” was my children. My “why” was a single mom, raising two little girls and had to provide for them. That gave me a hunger that I didn’t have. 2007 I lost 90% of my assets. My “why” was recovering. My “why” was restabilizing myself. My “why” was so much bigger than money. It was about making a difference in the world, and serving my community and then as a blessing from that, the money came.
Tom Poland 8:10
I’ve got electric tingles running up and down my body right now. Powerful stuff! Susie Carder, thank you so much for your time.
Susie Carder 8:17
Thank you, Tom. I appreciate who you are and what you are and how you support us as a community.
Tom Poland 8:21
You’re welcome. Cheers.
Tom Poland 08:24
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