- Find out how to avoid becoming the “forgotten entrepreneur” in the long run
- Learn how to make more time for yourself through building a team-managed business
- Understand why the same strategies and practices you did at the beginning is not going to work now
- To get more FREE advice and some promising tips and tricks to scale up your business, click here: scalemasterclass.com
Do you always end up spending more time with your business and lesser time doing what you love doing?
Have you felt like you’ve lost yourself in the process of handling and building your business?
Are you ready to find out the promising tips and tricks on how to scale up your business and be everyone’s go-to entrepreneur?
Allison Maslan is the Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author of “Scale or Fail”. She has built 10 companies since age 19 and she is the founder of Pinnacle Global Network, where she and her team of mentors guide CEOs to scale their companies and create a more meaningful life.
Dive in into this episode with Allison and get a grip on how to avoid being the “forgotten entrepreneur” and grow your business beyond you and into so much more!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:20 – Allison’s ideal client: There’s a lot of support out there for the start-up business owner. But once you’ve been in business for a good period of time, I say you’re the “Forgotten Entrepreneur”.
- 01:59 – The problem he helps solve: What happens when you get that, you hit the ceiling, and you think that just working harder and focusing more is the answer, and maybe you’ll get incremental growth. But to really take the big leaps, you have to shift into a more scalable model.
- 02:52 – The symptoms of the problem: At that level, and we call this “phase three” in the Scale-Up method, we call it the “ringleader”. You’re the ringleader. You have a circus going on. And you are micromanaging everyone.
- 03:47 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Allison: they really are control freaks at this point– very, very hard to let go. It’s just the hardest thing.
- 04:41 – Allison’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The first thing I would do is pull out your calendar and really look at it and ask yourself, “Do I really need to be in all of these meetings or places and doing all these tasks?”
- 05:42 – Allison’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE advice and some promising tips and tricks to scale up your business, click here: scalemasterclass.com
- 06:22 – Q: How do you actually have a meaningful life and create a life of purpose while you’re growing and scaling your business? A: The answer is that you have probably forgotten these things. You might have had it at the beginning of your business, but you lost yourself in the business.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Get the support so that you can scale the business and have a life. You absolutely deserve it!” -Allison Maslan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Allison Maslan. Allison, good day from down under. A very warm welcome! Where are you hanging out?
Allison Maslan 00:22
I am in San Diego and the sun is shining, as you can see, coming through the windows here.
Tom Poland 00:28
Love San Diego! I love that whole coastline there. It’s just magical, driving down there. Allison from San Diego is also a Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author of the book, “Scale or Fail.” She has built 10 companies since the age of 19. I’m not going to say something corny, like “Was that all 10 years ago? Oops, too late!” And she is the founder of Pinnacle Global Network, where she and her team of mentors guide CEOs and create a more meaningful life in addition to uncapping the bottleneck for folks. So, the title today is very relevant, not surprisingly for Allison’s bio, which is, “How to Scale Your Company”. Allison, I’m going to stop talking. I’m going to ask you to start talking. Our seven minutes start now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Allison Maslan 01:20
Well, there’s a lot of support out there for the start-up business owner. But once you’ve been in business for a good period of time, I say you’re the “Forgotten Entrepreneur”. You’re sort of out there lost in Nowhere Land, and you hit the ceiling. And you want to know how to really scale beyond that. You’ve hit that, maybe you’re stuck at seven figures or stuck at eight-figures. And you’ve run out of bandwidth. And you really need to scale up. That’s really who we support with our “Scale Up” method.
Tom Poland 01:49
Seven’s wanting to get eight. Eight’s just wanted to get to nine. So, tell us more about, question two, and we’ve got six and a half minutes left. Tell us more about the problem you solve?
Allison Maslan 01:59
Yeah. And so, what happens when you get that, you hit the ceiling, and you think that just working harder and focusing more is the answer, and maybe you’ll get incremental growth. But to really take the big leaps, you have to shift into a more scalable model. And you have to build a team-managed company, so the business can grow beyond you. Otherwise, you’re going to be stuck in the weeds working 60-80 hours a week, forever, not taking vacations and the business running you instead of you running it.
