- Discover how it how to use public speaking as a free and effective marketing strategy
- Learn how to use your message to get more leads and clients
- Find out about the three important key points in public speaking and how these can help you become a superstar speaker even if you have never spoken in public before
- Check out Arvee’s Website: arveerobinson.com
- Want to know more about how public speaking can be your marketing strategy to get new clients? Get Arvee’s Book: Speak Up, Get Clients
Are you stuck and struggling with how to get more clients? Do your sales starting to fluctuate?
Did you know there’s a free marketing strategy that can guarantee you to get high paying clients? Yes. It exists, and you’ll only need your voice!
Arvee Robinson is the Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker, and author of Speak Up, Get Clients. She teaches business owners how to speak and generate leads, attracts clients, and grow their businesses fast.
In this episode, Arvee shares her expertise on how public speaking can not only be a way for you to share your passion and knowledge, but also a free marketing strategy for you to garner more high paying clients.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:28 – Arvee’s ideal client: “My ideal client actually is a business owner, entrepreneur, or consultant coach, anybody in business that wants to get more clients and struggling to do so.”
- 01:54 – Problem Arvee helps solve: “Not having- not getting enough leads. Not getting that constant flow of potential clients or prospects. You need that constant flow. So, once they get the lead, then you can actually close and turn them into a client.”
- 02:33 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Arvee: “Well, typically, a lot of business owners, because they can flap their job, they can pay- they can go out and speak and without getting trained, and they fail miserably, so they think speaking doesn’t work. And it does work, but it works because of two things.”
- 02:48 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Arvee’s solution: “Number one, getting trained professionally and keeping up with the latest trends. Now we’re finding ourselves doing virtual speaking, which is much different. The clothes in virtual speaking is a hundred percent different than it is when you speak live. And I’m going to add one more, number three, and that’s consistency. Consistency is key.”
- 04:26 – Arvee’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Arvee’s Website: arveerobinson.com
- 05:43 – Arvee’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “So when you go get out there and speak if you really want to change lives, the living, then you need to speak about what you’re passionate about, what you’re knowledgeable about, and what other people care about. Now, if one of those three isn’t there, then it won’t work.”
- 07:25 – Q: How important stories are in your speech? A: Stories are number one, to build rapport with your audience, to get your audience to know you, to open their hearts. Once you open their hearts, their pocketbooks will fly open. Stories act as invisible set selling and stories to spend time.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you really want to change lives for a living, then you need to speak about what you're passionate about, what you're knowledgeable about, and what other people care about.” -Arvee Robinson Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings, everyone, and another very warm welcome to yet another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from Little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Arvee Robinson. Arvee, good day. A very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Arvee Robinson 00:25
Oh, I’m hanging out in Southern California today!
Tom Poland 00:28
Southern California. Beautiful, beautiful. And for those of you who don’t know, Arvee, she is a master speaker trainer by experience and qualification. She’s literally a global speaker, international, doing a few zoom meetings as we record this, this December 2020, so a few COVID meetings, I’m sure, but her big thing is about speaking up and getting clients. So, she’s the author of Speak Up, Get Clients, and it’s also the subject of our little interview today. She teaches business owners how to speak and generate leads. There’s the book, Speak Up, Get Clients, which I have a copy of personally, so she teaches business owners how to speak and generate new client inquiries and grow their business faster through that method. Arvee, a pleasure to have you on the show today. Let’s get started. Our subject, as I said before, is, “How to Speak Up and Get New Clients” and you’re going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Arvee Robinson 01:28
All right, thank you. Thank you, Tom. My ideal client actually is a business owner, entrepreneur, or consultant coach, anybody in business that wants to get more clients and struggling to do so.
Tom Poland 01:43
Right. Perfect. Thank you. So probably leads us nicely into question number two, the problem you solve, clearly not enough clients, any other problems that you’re going to help them tackle?
Arvee Robinson 01:54
Yes, not having- not getting enough leads. Not getting that constant flow of potential clients or prospects. You need that constant flow. So, once they get the lead, then you can actually close and turn them into a client.
Tom Poland 02:09
Into clients and have to keep them for life. So, it might be self-evident but let’s just briefly explore question three, and we’ve got six minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that people are going to experience? They’re not getting the leads; they’re not getting the clients flowing on a regular basis if you so succinctly described. What else is going on in their business that they’re thinking, “Yeah, I need to find out more about what Arvee does?”
Arvee Robinson 02:33
Right. Well, typically, a lot of business owners, because they can flap their job, they can pay- they can go out and speak and without getting trained, and they fail miserably, so they think speaking doesn’t work. And it does work, but it works because of two things. Number one, getting trained professionally and keeping up with the latest trends. Now we’re finding ourselves doing virtual speaking, which is much different. The clothes in virtual speaking is a hundred percent different than it is when you speak live. And I’m going to add one more, number three, and that’s consistency. Consistency is key. It’s like working out. You can’t work out one time, once a month, and expect to be diesel and have muscles, right? Same with speaking. You can be a great speaker unless you do it- get trained, and do it consistently. Get trained, keep up with the trends, and do it consistently. And then it will work for you and for anybody to get clients to generate leads.
