- Discover how inconsistency and inefficiency lead you to the worst mistakes your business could face
- Learn why taking action is the key to bring efficiencies and why incentivizing your team alone isn’t enough
- Find out where the gaps in your business are and what the return on investment is going to be through an assessment from this episode’s guest
- Wanting to find out more about the upside and the potential you might have for ICT? Take the Digital Transformation Readiness Survey at https://www.365solutionsgroup.com.au/MTI/
Are you a business owner who has recently thought of scaling your service delivery to delight more customers but is still clueless on its how-to’s?
Do you want to be able to keep your data secured yet accessible, rework business information into multiple platforms, and get to monitor how your business is doing in the dashboards?
Inefficiency and inconsistency may cost you your entire business in the future, and that isn’t something you would want to face.
Ride the waves of ICT solutions’ trends and receive a treat from our episode today!
Tristram Morgan has provided ICT solutions (information, communication and technology) for 30 years, and helped hundreds of customers to digitally transform their businesses to drive efficiency, reduce operating costs and exceed customer expectations.
In this episode, Tristram unravels how beneficial it is for business owners to involve their business into the digital world. Here, he talks about how inefficiency and inconsistency can soon lead to numerous mistakes in the management as he mentions both the importance of taking action and what consequence an inaction could make.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:28 – Tristram’s ideal client: “So our ideal client is a business owner with somewhere between 10 and 200 people on the team. They realize that there are better ways of doing things to be more efficient, and they want to deliver consistently great service to their customers but are not sure how to go about it.”
- 02:14 – Problem Tristram helps solve: “There are three pillars to what we do. The first is we help them keep their data secure whilst also making it accessible; the second pillar is we help them find the bottlenecks in their business; and the third pillar is about capturing the data on how their business is operating in visual dashboards.”
- 03:55 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Tristram: “So the symptoms are many and varied, but they boil down really to two things that they experience which is inefficiency and inconsistency. So what they’ll see is mistakes being made, tasks are slipping through the cracks, one person completes the process one way but another person does it another way, they’re entering information into multiple systems and none of them talk to each other.”
- 05:02 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Tristram’s solution: “So one is that they try and do without systems, and the other alternative is that they try to implement the shiny new system for every issue they have in the business and they create an ecosystem of islands and isolated information which is a chaos to manage.”
- 06:06 – Tristram’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “It’s a good idea to incentivize your team to find ways of bringing efficiencies to the table, but the key thing is you have to action what is brought to your attention; otherwise, you lose credibility and goodwill pretty fast from both customers and your team.”
- 07:07 – Tristram’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Visit https://www.365solutionsgroup.com.au/MTI/ and take the Digital Transformation Readiness Survey today.
- 07:50 – Q: What is the cost of inaction to a business owner who knows they’re struggling with inefficiency? A: Eventually, it may cost them the entire business because competitors are automating or saving costs to be more competitive, and it’s actually very hard to sell a business without strong systems and processes in place, so it can be worthless when they finish working.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You have to action what is brought to your attention; otherwise, you lose credibility and goodwill pretty fast from both customers and your team.” -Tristram Morgan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome everyone to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to us from a little castaway’s beach here in Queensland Australia joined today by Tristram Morgan. Tristram, good day Sir. Nice to see you again. Where are you based just so everyone else knows?
Tristram Morgan 0:25
Good afternoon, Tom. Yeah, great to see you again. I’m in sunny breeze Vegas today in the heart of the CBD.
Tom Poland 0:31
Oh, breeze Vegas as we call it up here.
Alright so, Tristram and I have worked together for a little while now actually, and he’s provided ICT solutions – and for those of you aren’t in the know, that’s information and communication technology solutions – for actually 30 years. So, gee, almost as old, almost as long doing this as we’ve had the internet for, certainly, instead of public access forums. He’s helped literally, literally hundreds of customers to digitally transform their businesses which in turn drives efficiencies, reduces operating costs and helps to exceed customer expectations – all pretty juicy stuff.
Tristram, our title today is How To Scale Your Service Delivery To Delight More Customers Without Hiring Extra People. Alright. So that’s going to take us seven minutes to figure out. Our time starts now, Sir. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Tristram Morgan 1:28
So our ideal client is a business owner with somewhere between 10 and 200 people on the team. They realize that there are better ways of doing things to be more efficient and they want to deliver consistently great service to their customers but are not sure how to go about it.
So we have helped solopreneurs and smaller businesses, we’ve got a couple of multinationals, but the 10 to 200 is the real sweet spot for us. We have some key verticals which are not for profits, professional services and the resources sector. Realistically, it’s any business where there are lots of people in front of their computers for the majority of the day.
Tom Poland 2:01
Right. Great description. So, leads us nicely into question number two. Six– just over six minutes left. Can you define the problem that you solve for those ideal clients?
Tristram Morgan 2:14
Yeah. So realistically, we haven’t yet found the business we can’t help so long as they’re using Microsoft somewhere in the mix. So the key part is that if someone has no Microsoft, they’re using G Suite or other platform, we’re not the right mix. Most businesses have – whether it’s Outlook or SharePoint or something – we can then really help them to pull all their systems into one place.
