- Discover how to attract your PERFECT LEADS and convert them into INSTANT CUSTOMERS like clockwork
- How to turn their advertising into a profit
- Learn the proven approach to growing your business by landing more higher-paying clients in a rapidly changing marketplace
- Download your copy of “Instant Customers”: The Super Simple 7 Step Framework That You Can Implement Quickly, To Attract And Convert 21 New High Paying Customers Within The Next 60 Days. https://camroberts.com.au
When industry leaders, speakers, coaches, and savvy entrepreneurs NEED help with their Marketing Funnels and Sales Systems – they contact Cameron Roberts.
Cameron Roberts is the CEO of a company called BubbleGum Marketing. And he’s also a marketing strategist at camroberts.com.au. And top of this, he’s also a five-star podcaster.
In this episode, Cameron shares how he helps entrepreneurs and companies, launch new products, scale their business, and turn advertising into a profit through the power of social media.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:34 – Cameron’s ideal client: our ideal clients are either people that want coaching or mentoring. Or our ideal clients are people who want done for you professional services.
- 03:42 – Problem he helps solve: The biggest problem that we solve for both buyer personas is how to turn their advertising into a profit.
- 04:45 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Cameron:One of the biggest problems that I see all the time is, in what we do in relation to, you know, turning advertising into profit and creating marketing funnels and sales systems and marketing campaigns, is that there’s a lot of complexity and there are a lot of moving parts.
- 05:27 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: They go into something like Facebook advertising or LinkedIn advertising. And they don’t have a back-end system, they don’t have a back-end funnel to, you know, nurture the leads and help convert the leads automatically and systematically..
- 06:16 – Cameron’s Valuable Free Action(VFA):“When it comes to social media marketing, inbound marketing, marketing automation, you’ve got to invest in your business, you’ve got to invest in yourself.”
- 07:29 – Cameron’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): Download your copy of “Instant Customers” https://camroberts.com.au
- 08:12 – Q: “Where do you see marketing going in the next three to five years??” A: you’re going to see more smart content created, you’re going to see more automation created and you’re going to see more AI, artificial intelligence being used in marketing. And what I mean by that, all of those three things are going to create a better user for the prospects or people shopping online or looking for your product or coming into your business and into your marketing funnels. And what you’re also going to see is more marketing specialists in those areas that you’ll see people who are just specialists in creating smart content. You’ll see people who are just specialists in AI, and you’ll see people who are just a specialist in marketing automation. And those three things are really going to drive marketing in the years ahead.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“When it comes to social media marketing, inbound marketing, marketing automation, you've got to invest in your business, you've got to invest in yourself.” -Cameron Roberts Share on XInfo about our correspondent host:Jigar Poojar is Leadsology’s man on the ground in India. Just like CNN has reporters worldwide, Leadsology is developing a small but selective network of hosts to interview guest so our reach is deeper and wider than ever before.
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Jigar Poojara: 0:09
Very warm welcome to one more Marketing The Invisible Podcast. My name is Jigar, joined today by a very, very special guest, Cameron Roberts. Thank you, Cameron, for joining, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out in the world by the way?
Cameron Roberts: 0:22
We’re based in Australia, down under, on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. So, it’s a beautiful part of the world.
Jigar Poojara: 0:29
Great. All right. Cameron, I just wanted to introduce you to my audience. Cameron Roberts is the CEO of the company called BubbleGum Marketing. And he’s also a marketing strategic at camroberts.com.au. And top of this, he’s also a five-star podcaster. Most of the time his team helps people scale their businesses, launch new products, and turn advertising into a profitable advertising. Which is amazing. Would you like to say something more about what you do, Cameron?
Cameron Roberts: 1:05
Yeah, sure. There’s two parts of our business. The first part is that we coach and mentor people. So, a typical buyer persona for coaching and mentoring businesses that turn over under a million dollars a year. And they are looking for strategic advice on how to attract, how to convert, how to nurture clients, how to close sales. And so, we teach them how to scale their business with social media, with automation, and launch new products, and also how to turn their advertising into profit. And then their teams are going implement our teaching and coaching. The second part of our business is through our agency arm or the agency side of our business. And that’s where we offer professional services. So, you know, done for you professional services. Now, our buyer personas for the agency are typically companies that turn over $1 million plus and ideally, they’re usually around a 2, $3 million plus company. And we help them scale most of their products and turn their advertising into profits while using tools such as HubSpot and Infusionsoft.
Jigar Poojara:2:05
Wow. Amazing. All right. Cameron, let’s get back to the topic. Our topic today is, “How to Scale Your Social Media Marketing in just Seven Days with Seven Ways”, and in seven minutes. So, Cameron is going to tell us in seven minutes. And Cameron, are you ready? I’m going to start the timer.
Cameron Roberts: 2:26
Jigar Poojara: 2:27
All right. Your time starts now, Cameron. Question number one, who is your ideal clients?
Cameron Roberts: 2:34
Well, I’ll just say our ideal clients are either people that want coaching or mentoring. Or our ideal clients are people who want done for you professional services.
