- Learn how to overcome confusion and overwhelm to get your book done and published
- Find out how to make the book you write fit in helping you grow your business
- Find out how to become an author who retains all the rights and royalties without having to self-publish it
- Want to learn more about an opportunity to hit the let’s talk button and send some information about your book and potentially have a consultation and set up a call with someone to talk about publishing options? Click here: https://www.capuciapublishing.com
Have you been procrastinating and don’t know how to best start when it comes to publishing your book?
Is your book edited but just there on your computer sitting and collecting cyber dust, and you’re not taking the next step to publish it?
Have you thought of publishing a book where you don’t sign away your rights and share royalties of 50%?
Christine Kloser is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author and Capucia Publishing CEO. Their author-centric approach to publishing award-winning and best-selling books supports business leaders worldwide.
In this episode, Christine shares how you can have your wisdom shared through a book and get it published to the world. She also talks about people’s mistakes when writing and publishing, so you avoid wasting your time and energy and become the author who retains all your rights and royalties.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:24 – Christine’s ideal client: “My ideal client really is a successful professional, either someone who has had an entrepreneurial career or a corporate career, who just knows that they have this book inside of them, they’ve earned a lot of wisdom, they’ve, you know, gleaned a lot of information. They’ve been through a lot — ups, downs, in, outs of what it takes to be on the path of success. And they want to share that wisdom.”
- 02:02 – What she helps her clients solve: “The big problem we solve is that our authors were strictly fee for service the way we do it. You retain all rights, you retain all royalties, but you have a book that looks like it came out of Random House, you know, rather than self-publishing it on your own, or spending years wasting time and energy trying to get a traditional deal.”
- 03:41 – Symptoms of the problem clients are facing: “Well, it’s, you’re procrastinating, confused, feeling overwhelmed at like, I don’t even know what the best way to publish my book, what’s right for me. I don’t know where to start.”
- 04:34 – Common mistakes clients commit before consulting Christine: “On the publishing side, one of the biggest mistakes that I see is that people get involved working with publishing “partners” without truly understanding what they’re getting involved with, and what that contract really means and what the terms are, and what they’re giving up and how it’s going to work long-term.”
- 06:49 – Kristine’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “If you’ve been writing your book without a plan without putting foundation underneath it, put a foundation underneath it.”
- 07:21 – Kristine’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Christine’s website: www.capuciapublishing.com
- 07:44 – Q: Why shouldn’t I have done this sooner?
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you've been writing your book without a plan, without putting a foundation underneath it, put a foundation underneath it.” -Christine Kloser Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Christine Kloser. Christine, good day, a very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Christine Kloser 0:23
I am in Pennsylvania, not too far from Hershey, if you’re familiar with Hershey chocolate.
Tom Poland 0:28
Oh yummy, yummy, yes, it’s a wonder you’re not looking much more voluminous than you are. Factory visit, so, Saturday morning. For those of you who don’t know Christine, she’s a USA Today and a Wall Street Journal best-selling author. And if you’ve ever been published, you will know that that is a pretty freakin’ big deal. It’s a little bit of actually about a mile high above being a Kindle bestseller. So, she knows what she’s doing when it comes to publishing books. She’s also the CEO of Capucia Publishing. That’s the author-centric approach to publishing award-winning and, very importantly, bestselling books supports business leaders worldwide in that endeavor. This brings us nicely to the title of today’s interview, which is How to Publish Your Business-Building Book This Year. Cool. Can’t wait. Christine, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Christine Kloser 1:24
Well, thank you so much for having me here, first of all. I’ll use few of my seconds to say that. I’m excited to be with you. My ideal client really is a successful professional, either someone who has had an entrepreneurial career or a corporate career, who just knows that they have this book inside of them, they’ve earned a lot of wisdom, they’ve, you know, gleaned a lot of information. They’ve been through a lot, ups, downs, ins, outs of what it takes to be on the path of success. And they want to share that wisdom. And we help those people get that wisdom down onto a book and publish it into the world.
Tom Poland 1:56
Perfect. Thank you. Six and a half minutes left. Question number two, what’s the problem you solve for them other than publishing it?
Christine Kloser 2:02
Yeah, well, the big problem, I think, in today’s world with publishing is that there are several options. And a lot of authors like they don’t know which one is best for them. And really, the sweet spot of the problem that we solve is for people who have an important message to share. But they’re not quite big enough and don’t have enough a platform and an influence to get one of the traditional publishers. But they’re also someone who’s established enough and really wants a professional book done. And they have no interest in figuring out self-publishing on their own. So, we kind of sell the problem for the people in the middle, they’re not going to go traditional, but they’re kind of beyond, you know, like figuring out a whole new business and learning how to publish on their own. And specifically, with us, we solve the problem, because even with a lot of hybrid publishers, they require a lot of money, they, some of them, you’ll pay them, and you’ll sign away your rights, and you’ll split your royalties 50%. And the big problem we solve is that our authors were strictly fee for service, the way we do it. You retain all rights, you retain all royalties, but you have a book that looks like it came out of Random House, you know, rather than self-publishing it on your own or spend years wasting time and energy trying to get a traditional deal. That’s kind of our sweet spot.
