- Understand why people feel unstuck when achieving their transition phase
- Learn how to reset your mindset to turn transitions into transformations
- Determine how clarity helps people figure out their next steps into their transformation and avoid confusion during transition
- The Moving To Happiness Mini-Course: Join Now: petrakolber.com/happy
Do you feel stuck in a transition, like this new season was suddenly dropped on you?
When transitions happen, we have an opportunity to transform into whom we want to be.
Transitions can be overwhelming and could just happen without preparation.
Petra Kolber is the Author of The Perfection Detox, a Keynote Speaker, Podcaster and more recently a DJ. She is a confidence catalyst coach, who helps people create a mindset reset so they can understand and remove the limiting beliefs that keep them hiding from the world instead of helping those they wish to serve.
In this episode, Petra shares how she helps individuals amp up the positive and dial down the negative, so they become more engaged, energized, productive and successful – all without sacrificing their happiness, attaining the transformation they are craving for.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:36 – Petra’s ideal client: “My ideal client is someone who finds themselves in a place of transition, either self-chosen or as a byproduct of someone else’s decision, and they’re at a time in their life where they decide that they want to take this time of transition to make it a transformation for them and their best future. But they find themselves being stuck, unclear, uncertain, of the next steps to take.”
- 02:08 – Problem Petra helps solve: Helping someone get unstuck.
- 03:11 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Petra: “The biggest thing I see and hear from people is the sense of spinning in their heads and spinning their wheels, no sense of moving forward, which is very frustrating.”
- 05:01 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Petra and her solution?: “I think the biggest mistake is they keep looking for the answer outside of themselves, where they really know the answer, they just haven’t sat still long enough or have the trust in themselves to believe that the answer that their intuition is telling them is actually the right one.”
- 06:11 – Petra’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): You actually need to STOP. So S, stand up, T, take a walk, O, observe your thoughts or your surroundings, and then P, pick a positive thought.
- 07:24 – Petra’s Valuable Free Action(VFR): The Moving To Happiness Mini-Course: Join Now: petrakolber.com/happy
- 07:26 – Q: Why do I teach this work? A: You learn it to teach it, you live it to preach it. I spent seven years and I know what it’s like to live in a place of self-doubt and worry and not trusting yourself and then you do the work, the hard work. And I call it the heart work to be able to share your perfect, imperfect, voice with the world. And your world would rather have your imperfect offering than your perfect silence.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You need to STOP. So S, stand up, T, take a walk, O, observe your thoughts or your surroundings, and then P, pick a positive thought.”-@Petrakolber Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Greetings everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Petra Kolber. Petra, good day, welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Petra Kolber 0:20
Good day, Tom. I’m actually hanging out right now on the Upper West Side of New York City. About two blocks from Central Park, for those of you that may or may not know New York. So, in the heart of Manhattan.
Tom Poland: 0:31
Wow. It sounds like an exciting place to live. Lots of cafes and beautiful little Greek, Italian restaurants, I’m sure.
Petra Kolber 0:37
All of that and a lot of noise too, but it’s good.
Tom Poland: 0:40
Living right next to Jerry Seinfeld, I believe. Just kidding.
Petra Kolber0:44
Not far. Yes, you’re absolutely right.
Tom Poland: 0:48
All right. So, for those of you don’t know Petra, she’s the author of Perfection Detox, as a recovering perfectionist herself. She’s also a keynote speaker, podcaster, and more recently a DJ. Wow, that’s interesting, life on the edge. She is a confidence catalyst coach, who helps people create a mindset reset so they can understand and remove the limiting beliefs that keep them hiding from the world instead of helping those they wish to serve. Very nice. So, our title today, which is really interesting, is “How to Reset Your Mindset to Turn Transitions into Transformations.” So, Petra is going to share on how to do that in just seven minutes. Petra, our seven minutes starts now, no pressure, who’s your ideal client?
Petra Kolber 1:36
So, Tom, my ideal client is someone who finds themselves in a place of transition, either self-chosen or as a byproduct of someone else’s decision, and they’re at a time in their life where they decide that they want to take this time of transition to make it a transformation for them and their best future. But they find themselves being stuck, unclear, uncertain, of the next steps to take.
Tom Poland: 1:59
Perfect. Thank you. Six and a half minutes left. Question number two, so how would you define or describe the problem that you solve?
Petra Kolber 2:08
It’s just that, it’s helping someone get unstuck, which we can spend, oh my God, months just spinning on the same perceived problem. And then once we get out of those groves, it’s finding clarity about the things that bring us joy, bring us value, where we do our best work.
And then it’s helping them find a direction because again, we can spin on those old tapes of that transitional process. And then I help them take the first step. And then at that point, Tom, either I choose or they choose to continue to work with me or I might not be the best fit at that point. I might put them in touch with another coach, or they go out onto their own to take that transformation out into the world.
