- Find out what is your signature process and how it can cut your time in half while increasing sales
- Discover why making the switch from a one-to-one model to a one-to-many model is important for your business
- Learn more about the importance of solidifying your signature process in managing your time and business
- Want to know more about how you can increase your sales while cutting your workload in half? Click here: https://www.jasonvanorden.com/scalable-genius/
Do you want to know how you can increase your sales by serving more clients in half the time and stress?
Having a model isn’t enough if you are more stressed, losing prospects, and often caught up in it. A one-to-one model may sound the best, but having your very own signature process (and maybe, even switching to a one-to-many model) can promise you more leads and more profit at a lesser time and cost.
Jason Van Orden helps coaches and consultants create group programs that serve ten times the clients and cut their workload in half without sacrificing client results.
Make sure you’ve got your pen and paper ready as Jason talks about how you can create your very own signature process that can guarantee you more clients without sacrificing any of your current progress or sales. He also shares his secrets on how you switch to a one-to-many model at ease!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:29 – Jason’s ideal client: It’s that coach or consultant doing great work for a while. They know who their ideal client is. They know how to get some really good results.
- 03:16 – The problem he helps solve: It’s serving more people in less time, but not sacrificing the results either. I know that coaches and consultants get into business because they want to change people’s lives.
- 05:12 – The symptoms of the problem: So they’re feeling pulled between, “Okay, I’m marketing and finding new leads. Okay, now I’m trying to sell to bring people in. Okay, now I got to serve those clients,” right? And there’s these different parts of our business.
- 07:08 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Jason: So there’s one or two that I see the most often. One is thinking, “Hey, I’m so valuable to my clients. I have to be in the room. It’s me being intuitive. I’m integral to the process.”
- 08:39 – Jason’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The first thing is to start defining your signature process. So how do you do that? Well, start breaking down and noticing the themes and how you guide them from here to there and think of it in terms of milestones.
- 09:26 – Jason’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know more about how you can increase your sales while cutting your workload in half? Click here: https://www.jasonvanorden.com/scalable-genius/
- 10:15 – Q: How did the universe start? Where did it all come from? A: Actually, I don’t know. But I love thinking about it as much as I can, like, why are we here?
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Your ideas can be turned into a system where that becomes the star of the show. That becomes the thing that your clients are buying into.” -Jason Van Orden Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by Jason Van Orden. Jason, a warm good day from Down Under. Sir, where are you hanging out?
Jason Van Orden 00:21
Hi there, Tom. I’m in Brooklyn, New York today. I mean, that’s where I live most days.
Tom Poland 00:25
Brooklyn! I bet you have some great Reubens there. Those New York delis.
Jason Van Orden 00:30
Yeah, absolutely. Yes! Delis is definitely my favorite place to get a good Reuben.
Tom Poland 00:34
Yeah, getting a Reuben here in Australia is not easy. I can tell you.
Jason Van Orden 00:39
That’s a bummer!
Tom Poland 00:40
It is a real bummer! But there’s one cafe in Melbourne, which is only a two-and-a-half-hour flight from where I am, called Barry and Williamsburg. And it’s basically an American New York-style deli and they have Reubens to die for. So once a year, I hop on a plane to go get my Reuben.
Jason Van Orden 00:56
Just to get your Reuben. I love it!
Tom Poland 00:57
Well, I say hello to my daughter all the way down there and catch a couple of shows, but the Reuben is center stage! All right, culinary delights, and back on to you, sir. Folks, Jason does this magical thing that I just wish– the heck– every coach, every consultant, every trainer would do, because it takes you from a very limited revenue stream to something that is almost uncapped. And that not only potentially generates a whole lot more revenue in sales for you, but it brings into play, potentially, a richness of diversity by bringing your clients together. Potentially, it can do this, so that they get more value. Not only you’re spending much less time with your clients and serving many more clients, but they’re all getting value not just from you, but from each other. So it’s kind of spine-tingling, and exciting for me, to have you here, Jason, because I’m a believer! And, folks, if you want to scale value delivery, if you want to enrich your client’s experiences by exposing them to other clients, then you want to listen up. Our title today is, “How to 10x–” Only 10?
