How to Rocket Launch All Lead Capture with Chat Bots – In Just 7 Minutes with RJ Redden

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  • Learn how messenger marketing can bring qualified clients to your doorstep
  • Know why knowing and talking to the right audience is the key to your business success
  • Discover the power of chatbots to help your business thrive in today’s ever so competitive world



RJ Redden is a Messenger Bot Strategist at Black Belt Bots. She has been coaching people about technology since 1998.

In this episode, RJ shares how chatbots can help a business skyrocket your launch and help your business’s lead generation effectively.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:13 – RJ’s ideal client: coaches, authors, entrepreneurs, that are out there getting you know doing their best to build the list, to nurture people, to make things happen, but have run into some frustration in the fact that a lot of things work a little bit.
  • 02:58 – Problem she helps solve: The problem that I solve is, how to get your message heard.
  • 04:14 – Typical symptoms people experience with that problem? They work, they work harder not smarter. I know that a lot, a lot of folks, you know, they just want to, just want to find that kind of magic silver bullet and chatbots are not a magic silver bullet on their own.
  • 05:52 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: making your message so general that it speaks to no one, that’s a popular problem.
  • 08:03 – RJ’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): I’ll send you to right now, create a free account, start tinkering.
  • 08:32 – RJ’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR):
  • 08:39 – Q:’What motivates me to get up and do this every day?” A: It is the dream of having small business owners in charge of their own communications, qualifying people, getting those prospects in, and actually being able to nurture them in a meaningful way and exploding their businesses. That’s my dream. That’s why I get up in the morning.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Making your message so general that it speaks to no one, that's a popular problem.” -@blackbeltbots Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: [00:00:09] Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by RJ Redden. RJ, a very warm good day from down under here in Australia. Where are you hanging out?

RJ Redden [00:00:21] Hanging out in Omaha, Nebraska, the middle of the United States. A flyover state for a reason, I think.

Tom Poland: [00:00:30] Well it is in the middle so you’ll only get a bucket load of people flying over for whatever reason. So, folks RJ is different as you might be able to tell by the blue superwoman cape and the minion glasses. In keeping with the same theme, her bio is a little different. I’m going to read that as it is written on her website because I think it is quite revealing. She says I come to work every day because I help solve one of the biggest problems in marketing a business, which is that everyone is guessing.

Tom Poland: [00:00:59] So what’s going to bring more qualified clients to your doorstep. Maybe if you focus on building your email list, step up those social media posting, go live more often, then maybe that will be the magic formula that inspires potential clients to beat down your door. And hey all of these things do work. She says I’ve used them myself but the fact is those methods, methods burn a lot of midnight oil. Amen to that sister. She says I’m here because I’ve discovered a method that works very well. Messenger marketing also known as bots. Bots allow you to have a one on one conversation with potential clients, get answers to all of your questions and of course their questions and being able to qualify potential clients, and here come the magic word folks, automatically.

Tom Poland: [00:01:52] So our little seven-minute interview today is “How to Rocket Launch All Lead Capture with Bots”. RJ, thank you for rocking up and thank you for the wonderful work you’ve already done with Leadsology in helping us. Question number one, our seven minutes starts now, is who is your ideal client?

RJ Redden [00:02:13] Ideal client…coaches, authors, entrepreneurs, that are out there getting you know doing their best to build the list, to nurture people, to make things happen, but have run into some frustration in the fact that a lot of things work a little bit. But what is the most effective thing that could possibly be out there? Everybody is, I mean, as I said in my bio, folks are guessing. We’re all towards a spaghettied wall, what’s going to happen, we end up sounding like a carbon copy of everybody else. We end up feeling like we’re shouting into a black hole and I’m here to tell you I’ve got a solution for that.

Tom Poland: [00:02:52] Thank you. Six and a quarter minutes left. Question number two, what is the problem that you solve them? You probably…

RJ Redden [00:02:58] The problem that I solve is, how to get your message heard? So, we all know that you know, somebody sees a social media posting once in a blue moon but we all do it because we, you know, you have to. We’ve got, you know, email open rates are not high. We all know that. But you’ve got to have a list because you’ve got to have someplace off of Facebook that you can nurture your people. We all are making a massive effort getting the minimal result. Chatbots are very very different.

RJ Redden [00:03:28] Chatbots, if they are written in an engaging way causing people to have a conversation with you, open rate on that bad boy is 90 percent, click-through rate is 40 percent. And that, for me, you know, the amount of time most small business owners have, it’s definitely worth your time. It’ll bring back a return on investment faster and build your list faster.