Tom Poland 02:32
Does not sound like a whole lot of fun! Question three, and thank you for that. Just under six minutes left. What would you say are some of, maybe, the three or so top symptoms? Someone’s listening to this, they’re stuck at seven figures, what else are they noticing is going on in their business or their life where they think, “Yeah, I need to talk with Allison’s people”?
Allison Maslan 02:52
Yeah, so at that level, and we call this “phase three” in the Scale-Up method, we call it the “ringleader”. You’re the ringleader. You have a circus going on. And you are micromanaging everyone. And there’s no way you can get your arms around it all. It is overwhelming. It can affect your health. It can affect your marriage, relationships, whatever. And you just don’t see your way out of it. And so, this is really what we help the business owners solve. We help them shift into the visionary working on the business, not in the business.
Tom Poland 03:28
Got it! Thank you. Four and a half minutes left, what would you say are some of the common mistakes that when you’re working with high achievers, they’re already doing well. They’re aggressive, growth-orientated people, and they’re going to be trying stuff, but it’s not going to work. So, some of the mistakes, you mentioned one, was just working longer, working harder. Can you think of anything else that might be a mistake we could help people avoid?
Allison Maslan 03:47
Yeah. I mean, they really are control freaks at this point– very, very hard to let go. It’s just the hardest thing. And you know that saying “What got you here, won’t get you there”, you cannot do the same strategies and same practices you did at the beginning, and just try stretching it. Also helping, building that leadership team so that you’re able to truly free yourself and be that leader in your business, and the visionary so that you can truly scale it up.
Tom Poland 04:16
That’s massive building, that leadership team, and the lingo. It’s so true. So, question five, three and a half minutes left. Let’s flip this now. We have identified ideal clients, talked about the symptoms, the mistakes, and so on. What’s one, kind of, like a top tip that might take people listening to this a step in the right direction? They’re probably going to need you and your team for the whole solution, but it might get them started?
Allison Maslan 04:41
Yeah, I mean, the first thing I would do is pull out your calendar and really look at it and ask yourself, “Do I really need to be in all of these meetings or places and doing all these tasks?” I think if I sat down with you or my team sat down with you, we would be able to cut at least half, probably 30 hours in a week off of your plate. If it’s not going to the dentist or getting your hair done it doesn’t have to be you. You think it needs to be you, but it doesn’t need to be. So, it’s really taking an honest look at that and starting to extricate yourself from those things that are pulling your time.
Tom Poland 05:19
Alright, that’s a great tip, because that one thing could be incredibly liberating.
Allison Maslan 05:23
Yeah, and multiply it over a year. Yeah.
Tom Poland 05:26
Yes, indeed, and make a habit of it. So, let’s- two and a half minutes left. That’s going to get them started. And I’m pretty sure you’ve got something else that they can get their teeth into. A free resource that we could direct people to, please. Where would people go to learn more about your work?
Allison Maslan 05:42
Yeah, so you can- for the free resource, I would go to scalemasterclass.com. I do a regular live stream. It is a live where I take you through a 90-minute training on step-by-step how to build your scale plan, how to build a team-manage company, and shift into a scale model. So, you can sign up for that. And then the next one will be, you know, within the next few days.
Tom Poland 06:08
Perfect! Thank you for that. Great resource. Scalemasterclass.com, a live session! Question seven, Allison. We’ve got 90 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Allison Maslan 06:22
How do you actually have a meaningful life and create a life of purpose while you’re growing and scaling your business? That’s the question I would say.
Tom Poland 06:35
That is a great question! And the answer?
Allison Maslan 06:38
The answer is that you have probably forgotten these things. You might have had it at the beginning of your business, but you lost yourself in the business. So, I think it’s really getting- taking that time journaling and saying “what does fill me up? What do I love to do?” And if you don’t know, get the support. You know, get the support so that you can scale the business and have a life. You absolutely deserve it! That’s what we do in Pinnacle Global Network all day long.
Tom Poland 07:07
It’s so true that people start out with the idea of fulfilment and a meaningful purpose-driven business or highly profitable middle lifestyle and then, you know, five or six years later, completely lost sight of those. Those things are just buried in the mire. Allison Maslan, thanks so much for your time and your wisdom, and your insights.
Allison Maslan 07:24
Thank you for having me.
Tom Poland 07:26
Tom Poland 07:27
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