- Learn how to consistently attract, convert and engage high-paying clients on autopilot
- Know how to skyrocket your productivity through disciplined execution so you can execute on the right things, at the right time, in the right way with focus and discipline
- Discover how to develop the confidence to charge what you’re worth through Nick’s valuable free action
- Download the four-step formula to get off the income rollercoaster, and make more money, more easily, and more consistently in your digital marketing business: https://incomealtitudes.com/movemti
Nick Cownie is Founder and Director at Success Dynamics Institute. He’s also a certified NLP trainer, a published author, international speaker, and certified digital marketing specialist.
In this episode, Nick shares his specialty in helping clients get off the income rollercoaster in your digital marketing business, you need the right skills, the right tools, and the right psychology.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:12 – Nick’s ideal client: “Our ideal client is very simple. It’s effectively self-employed digital marketers. So, this could be anyone who has a business that relies heavily on digital marketing for their lead generation and then uses a website, Click Funnels, any of these online tools that are very common these days to convert their hopefully high-quality leads into high paying clients.”
- 01:46 – Problem Nick helps solve: The big problem that we solve and pretty much everyone goes through these when they get into digital marketing or any business really is what we quite conversationally called the income roller coaster. Sometimes people call it the feast and famine cycle.
- 02:32 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Nick: “Anxiety is definitely one. And so, when you’re not making enough money, or your incomes going up and down, anxiety is part of the course. The other thing that I find is people either almost do the head in the sand, “Well, it’ll be fine.”
- 03:49 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: We call it the turbulence triangle. People often, the mistakes that they make when they try to solve this is the turbulence triangle is really only three things that you need to fix if you want to generate higher, more consistent, income. The first is you do need the right skills. The second is you do need the right tools. And third and most important is you need to fix yourself. So, the right skill set, the right toolset, and the right mindset. And the mistake that I see people make, if the skill set and the toolset at best are 20% of the solution, but that’s where we go 90, 95% of the time, and it’s a rare individual who turned to themselves and says, “Well, maybe there’s actually something going on in the six inches between my ears that’s causing the situation to reoccur over and over again.
- 05:25 – Nick’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): The first one, and this is the stock standard advice from any business coach, right, is double your prices, that most people are significantly undercharging. And they’re worried that if they were to double their prices, they’d lose 90% of their clients. At best, you’re going to lose probably 20% of your clients and that’s no problem at all because the other 80% who are now paying double what you’re charging previously, you will be making a lot more money. And that leads to my second recommendation, which is fire the bottom 20% of clients.
- 06:11 – Download the four-step formula to get off the income rollercoaster, and make more money, more easily, and more consistently in your digital marketing business: https://incomealtitudes.com/movemti
- 06:49 – Q: “What is the benefit that you get as an organization from focusing on your customer experience?” A: Customer experience and employee experience are two sides of the same coin. As you polish one, the other happens to brighten. As your customer experience goes up, your employee experience goes up.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The Pareto principle, 80-20 Rule, says that 80% of your headaches come from just 20% of your clients. So, you might as well fire them anyway, and focus on the rest of the customers.” -@nickcownie Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Nick Cownie. Nick, a very warm Australian good day. Welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Nick Cownie: 0:19
Good day to you too, Tom. I’m in the Gold Coast in beautiful sunny Queensland.
Tom Poland: 0:25
So usually only a few hours away from me. I’m in the Sunshine Coast, also in sunny Queensland, very sunny today. For those of you don’t know Nick, he’s the Founder and Director of Success Dynamics Institute. He’s also a certified NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming trainer, a published author, international speaker and certified digital marketing specialist. And he has some brilliant IP on what goes on between your ears and how that affects what goes into your bank account. That’s my ad lib, apologies Nick if it’s not completely on song, but it is in line with the subject of our interview today, which is, “How to Raise Your Income Altitude.” And Nick’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Nick, our time is starting now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Nick Cownie: 1:12
So, our ideal client is very simple. It’s effectively self-employed digital marketers. So, this could be anyone who has a business that relies heavily on digital marketing for their lead generation, and then uses a website, Click Funnels, any of these online tools that are very common these days to convert their hopefully high-quality leads into high paying clients.
Tom Poland: 1:39
Terrific. Thank you. Very succinct and well-articulated. Six and a half minutes left. Question number two, what’s the problem yourself for them?
Nick Cownie: 1:46
The big problem that we solve and pretty much everyone goes through these when they get into digital marketing or any business really is what we quite conversationally called the income roller coaster. Sometimes people call it the feast and famine cycle. So sometimes you’re busy, sometimes you’re not. The income goes up and then it goes down and up and down until you’re not making the amount of money that you want to make. So, you’ve hit a ceiling or just can’t figure out how to get off that roller coaster feast and famine cycle.