Tom Poland 03:30
Right. I guess it’s no different being a scientist, a lawyer, or a psychiatrist, if you don’t get trained, but you try to practice, it is probably not going to work very well, right?
Arvee Robinson 03:37
Tom Poland 03:39
So, I was told you were a woman ahead of your time, and I think it’s proved to be true because you’ve answered question number four in advance which gives us even more time for the second half which is where a lot of the value is going to come through, folks. So, four and a half minutes left, we’ve talked about the problem, lack of leads, the lack of clients, we’ve talked about some of the symptoms, which is probably self-evident, they’re doing a lot of marketing, maybe even doing a lot of speaking but because of the mistakes they’ve made, with a lack of training and lack of commitment to becoming a true professional in the area speaking, it hasn’t been working for them. So, let’s move on to question number five, four and a half minutes left, tell us about one valuable free action that someone listening to this, they could take, it’s kind of like one of your top tips. It’s not going to solve the whole problem for them, but it might just take him a step in the right direction.
Arvee Robinson 04:26
Right. Well, you could go to my website which is Arvee and that’s spelled- let me spell it for you, A-R-V-E-E, it’s pronounced Arvee, that’s actually a full name. My mom and dad made it up. And the last one being Robinson, so arveerobinson.com, and on there, you’re going to find video tips and our weekly little 30-second video tips that are made to inspire you and encourage you to get out and speak because I believe that everybody has a message to share that only they can share to people. They can only hear it from them. And that message will save somebody’s life, their business, or even their soul. So, it’s our duty, as business owners and just people, to get our message out there because your message matters.
Tom Poland 05:14
Yeah. And it’s unique, and it’s authentic, and it’s yours. So, yeah, that’s a gift to the world. So that’s an excellent answer to the next question, which is question six, the variable free resource. So perhaps we’ll loop back, three minutes left, plenty of time. What’s one action that someone could take, for example, is it defining what they’re going to be speaking about, or their market or something that they could sit down and maybe in the next 10 minutes or so and actually take that action, and it might just take in a step in the right direction?
Arvee Robinson 05:43
Absolutely. Alright. So, when you go get out there and speak, if you really want to change lives, the living, then you need to speak about what you’re passionate about, what you’re knowledgeable about, and what other people care about. Now, if one of those three isn’t there, then it won’t work. So, for instance, if you are very knowledgeable about what you do for business, but you’re not passionate about it, and we see people all the time that are in jobs, or they’re in careers that they no longer serve them. So that doesn’t count. So, you have to be passionate and knowledgeable. Now, on the other hand, I am passionate about dogs. I love dogs. Everything about dogs I love, but I’m not knowledgeable. I don’t know how their inners work. I don’t know how their mind works. Nothing! I just love them as lovable beans. So, I couldn’t talk about them as a professional and make money. I don’t know enough about them. So, you have to have all three: knowledge, passion, and obviously, the audience. Somebody, you have to have an audience! Can everyone to talk about, you know, how to build an igloo, and there’s not a market for it, and that’s not going to be good either. So, all three have to collide.
Tom Poland 06:54
And that’s a terrific intersection of passion, knowledge, and people care about it. It’s going to be in demand and, I guess, I mean your books on Amazon because I bought it from there, I guess that’s another way to figure out what might be in demand is to have a look at the best sellers and see if there’s a best seller, a bunch of bestsellers that you’re passionate about the same subject that you have knowledge about. So, question number seven, we got a whopping 70 seconds left. What is the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer, please?
Arvee Robinson 07:25
How important stories are in your speech? And stories are number one, to build rapport with your audience, to get your audience to know you, to open their hearts. Once you open their hearts, their pocketbooks will fly open. Stories act as invisible set selling and stories to spend time. So, there are four stories you must have in your speech and your signature talk. Your professional story, success stories which are your testimonials of clients, stories with a lesson, and emotional stories that open the hearts of your listener.
Tom Poland 08:01
Brilliant! I’ve never heard it expressed so succinctly and thoroughly as that so the four are your professional story and what were the other three?
Arvee Robinson 08:10
Your success stories which are clients’ success stories, stories with a lesson, that’s a lesson, you don’t say what the lesson is, you set it up. The audience learns what they need to know. And then the last one is an emotional story. Now emotional doesn’t have to mean “booboo, cry baby”, it can mean funny because funny equals money.
Tom Poland 08:33
Funny equals money, and thank you, honey, for the funny equals money! Thanks, Arvee. Wonderful!
Tom Poland 08:41
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