The problem they’re usually having is– well, there are three pillars to what we do, really. The first is we help them keep their data secure whilst also making it accessible, because security and access are often ends of the same scale and every business has an appetite for risk that’s different depending upon the sensitivity of their data.
So the second pillar is we help them find the bottlenecks in their business. So the reworking of information into multiple systems, paper forms that can be digitized, manual processes that we can automate, and a simple example is when we publish a blog post on our website, it also goes to our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. So post once, get four times the benefit.
And the third pillar is about capturing the data on how their business is operating in visual dashboards. So when you have a process that’s automated, you can measure it and you can make adjustments along the way.
Tom Poland 3:27
Right. So security, access, bottlenecks, and finding out what the heck is actually happening in your business with the data.
Tristram Morgan 3:37
That’s absolutely right.
Tom Poland 3:39
Perfect. Three problems solved.
So, question three and maybe it’s the flip side of the problems, but what are the symptoms? So if someone’s listening to this and they’re going ‘Okay, I’m in that sweet spot, 10 to 200 employees’, what’s going on in their business that would kind of give them a heads up that they need to look further at what you do?
Tristram Morgan 3:55
Yeah. So the symptoms are many and varied, but they boil down really to two things that they experience which is inefficiency and inconsistency. So what they’ll see is mistakes being made, tasks are slipping through the cracks, one person completes the process one way but another person does it another way, they’re entering information into multiple systems and none of them talk to each other, you’ll have to be retained independently which means that you get gaps from the information from one place to another, and reporting is often really complex – we have to match information together from multiple platforms.
So there are lots of things that they will see that are slowing them down, and one of the big problems that they’re going to experience is that any extra sales in business means they need more employees to service them so they cannot scale.
Tom Poland 4:40
Right, that sounds like a nightmare.
So people are running these businesses or senior roles in these businesses are going to want to sort this out. They’re going to do things that may not actually work so well. So question four, and three and a half minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes you see people make before they become a client of yours?
Tristram Morgan 5:02
There are often two extremes, Tom. So one is that they try and do without systems because they think, ‘You know what, it’s complex; it’s expensive. We just– we’ll do things the way we’ve always done them; that’ll work out’ and the other alternative is that they try to implement the shiny new system for every issue they have in the business and they create an ecosystem of islands and isolated information which is a chaos to manage.
So, yeah. It’s really trying to fix it without doing the main thing which is to take the time out to map the processes to people and roles, assign responsibilities, and then work out how to automate those processes for better effect.
Tom Poland 5:42
Right. And I wanted to highlight one thing there as well. I guess they’re often hiring extra people when actually what they needed is a sort out, sort out their ICT systems. So, yeah.
Tristram Morgan 5:52
Absolutely, good idea.
Tom Poland 5:54
So let’s go to question five. Two and a half minutes left. One valuable free action. So this is just like an idea – one step someone could take. It’s not going to resolve the whole solution, but it might take them a step in the right direction. Got a top tip for everyone?
Tristram Morgan 6:06
Absolutely. My view, Tom, is the number one thing that business owner can do to make their business more efficient is actually conduct an audit of how things work from the customer’s perspective as well as the team’s perspective. So, you get feedback from the trenches as it were.
So if you survey your customers about what they like about doing business with you and what they’re less impressed with, this often leads to gaps in the processes that you can’t really see from internally because you’re doing things the way you’ve always done them and they seem just fine. And it’s a good idea to incentivize your team to find ways of bringing efficiencies to the table, but the key thing is you have to action what is brought to your attention; otherwise, you lose credibility and goodwill pretty fast from both customers and your team.
Tom Poland 6:48
Getting ideas from the customers is essential but it’s not enough. We need to implement solutions as well.
Thank you, Sir. 80 seconds left. Two questions. One valuable free resource. Where could people go to find out more about the upside and the potential they might have for ICT?
Tristram Morgan 7:07
Okay. So, if you go to my website which is https://www.365solutionsgroup.com.au/MTI/ for Marketing The Invisible, you can take an assessment called the Digital Transformation Readiness Survey and that’ll help you to determine where the gaps are and what the return on investment is going to be of taking steps to automate your processes and streamline your systems.
Tom Poland 7:32
Oh, very nice. So that’s numbers https://www.365solutionsgroup.com.au/MTI/. Perfect. Thank you, Sir. That would be very valuable.
30 seconds left. Question seven. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and very quickly the answer, please.
Tristram Morgan 7:50
The question you should have asked Tom is ‘What is the cost of inaction to a business owner who knows they’re struggling with inefficiency?’ and the very scary answer is that eventually, it may cost them the entire business because competitors are automating or saving costs to be more competitive, and it’s actually very hard to sell a business without strong systems and processes in place, so it can be worthless when they finish working.
Tom Poland 8:11
Tristram Morgan, thank you so much for your insights.
Tristram Morgan 8:14
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 08:17
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