Tom Poland: [00:03:49] And just to put that in perspective, with an open rate of 90 percent many e-mails of database owners would be happy with a 10 percent open right. So, it’s, it is absolutely phenomenal. So, if someone isn’t having the message heard, what is, this question number three, five minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms of people experiencing when the message is not getting heard?

RJ Redden [00:04:14] They work, they work harder not smarter. I know that a lot, a lot of folks, you know, they just want to, just want to find that kind of magic silver bullet and chatbots are not a magic silver bullet on their own. But what they do provide is just that place to have a conversation. So, we go from, the mentality is if you are not getting your message through on one channel, increasing your number of channels. If you are live streaming twice a week and you don’t feel like your message is being heard, increase to five times a week. This person over here did it, maybe they’re in a related industry, maybe I’m going to do that too. Or let’s email out five times a week instead of three. Or let’s, you know, increase increase increase because the number of people that are coming in is like this and the amount of people you get is like this. So increases this and you’re ought to get people, right?

RJ Redden [00:05:07] That is a midnight oil burning solution, that is, that will lead to burnout. It will lead to burn out of people on your list and related burn of the people who are watching you on a live stream. It’ll mean the burnout for everybody involved and it’s the saddest thing I see in the business right now.

Tom Poland: [00:05:26] Yeah. That’s kind of like, well it’s not working, let’s do more of it.

RJ Redden [00:05:30] Exactly.

Tom Poland: [00:05:32] How’s that working for you so far? Yeah. So, well that’s, that leads us to question four, three and a half minutes left. So that’s a common mistake. So, what are some of the other common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem of not getting the message heard? They’re going to make mistakes before they find you and discover bots. So, what are, what are a few of those mistakes that people are going to make?

RJ Redden [00:05:52] Excellent. One of them is one I made which is, let’s try to copy everybody else. One of them is a mistake of, well, let’s maybe not copy everybody else but let’s, let’s try to appeal to as many people as humanly possible. Therefore, making your message so general that it speaks to no one, that’s a popular problem. There are a lot of ways that people try to sound. People, people try to hire. Well, let’s just hire a good graphics person. Let’s hire a, let’s hire a VA to write everything. There are so many things that people do. It’s just the problem is this, that it’s not nice…it’s not you that’s the problem, it’s the megaphone that we shout into trying to get everybody. What if we had a qualifying onboarding process that only caused us to speak to the people that we know already liked us and want our product. That’s, it’s a different mentality entirely Tom.

Tom Poland: [00:06:48] That would be pretty smart. So, thank you. Question five, 10 minutes 10 seconds left. One valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to take them a step closer toward solving the problem. Probably not going to solve the whole thing but it’s a step in the right direction.

RJ Redden [00:07:03] It’s a step in the right direction and so I’m going to recommend two things, one for the technologically, you’ve got a pocket protector at home. You know what I’m saying? For people who love to tinker, I’ll send you to right now, create a free account, start tinkering okay. Look at what’s coming out. Look at, look at how you’re talking to people, look at all of the different tools that’s going to definitely be interesting to you.

RJ Redden [00:07:30] For folks that don’t necessarily want to do that, I would suggest subscribing to some bots. Seeing what that, that conversational experience is, because before you see that, that’s going to inform you to make your decision on whether you want to go through, go tickets to further on this bots train.

Tom Poland: [00:07:50] Okay. Thank you. Seventy seconds left, two questions to go. One valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more.

RJ Redden [00:07:57] Absolutely. So, I have shot Tom a link that is going to provide everybody within the sound of my voice of free bot.

Tom Poland: [00:08:07] Cool.

RJ Redden: [00:08:08] It is completely free. It is templates, videos to show you how to install, launch, nurture people and it’s absolutely super free. Go to that page, hit those videos up and then hit me up for a free half-hour appointment.

Tom Poland: [00:08:22] Fantastic. Blackbeltbolts.katra, K-A-R-T-R-A, dot com/page/MTI in case you’re listening to the podcast. Question number seven, twenty-five seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t?

RJ Redden: [00:08:39] You should have asked me what motivates me to get up and do this every day and let me just answer that really quickly for you. It is the dream of having small business owners in charge of their own communications, qualifying people, getting those prospects in, and actually being able to nurture them in a meaningful way and exploding their businesses. That’s my dream. That’s why I get up in the morning.

Tom Poland: [00:09:00] Thank you RJ. Time is up. I just want to also add that you were referred by, I’m going to shut that timer up. By one of the most highly respected marketers on the planet. I should have put that on the start but I think it’s better late than never. Thanks, RJ, cheers.

RJ Redden: [00:09:15] Thank you.

Tom Poland: [00:08:15] Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out