So, as I said, most of our coaching and mentoring clients are companies and businesses that turn under a million dollars a year turnover, and they want someone to show them the expert ways or a faster way to implement their marketing using social media marketing, automation, and inbound marketing. Whereas our professional services clients, we have an expert team that does professional services through BubbleGum Marketing. And through BubbleGum Marketing our ideal buyer persona or our ideal customer or client, they usually turn out 2, 3, 4 million dollars and they’re rather large companies with sales teams. And we help them create sales systems, marketing systems, we align their sales and marketing together. And we do that by helping them use tools like HubSpot, Infusionsoft, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Jigar Poojara: 3:33
Wonderful. Question number two, you’ve got five minutes and 50 seconds. What is the problem that you solve?
Cameron Roberts: 3:40
The biggest problem that we solve for both buyer personas is how to turn their advertising into a profit.
You know, how to use paid advertising to attract their ideal customers and their ideal clients into their funnels. And then we help them scale their business by creating systems, marketing system, sale systems, sales enablement systems, and systems that align their sales and marketing together so that they can sell at a faster velocity. The other problem that we solve for people is all around launching new products. If they’ve got a new product, or new service that they want to launch, we help them not only create the programs or the products through our ideas and our strategic advice, but also launched them with our launch formula into the market using digital marketing.
Jigar Poojara: 4:32
Great. Wow, amazing. Question number three, you’ve got four minutes and 50 seconds. What are the typical symptoms people experience when they try to solve the problems on their own?
Cameron Roberts: 4:45
One of the biggest problems that I see all the time is, in what we do in relation to, you know, turning advertising into profit and creating marketing funnels and sales systems and marketing campaigns, is that there’s a lot of complexity and there’s a lot of moving parts. So, people can come undone really, really quickly if they don’t have all of the sequences in the right order. And there’s often subtle, little nuances if you like, and getting those wrong can lead to blowing out your cost for your advertising.
Jigar Poojara: 5:18
Amazing. Okay. Question number four, we’ve got four minutes remaining. What are the common mistakes people make when they try to solve their problem?
Cameron Roberts: 5:27
Your common mistakes are they go into something like Facebook advertising or LinkedIn advertising. And they don’t have a back-end system, they don’t have a back-end funnel to, you know, nurture the leads and help convert the leads automatically and systematically. They think that Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter or the social media platform is the holy grail to their marketing. And although that’s where they go to get their leads, that’s not where it should stop. Because if you want to capitalize on your advertising, you really need a system that’s going to convert the other 95% of people who don’t want to take action straight away.
Jigar Poojara: 6:04
Okay, great. Question number five, we’ve got three minutes and 15 seconds. What one valuable free action that the audience can implement and that will help them further solve this kind of problem?
Cameron Roberts: 6:16
I always say, you know,
…when it comes to social media marketing, inbound marketing, marketing automation, you’ve got to invest in your business, you’ve got to invest in yourself.
And it’s really important that you make a substantial investment to grow. And I think, what I see a lot is people trying to take a shortcut, and they try and look for a cheap option. And you’ve got to remember, you know, it’s that old saying that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys, right? And so, if you want a great result with your marketing, if you want a great result with your sales funnels and your marketing funnels, you need to invest in either yourself and work out how to do it, or invest in getting someone else to do it for you. You know a great mentor once told me that people should pay once and cry once. And what he really meant by that is they should invest the money into the system or to invest the money into coaching to find out a fast way to do it. And they just move on and get the result that they want to get really quickly.
Jigar Poojara: 7:15
I totally agree with you. Question number six, we’ve got two minutes remaining. What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will further help them with this kind of problem?
Cameron Roberts: 7:28
Yeah, great. Look, if folks want to go over to my website, which is camroberts.com.au, that’s C-A-M-R-O-B-E-R-T-S dot com dot au, I’ve got a free resource there. It’s called Instant Customers. And it gives people the seven-step framework for attracting and converting high paying clients within the next 21 days. And it’s a great resource. It comes with a few bonus offers as well. So, they can go over there, put their name, email in, and grab that free resource.
Jigar Poojara: 7:58
Amazing. Great. I would put the link into the podcast, people can go there. We’ve got one minute and 10 seconds remaining. Question number seven, what is the one question that I should have asked you, but I didn’t?
Cameron Roberts: 8:12
The one question you should have asked would be, where do you see marketing going in the next three to five years? And my answer to that would be, you’re going to see more smart content created, you’re going to see more automation created and you’re going to see more AI, artificial intelligence being used in marketing. And what I mean by that, all of those three things are going to create a better user for the prospects or people shopping online or looking for your product or coming into your business and into your marketing funnels. And what you’re also going to see is more marketing specialists in those areas that you’ll see people who are just specialists in creating smart content. You’ll see people who are just specialists in AI, and you’ll see people who are just specialist in marketing automation. And those three things are really going to drive marketing in the years ahead.
Jigar PoojaraJigar Poojara:Alright. Thanks for joining this podcast, have a nice day, Cameron.
Cameron Roberts: 9:04
Thank you very much for having me on the show.
Jigar Poojara: 9:06
Thank you.
Tom Poland: 9:08
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