Tom Poland: 2:47
Perfect. Oh, love it. So, you’re the ripples spread through the pond. So just over five and a half minutes left. Question number three is, what are some of the typical symptoms that you see in people before they find your solution? So, what’s going on in their life? What’s going on in their business, their relationship, their health, whatever, before they get this reset, mindset reset, what’s going on?
Petra Kolber 3:11
I think like what you had said really, like, the business, our life, ourselves, we often think we can separate them but I don’t believe we can.
It’s a real sense of procrastination. And if left untethered or looked at, that becomes really self-doubt, anxiety, stress, and then more spiraling and a real sense of isolation because I feel like a lot of us right now believe everybody else has these, you know, transformational moments in their lives that they figure out overnight. They feel really alone.
But the biggest thing I see and hear from people is the sense of spinning in their heads and spinning their wheels, no sense of moving forward, which is very frustrating.
Tom Poland: 3:54
So, lying awake at night with the hamsters running in the wheel of their mind typing out things.
Petra Kolber 3:59
Yeah, and normally typing out everything that they’re not doing well. Everything that everyone else is doing brilliantly. But you suck at this, you should have done that. You know, why are you here? We should know better. All of the should versus all that they are.
Tom Poland: 4:12
It sounds like the voice of experience.
Petra Kolber 4:16
Tom Poland: 4:16
Because you were a perfectionist, right?
Petra Kolber 4:19
Yeah. I mean, I certainly, well, the last question I was going to ask you, you see, what’s the question we haven’t asked? And a part of it is, you know, I think you live it, you know, once you’ve lived it, and you’re far enough ahead to know the steps to help someone. I said look, it took me seven years to get through this, I want to give you the cliff notes so you don’t have to wait seven years learning. But I think if we get too far ahead of that, we also forget what it feels like to be in that place of self-doubt.
Tom Poland: 4:45
That might bring us quite nicely to question number four, just over three and a half minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to solve this problem? So, we’ve described the problem, the symptoms, and they going to try stuff because they’re going to recognize that they’re kind of stuck. So, what did they try that is not going to work?
Petra Kolber 5:01
The biggest thing, Tom, that I see is they continue there, I call them procrasti-learners, they go for another course, another book, another coach, another everything. And they’re just looking for that one thing that only, unfortunately, they can find within themselves. These are the people who have all the courses and have never executed on their own course.
They have had all the coaches but yet they would make a brilliant coach yet they need to look in and it’s that gap between they’re looking at what they think they need to fix, and they neglect everything that they are, and they’ve done and they have been to get into this point in their life. So it’s this real,
I think the biggest mistake is they keep looking for the answer outside of themselves, where they really know the answer, they just haven’t sat still long enough or have the trust in themselves to believe that the answer that their intuition is telling them is actually the right one.
Tom Poland: 5:58
Right. Back yourself. Thank you. So, question number five, two and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take, it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it will take a step in the right direction?
Petra Kolber 6:11
Well, I think to get started, you actually need to STOP. And this is an acronym from the book that anyone can do. When you find yourself spiraling, the worst place for our mind is sitting. I said I want to scare the sit out of you because I had 25 years in the fitness world. And the worst place for your courage, your confidence, your future self is sitting.
So, the first thing is S, S-stand up, get a stand-up and move your state. T, take a walk, a minute or longer. Can be around the block, around your office, in nature, if possible. And then O, observe your surroundings. The sense, the sounds, the touch, because when you’re observing one of, using your eyes, your ears, you’re in the present moment.
You can’t be worrying about the future or worrying about the past. And then P, pick a positive thought, even if you don’t believe it, pick a positive thought because it’s going to take your brain out of that spiral of self-doubt and rumination. And close down that gap and then open you up to new possibilities, creativity, opportunity.
So S, stand up, T, take a walk, O, observe your thoughts or your surroundings, and then P, pick a positive thought.
Tom Poland: 7:24
Wow, fantastic. 60 seconds left, two questions. One valuable free resource. I’m going to do this for you really quickly. It’s Petra Kolber, petrakolber.com/happy, it’s a mini-course. Welcome to moving to happiness mini-course. Go grab it, folks. Question number 7, 40 seconds left, Petra, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Petra Kolber 7:50
Why do I teach this work? And like you’d said before, you learn it to teach it, you live it to preach it.
I spent seven years and I know what it’s like to live in a place of self-doubt and worry and not trusting yourself and then you do the work, the hard work. And I call it the heart work to be able to share your perfect, imperfect, voice with the world. And your world would rather have your imperfect offering than your perfect silence.
Tom Poland: 8:15
And we got 10 seconds to spare. So, what’s the name of the book you mentioned?
Petra Kolber 8:18
The Perfection Detox.
Tom Poland: 8:20
The Perfection Detox, Amazon?
Petra Kolber 8:22
And that’s the one that I wrote. Yup, Amazon, you just Google The Perfection Detox. Anywhere books are sold.
Tom Poland: 8:27
Petra, thanks so much.
Tom Poland: 8:28
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