Tom Poland 3:18
Right. Folks, if you haven’t published before, you really need to listen up, because Christine’s just giving you the last 15 years of my publishing life, and if I’d had this 15 years ago, there would have been a lot less heartache and a lot more money in the bank account. Christine, thanks for that. Question number three. We’ve got four and a half minutes left, symptoms that, what’s going to give people a heads up that they need to find out more about what you do?
Christine Kloser 3:40
Well, it’s, you’re procrastinating, confused, feeling overwhelmed at like, I don’t even know what the best way to publish my book, what’s right for me. I don’t know where to start. I’ve seen people who have had their books sitting in their computer edited for three years collecting cyber dust because they just felt paralyzed or rot to do. So, if you’ve got something in there and you want to get it done, the biggest symptom is like your books are pretty well done; you’re just not taking the next step to get it published because you’re just overwhelmed or confused. That’s the biggest symptom.
Tom Poland 4:10
And the other end of the spectrum is you don’t even know where to start. You’ve just got some ideas, maybe. But you know, it’s there. So, question number four, we’ve got four minutes left. You know, we’re talking about people that want to get their message out and generally smart people, they may not know how to get started, but they’re going to try stuff. So, what are some of the common mistakes that you’ve seen that people make that could almost make you cry because they’ve just come to you in the first place and could have avoided that?
Christine Kloser 4:34
Yeah, well, we’re talking mostly publishing but on the writing side of things, because I have been helping people write their books also since 2007, is when I started doing that. So, it’s been a long while. And on the writing side of things, the biggest mistake that I see people make on the writing side is that they put the cart before the horse. They sit down and start writing without having a structure in place, without building a foundation, and not having crystal clarity on who the ideal reader is for and exactly how they want this book to fit in, helping them grow their business. There’s so much foundational work that needs to be done, that sometimes even if people come to me on the writing side of things, through my get-your-book-done programs, where they’ve already written half their book. And then, they come to the program, and they just go through the first couple of modules. And they realize, ‘Oh, my gosh, like, I should not have been writing yet.’ So, that’s one of the biggest mistakes I see on that side. And on the publishing side, one of the biggest mistakes that I see is that people get involved working with publishing, quote, unquote, partners without truly understanding what they’re getting involved with, and what that contract really means and what the terms are and what they’re giving up and how it’s going to work long-term. And I’ve known so many people who end up working with publishing companies are like, they didn’t get what they thought they were getting, you know, they paid for what they thought was one thing, but they got, you know, a fraction of what they thought they paid for. That’s the biggest mistake. So, must read contracts, you know, closely. And if you don’t understand every word, you need to talk to someone at that company who can help you understand every word. So, you’re signing, being informed, and knowledgeable knowing what you’re getting into. Please don’t make that mistake. Because this is why so many publishing companies have even class-action lawsuits happening against them because they over-promise under deliver. But the contract should be clear, and you should understand it.
Tom Poland 6:27
So, it’s often very opaque or very unclear as to exactly what you’re getting into. And you feel, yeah, you’ve published on the publisher, but suddenly, you no longer own the book, they pay you for first to five dates or nothing for royalties, and they don’t get off their butts to actually market it. Anyways, you wonder why am I doing this? Thank you for that. Ninety seconds left, better move, one valuable free tip, a top tip, how can someone take a step in the right direction?
Christine Kloser 6:49
If you’ve been writing your book without a plan, without putting a foundation underneath it, put a foundation underneath it. And the first thing that I’m going to ask you to do is find out for yourself like, what is it that I want to receive personally from writing this book for myself? What do I want from my readers? And what do I want for my business? And if you want to go big, like what do I want for the world? Get clarity on these things first before you get into the nitty-gritty of putting words on the page.
Tom Poland 7:13
I love that. Thank you. Question number six, we got 60 seconds left. Where can people go to find out more about what you do?
Christine Kloser 7:21
Oh, of course, you can head over to capuciapublishing.com. That’s my publishing company. Again, that’s capuciapublishing.com. I think it’ll be in the show notes for you, as well. But you can head over there to learn more. And there’s an opportunity to hit the let’s talk button and send us some information about your book and potentially just have a, you know, consultation and set up a call with someone on my team to talk about our publishing options.
Tom Poland 7:44
This could be life-changing, folks. So, it’s capuciapublishing.com. Go there, book and chat, and have an exploration of how you can transform your business and your life. Twelve seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? Real quick.
Christine Kloser 8:01
Oh, why shouldn’t I have done this sooner?
Tom Poland 8:06
Why wouldn’t you?
Christine Kloser 8:07
Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Tom Poland 8:09
That’s it. Thanks Christine.
Tom Poland 08:14
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