- Discover how to craft the perfect email for your email list with guarantee for more sales and interests from your clients
- Learn about the “constipated content” and how to avoid it
- Find out how to sell more through the use of email without being a jerk
- Check out Terry’s Website: mymarketingcoach.com/gift
Are you tired of not making enough money? Are you using your email list wisely to get more sales or are you sending out “constipated content”? Do you want to know the secrets to sell more with the use of emailing and your business personality?
Terry Dean started his online business from scratch in 1996. He went from delivering pizzas to designing an Internet Lifestyle business which gave him both the freedom and the money to enjoy life. Within a few years he was also consulting with home-based businesses, local companies, and million-dollar corporations. His original company and websites were sold in 2004, and in 2006 he launched MyMarketingCoach as a solution for entrepreneurs who are overworked, overstressed, and not earning the kind of income they want in their businesses.
In this episode, Terry shares his insights on how to craft the perfect email that can guarantee you an active email list, and an increase in sales and customer interest. He also shares how to avoid writing emails full of sales pitch content or the “constipated content”.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:42 – Terry’s ideal client: “Ideal clients are consultants, coaches, and online course creators who want to build and scale automated systems for more leads and sales online.”
- 01:55 – Problem Terry helps solve: “What we’ll find is most entrepreneurs, they have conversion cracks in their websites and their online funnels. And what I mean by a conversion crack is they’re trying to transport- it’s like trying to transport water with a bucket full of holes, and I help them find those cracks and mistakes so they can generate more leads and sales.”
- 02:38 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Terry: “Well, the biggest one is going to be that they’re not earning enough money because that’s the one that actually matters. They’re not earning enough in their online business, and they’re trying to put together a system, online systems, they’re sending out emails, but the money is not coming in.”
- 04:02 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Terry’s solutions: “Well, there are really two different ways that they often go to different mistakes that are most common. And the first one is being overly aggressive, and sending a lot of email sales pitches.”
- 05:14 – Terry’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Well the first thing they need to do, of course, is move out of the “constipated content” which is facts and figures. And so, the way that they do that is they move into telling stories. And a lot of times, that can be case studies, it can be your own personal stories.”
- 07:19 – Terry’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Terry’s Website: mymarketingcoach.com/gift
- 07:56 – Q: What about videos, social media, texting, and pretty much every other communication method? A: The reality is that you can make the mistake of “constipated content” with all of those other types of content as well. Matter of fact, that’s one of the big issues when you try to hire out content is that’s what they deliver you, a whole bunch of facts and figures without personality, without identification.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“With all the solutions already available in your overcrowded marketplace, why did you decide to start another solution?” -Terry Dean Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Terry Dean. Terry, good day, very warm welcome. So where are you hanging out?
Terry Dean 00:23
I’m in Ocala, which is Central Florida.
Tom Poland 00:26
Central Florida with the elections is just five days away, all the best for that. So, folks, for those of you who don’t know about Terry, he started his online business from scratch. Almost in the past lifetime, Terry and I see him in 1996. So, you’ve been around a while doing this, not your first rodeo. He went from delivering pizzas to designing an internet lifestyle business, by on a switch, gave him both the freedom and the money to enjoy life. Sounds like a great combination! Within a few years, he was consulting with home-based businesses, local companies, and million-dollar corporations. His original company and websites were sold in 2004. 2006, he metamorphosed into and launched MyMarketingCoach, as a solution for entrepreneurs who are overworked, way too stressed, and just simply not still not earning enough money, that sort of money they want is to be ending their business. So, this little email, this little interview, I should say, is pivotal to creating a great lifestyle internet business because the title is “How to Sell More with Email Without Being a Jerk” and which I think is the right title. Thank you, Terry. And the- Terry our seven-minute starts now. Let’s go with question number one, who is your ideal client?
Terry Dean 01:42
Ideal clients are consultants, coaches, and online course creators who want to build and scale automated systems for more leads and sales online.
Tom Poland 01:50
Perfect. Thank you. Question two, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Terry Dean 01:55
What we’ll find is most entrepreneurs, they have conversion cracks in their websites and their online funnels. And what I mean by a conversion crack is they’re trying to transport- it’s like trying to transport water with a bucket full of holes, and I help them find those cracks and mistakes so they can generate more leads and sales.
Tom Poland 02:12
Plug them. Plug the holes. Stop the leaks.
Terry Dean 02:15
Tom Poland 02:16
And so, question number three, we’ve got six and a half minutes left still. When you’ve got this coach, this consult, this person marketing his online courses and so on, and they’ve got the leaks, but they want to really build this lifestyle business. How do they know that their ideal client for you? So, in other words, what are some of the symptoms they are going to be experiencing and they would say, “Yeah, I need to reach out to Terry and get some of his stuff?”
Terry Dean 02:38
Well, the biggest one is going to be that they’re not earning enough money because that’s the one that actually matters. They’re not earning enough in their online business, and they’re trying to put together a system, online systems, they’re sending out emails, but the money is not coming in. A lot of times, I’ll come through and I’ll help them. We’ll look at their ads, we’ll look at their opt-in rates, we’ll look at their conversion on their website, their emails, a lot of other pieces of the business. But for here, one of the pieces that I focus on a lot is often on the email side, which is why we’re talking about selling with email. And a lot of times they have a, what they consider, a dead email list. One that’s unresponsive, that’s not clicking, that’s not buying. And it comes back to that main point again, they’re not making enough money from the email list.