Jason Van Orden 01:10
Maybe 20!
Tom Poland 01:40
Maybe. Yeah, exactly. But 10 would be a good start. “10x the Number of Clients You Have but Serve Them Half the Time”. Jason, let’s kick off! Our seven minutes is going to start just as soon as I find the timer. Here we go! We start now. Question number one, sir, who’s your ideal client?
Jason Van Orden 02:29
Yeah, so it’s that coach or consultant doing great work for a while. They know who their ideal client is. They know how to get some really good results. And they’ve started to see the themes, the patterns, and like, “This is what people need to go from where they’re at to where they want to go.” And yet now they’re at this point where they either, they’ve reached, maxed out, in terms of how many clients they can serve given the time they have to dedicate to that client-facing time, or they see that horizon coming in. They’re like, “You know what, I want a bigger income and impact than that. So I need a way to go from a one-to-one business model to a one-to-many business model.” And that’s what I help them do.
Tom Poland 03:04
And that may answer question two, which I had for you, which is what’s the problem you solve? Is there anything else you want to unpack on that problem that you solved for them? You’re talking about going from one-to-one to one-to-many and in a whole lot less time?
Jason Van Orden 03:16
Yeah, absolutely! So it’s serving more people in less time, but not sacrificing the results either. I know that coaches and consultants get into business because they want to change people’s lives. They want to help them reach that transformation that they’re looking for. And so I know, that’s one thing that sometimes coaches and consultants worry about when they go to a one-to-many model. But as I’ll be able to talk about hearing a little bit, when you’ve really solidified your signature process for delivering results and packaged it in a way that allows you to deliver it one-to-many, you also are now able to incrementally improve that process over time. And so the results actually get better and better and better, as you figure out through a feedback loop. “Here is what works best for my clients”, and come up with more efficient ways to deliver that.
Tom Poland 03:57
I love that phrase– “your signature process”. And folks, I think that I’d forgotten about that. So thank you for the reminder, Jason. But it is an obstacle in a lot of people’s minds is “How will I deliver value as effectively one-to-many as I can one-to-one?” I think, I wonder if part of the answer is that you can actually deliver more effectively because, potentially, if you’re running courses and programs, you’ve got the opportunity for clients to be interacting with each other, which adds a richness as I alluded to before, and the diversity and ideas which don’t exist all in your own minds as the primary value provider. So part of the answer may also be that, in order to figure out your signature value process you might add more to that process and you might leave some things behind.
Jason Van Orden 04:44
Tom Poland 04:44
So the clients can walk away with a more valuable experience providing you slice and dice this right. And that’s part of what I guess, Jason, you help people with is figuring that out. Four and a half minutes left, question three are the symptoms. So the coach, consultant, or trainer who needs what you’ve got, what’s currently going on? They’re probably going to be slammed timewise, right, because they’re all one-on-one, doing all the work one-on-one. Well, what else is, kind of like, a signal or clue that they should be reaching out to you?
Jason Van Orden 05:12
Yeah, so they’re feeling pulled between, “Okay, I’m marketing and finding new leads. Okay, now I’m trying to sell to bring people in. Okay, now I got to serve those clients,” right? And there’s these different parts of our business. And, sometimes we can get yanked between them and feel like none of them are giving, getting the attention that we want. So one thing I tell my clients is, “Look, when we really dial in your signature process and make you more efficient at serving more people in less time, it’s going to free up more time over here for you to be able to focus on the marketing and sales activities you need to do to bring that regular stream in. Therefore fill your offers, your group programs, whatever. It can look a number of different ways, but you’re wanting the offers that will be able to stay filled because you will now have more time to focus on attracting and enrolling the right people.”
Tom Poland 05:52
All right, quick question. Are you paying me any affiliate commissions from you?
Jason Van Orden 05:53
Sorry, say that again?
Tom Poland 05:59
I want the audience to know that you’re not paying me any affiliate commission to promote you. So are you paying me any affiliate commission?
Jason Van Orden 06:05
Oh, no. Absolutely not!