Tom Poland: 2:15
Perfect. Thank you. Just five minutes and 45 seconds left. Question number three, you’ve mentioned the problem of that roller coaster revenue, what are some of the other symptoms that people are going to experience when they’ve got that problem? Anxiety, I guess, would be one of them. Anything else you can think of?
Nick Cownie: 2:32
Anxiety is definitely one. And so, when you’re not making enough money, or your incomes going up and down, anxiety is par for the course. The other thing that I find is people either almost do the head in the sand, “Well, it’ll be fine.” Every, there won’t be a problem. In the future, everything will kind of sort itself out magically. All the wishful thinking and they get blinded by the next bright shiny object. We become much more likely to purchase the next big guru launch course or now go and just start throwing money at random Facebook ads or something like that. So, you either completely ignore it and just hope that it goes, the problem goes away or spray and pray and just try random acts of marketing that aren’t really going to get you anywhere. These are the big symptoms that we see.
Tom Poland: 3:21
Hit and hope. Spray and pray. Yeah, and hopefully something works. So that leads us quite nicely into question four, four and a half minutes left. Before people find your solution, they’re going to be making a lot of mistakes in their spray and pray attempt to find a solution. So, what are some of the common mistakes that you find that people have made prior to arriving at your business doorstep?
Nick Cownie: 3:49
There are a couple of really, really common ones and I sum this up. Income altitudes, altitudes talking about how high our plane is flying, right? We use the metaphor of fly a lot in our programs, and something that if you’ve ever flown, you’ve probably experienced turbulence. We’d like to keep things as simple as possible in explanations because when it’s simple, it’s easy to understand. We call it the turbulence triangle. People often, the mistakes that they make when they try to solve this is the turbulence triangle is really only three things that you need to fix if you want to generate higher, more consistent, income. The first is you do need the right skills. The second is you do need the right tools. And third and most important is you need to fix yourself. So, the right skill set, the right tool set, and the right mindset. And the mistake that I see people make, if the skill set and the toolset at best are 20% of the solution, but that’s where we go 90, 95% of the time, and it’s a rare individual who turned to themselves and says, “Well, maybe there’s actually something going on in the six inches between my ears that’s causing the situation to reoccur over and over again.” So, we put quite a heavy focus on between you as opposed to giving the right skills and the right tools, which we’ll also provide, but without the right psychology in place, just going to continue to self-sabotage.
Tom Poland: 5:10
Perfect. Thanks, Nick. Question number five, two and three-quarter minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take, it’s going to take them a step in the right direction, not going to solve the whole problem, but it’s going to help them?
Nick Cownie: 5:24
Yeah. There’s two that I’m going to suggest that very, very easy to say, not necessarily easy to do. And this will definitely reveal whether you have some of this psychological stuff getting in the way. The first one, and this is the stock standard advice from any business coach, right, is double your prices, that most people are significantly undercharging. And they’re worried that if they were to double their prices, they’d lose 90% of their clients. At best, you’re going to lose probably 20% of your clients and that’s no problem at all because the other 80% who are now paying double what you’re charging previously, you will be making a lot more money. And that leads into my second recommendation, which is fire the bottom 20% of clients. The Pareto principle, 80-20 Rule, says that 80% of your headaches come from just 20% of your clients. So, you might as well fire them anyway, and focus on the rest of the customers. So, if you do those two things, first of all, if you can do those two things, you probably don’t have any issues going on up here. And if you struggle to do them, then that’s indicative that there’s definitely something psychological going on right now.
Tom Poland: 6:31
There’s some serious potential to work with you then. Thank you. Question number six, one and quarter minutes left, one valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Nick Cownie: 6:43
Absolutely. I’ve put together a 30-page eBook on this. I didn’t want to leave people hanging, you know, with like a one-page checklist or something like that. So, I’ve written a 30-page eBook called, Make Your MOVE, and MOVE is an acronym for the four steps that you need to take in order to get off the income rollercoaster, and more money, more easily, and more consistently. And people can find that at incomealtitudes.com/movemti, so no spaces or hyphens just incomealtitudes.com/movemti.
Tom Poland: 7:16
Thank you, sir. And Question number seven, last question, 30 seconds left, the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? And the answer, please.
Nick Cownie: 7:24
The question would, that I think is probably most pertinent is, like, what’s really causing all of this? And to drill right down to it, 90 to 95% of the time. It’s our decision on who we’ve decided we are, your identity. You decided you are and what do you believe you are worthy of receiving. If you don’t believe that you’re worthy of the income that you’re after…
Tom Poland: 7:51
Thanks, Nick.
Tom Poland: 7:49
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