Tom Poland 03:17
Right. So that’s the big symptoms of- so your ideal clients do they already- they already have an email list? Do you help them get email lists, so they typically already got something just not making money out of it?
Terry Dean 03:28
I will sometimes be helping those who don’t have an email list, but the majority of my clients already have an email list. The majority of the time they’re already sending out something. But it’s usually not the right emails, and it’s not working for them.
Tom Poland 03:39
They’re not- they’re hearing crickets. Okay, thank you. So, they’re just not generating enough revenue, and they’re not getting terrific responses from what emails are sending out. So, question four and out of five minutes left. These are smart people, they’ve got their own business, though. They’re aspirational. They want to do better, they got to try stuff. And so, what I’m interested in now is what are some of the common mistakes that they try before they find your solution?
Terry Dean 04:02
Well, there are really two different ways that they often go to different mistakes that are most common. And the first one is being overly aggressive, and sending a lot of email sales pitches. And I’m sure you’ve been on lists like that, where like every email, you get a sales pitch, and it’s bigger and bigger promises, and it’s hyped up third to the moon, and we’re going to buy this and that’s being a jerk. So that when I’m going to talk about being a jerk, that’s that side, and that’s pretty common. Now, the other side of the mistake that people make is that they overwhelm their audience with boring, dry content. And I like to call that “constipated content” because it’s memorable, and that’s the type of content that you’re sending out. And you’re going to find that the “constipated content” again, it’s boring, it doesn’t really grab their attention. It doesn’t identify with the client. It’s not entertaining, and clients don’t buy from “constipated content”.
Tom Poland 04:50
Right. So that’s like the two ends of the spectrum either “pitch, pitch, pitch, sell all the time” well versus “boring”. So, let- that might lead us quite nicely into question number five then and three and a half minutes left. What’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take that’s going to move them forward in their success by marking with emails, it may not solve the whole problem, they might need you for that, but it’s going to help them a bit?
Terry Dean 05:14
Well the first thing they need to do, of course, is move out of the “constipated content” which is facts and figures. And so, the way that they do that is they move into telling stories. And a lot of times, that can be case studies, it can be your own personal stories. And the one tip that I want to give here is to start off with an origin story. And an origin story, that’s the why behind what you do. It’s the why behind the why of what you do. And here’s the question I’m going to give you, this is your point to start with. Okay? Answer this question. With all the solutions already available in your overcrowded marketplace, why did you decide to start another solution? And I want the people listening to this, to answer that question, and answered in full detail. A lot of times it’s going to be because there’s a problem in your own life or problem with someone close to you, and you tried a bunch of other solutions that didn’t work, you can go out and you can write about those solutions until you finally discovered the unique solution that you have to share with others because you saw how powerful it was. You saw how it could apply to other people’s lives because you saw what it did for your own life and for your clients. And now when you write this, and you write this up, that’s going to be- it could be a single email that you send out, or if you write a lot about it, it might end up being a series of emails that you talk about the different steps, and it almost becomes almost like a serial story that you send out over several emails. And that’s so much of a difference because what you’re doing with an email like that is, you’re telling a story, you’re building interest, you’re talking about the problems out there. You’re identifying with them because you either had the problem or you knew someone who did, and you’re showing that you care at the same time while leading them over to your solution.
Tom Poland 06:46
There’s a burning question because it puts the spotlight on the point of difference. Give you, I tried all this other stuff, and nothing really satisfied me. So that’s why I came up with this solution. Can you repeat the question again, please? Because I think there’s a lot of gold in that.
Terry Dean 06:59
Okay, the question again, is, with all the solutions already available in your overcrowded marketplace, why did you decide to create yet another solution?
Tom Poland 07:08
Brilliant, thank you. Question six, 90 seconds left, what’s one valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more with sending emails out without being a jerk?
Terry Dean 07:19
I have a free email conversion kit that helps you create fun, personable emails. They get subscribers to open, click, and buy, and it’s a downloadable PDF. And it’s like actually a copy of my $39 a month print newsletter. It’s one of the issues from it. And it’s going to give you cheat sheets, it’s going to give you 64 story starters to help you with stories, some subject line templates, and more. And you can pick them up at mymarketingcoach.com/gift. And that’s just gift, G-I-F-T. So it’s mymarketingcoach.com, all is one word, /gift.
Tom Poland 07:48
Perfect. Thank you, sir. And that gives us a whopping 40 seconds left for the last question which is, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Terry Dean 07:56
Well, we focused in on email, so you might have asked what about videos, social media, texting, and pretty much every other communication method. And the reality is that you can make the mistake of “constipated content” with all of those other types of content as well. Matter of fact, that’s one of the big issues when you try to hire out content is that’s what they deliver you, a whole bunch of facts and figures without personality, without identification. And what I just talked to you, that little question I gave you, doesn’t just apply to email, it applies to pretty much any other piece of content that you want to create. Use that as a starting point to create some good personal content. And then also go over and pick up my kit so that you can get other ideas for other types of story starters that you can create your other pieces of content out of.
Tom Poland 08:36
Fantastic. Terry Dean, thank you so much for your time.
Terry Dean 08:39
Thank you.
Tom Poland 08:40
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