Tom Poland 06:06
So the reason I’m saying this, folks, is that I’m going to get hot and heavy about recommending you reach out to Jason, because I’ve been through the journey that he’s suggesting you go through, and it’s a frickin nightmare! Because you’re trying to climb two trees at once. You’re trying to keep your existing customers happy and get the time to build this new program or cause. Those trees get further apart as you climb them. So you got to get stuff pro-designed, not only for the reason I’ve just mentioned that you’re probably going to be time-poor trying to climb these two trees at the same time. But this is a profession. This is something that has to be done, like a doctor or lawyer. You need training. You need qualifications. You need experience. Because if you do what I did, and just try to build your own online course, your clients will be polite, but they’ll hate it. Because it’ll just give them too much to do too fast. And that’s one of the big mistakes that I think people make. Question four, are there any other common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to solve a problem that you can help people with?
Jason Van Orden 07:08
Yeah, so there’s one or two that I see the most often. One is thinking, “Hey, I’m so valuable to my clients. I have to be in the room. It’s me being intuitive. I’m integral to the process.” And it’s like, look, we all want to feel valuable to our clients. But if we put ourselves in a position where we’re like, we have to be present in the room for them to get the results they want, then we are ensuring that we will have a high demand on our time and energy in perpetuity as we try to grow our business and you just will not be able to scale. So realizing it’s like, “Hey, your ideas can be turned into a system where that becomes the star of the show, that becomes the thing that they’re buying into.” And then you and your team are supporting the delivery of that system to get them to where they want. So that’s the first thing to realize, and a common mistake that I see a lot of people making.
Tom Poland 07:54
Yep! And just for the sake of time, I’ll keep moving on because the clock is ticking.
Jason Van Orden 07:57
Yeah, absolutely!
Tom Poland 07:58
I want to jump in there and add something because, for me, it’s really important that I give clients and I have the interaction with clients live. So it’s not like you have to put everything into this process system online, folks. You can still have your weekly or your monthly Q&A with groups of clients where you are being intuitive, where you are spitballing or you’re downloading whatever you’re downloading from wherever those downloads from. So you can handle that, it’s just that you’ve taken 80 or 90% of the value delivery, that the value that the clients are going to off your shoulders, out of your time. So you can have the best of both worlds for this. Let’s move on. A top tip! What’s something someone can do to move forward with this? It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might be a step in the right direction.
Jason Van Orden 08:39
Yeah, okay. So I’m going to assume that they already know, like, “Here’s my ideal client and their needs, where they’re at, where they want to get, what’s the gap”, and that they know what the core outcomes are, okay? So, the first thing is to start defining your signature process. So how do you do that? Well, start breaking down and noticing the themes and how you guide them from here to there and think of it in terms of milestones. So, here’s the core and outcome that they want. But what are those three or five or seven specific milestones? So, meaningful, measurable, actionable things. It’s like, “Well, then we need to get them to this point, and then to this point”, and they can clearly see how all of that relates to where they want to go. And as you start laying that out into those milestones, well, now you can turn that into a curriculum for a program. You can turn that- you can slice and dice that into different offers. It makes it a lot easier to create marketing and content based on your IP.
Tom Poland 09:26
Got it! A great first step. So step one, step two, step three, milestone a final result– that’ll help you come up with a framework and it might be actually quite motivational for you as well, listening to this, to do that, because it’ll give you a sense that this is actually achievable. Question six, where can people go to find out more about what you do? I’m going to tell people just for the sake of time. It’s jasonvanorden, Jason, I hope you know how to spell Jason! Jason, V-A-N-O-R-D-E-N, .com/scalable-genius. What are they going to find there, Jason?
Jason Van Orden 09:57
They’re going to find a workshop that’s going to help them to find their signature process over to our workshop where I walk them through that and nailing that down. So I’m happy to share that freely!
Tom Poland 10:08
Okay, jasonvanorden.com/scalable-genius. Go get it! 15 seconds left, sir. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Jason Van Orden 10:15
You know, I love talking about space, and the universe, and how everything started. So, you should ask me like, how did the universe start? Where did it all come from? Actually, I don’t know. But I love thinking about it as much as I can, like, why are we here? It’s fascinating!
Tom Poland 10:28
It’s beautiful. Interesting! All right. Jason, thanks so much for your time. Cheers!
Tom Poland 10:32
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