- Explore more of the tools and systems that you ACTUALLY need just for the price of less
- Find out how to own your platform and make it extraordinarily YOU
- Discover why you should become more aware of the tools and platforms you invest in
- Want more free tips on how to own your platform at the cost of less? Click here: http://wpalchemy.io/ownit/
Do you want to learn how to run your own system or platform at the cost of less and more flexibility?
Freeing yourself from the typical and curating a unique way of hosting your products is crucial to making your business stand out.
John Mac is a self-made Norwegian online entrepreneur, mindset coach, and Web Designer specializing in Oxygen Builder for WordPress. He is also a Shopify Expert and Partner.
Listen in to what John has to say about owning your own platform, building it extraordinarily, and curating a perfect and uniquely you hosting with it at a cost of less.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:13 – John’s ideal client: I would say small and medium businesses who I’ve been working with, and I would say this is clients and customers with clever minds that actually think for themselves and are looking for something different.
- 01:50 – The problem he helps solve: First of all, except for helping to shape people’s mindset, a kind of freedom from bondage from stuff they have been using before or thinking about before.
- 02:37 – The symptoms of the problem: First of all, it’s the lack of awareness, It’s awareness of where they are with the mindset and the tools they use. So I would say the feeling of something not working in their business, overwhelm, and focusing on too many things at one time.
- 03:05 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting John: They’re trying to, first of all, figure things out themselves.
- 03:54 – John’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Well, I’m an advocate for owning a platform. People are paying too much for renting expensive monthly platforms. One thing I would recommend to do is review, what are you paying for?
- 05:10 – John’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want more free tips on how to own your platform at the cost of less? Click here: http://wpalchemy.io/ownit/
- 05:51 – A: We usually come down back to hosting, actually, because that’s basically it, that’s the fundamental part for everybody’s business. Everybody has a business online now, a website, or maybe other apps and solutions but they run it on terrible hosting.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“I'm an advocate for owning a platform. Review what you are paying for, and what type of platforms you are on that you can free yourself from.” -John Mac Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible, joined today by John Mac. John, good day from Down Under, sir. A very warm welcome! Where are you hanging out?
John Mac 00:20
I am in Thailand. It’s hot here, but it’s pretty wonderful. I’m up north in Chiang Mai. Beautiful place to be in.
Tom Poland 00:28
It’s a pretty laid-back area of Thailand, I’m informed. A nice part of the world to be in. John, for those of you who don’t know John, he’s a self-made Norwegian online entrepreneur. He’s a mindset coach. He has a real specialty as a web designer, specializing in Oxygen Builder for WordPress. And there are some absolutely extraordinary things you can do with WordPress in terms of not just setting up websites, but attracting traffic and converting traffic. He’s also a Shopify Expert and Partner, so really knows his way around the internet. Our title today is, “How to Stand Out and Make Customers Love You”. John, our seven minutes is going to start just as soon as I find the start button. Here it is here. Seven minutes start now. Question number one, sir, who is your ideal client?
John Mac 01:13
I would say small and medium businesses who I’ve been working with, and I would say this is clients and customers with clever minds that actually think for themselves and are looking for something different. And it’s content and service creators, you know, that build authentic offers in sharing really truthful stories and want to uplift and transform people with their offers.
Tom Poland 01:39
So these people have ideas. They want to express themselves authentically and genuinely help other people. So, six and a quarter minutes there. What would you say is the problem you solve for these folks?
John Mac 01:50
First of all, except for helping to shape people’s mindset, kind of freedom from bondage from stuff they have been using before or thinking about before. Everything is shaped by our thoughts, right? So I think it’s that, it’s guidance. And I think raising people’s awareness of where they are in the landscape of their business helps them to navigate. And then we build systems along with that and reform with their setup, basically.
Tom Poland 02:16
The mindset-
John Mac 02:17
Tom Poland 02:18
Right. Thank you for that. Interesting approach and mindset, so often, absolutely critical for so many people. So a lot of wisdom in starting there. Question number three, five and a half minutes left, what would you say are the typical symptoms of people who need what you do? What’s going on in their life or their business where you’re kind of giving them a heads up that they need to be talking with you?
John Mac 02:37
First of all, it’s the lack of awareness, It’s awareness of where they are with the mindset and the tools they use. So I would say the feeling of something not working in their business, overwhelm, and focusing on too many things at one time. That’s a typical thing.
Tom Poland 02:50
Thank you for that. We’ve got five minutes left. What would you say are the common mistakes that these folks are making before they find your solution? Got people, they want to grow. They want to be authentic. They’ve got ideas. What are they trying that’s just never going to work, sort of thing?
John Mac 03:05
There are a few things I’ve been noticing through the years, they’re trying to, first of all, figure things out themselves. They just jump on the first thing that comes up with no guidance. And they often pick tools and systems that they overpay for and can’t even use and should not use. And some of them even pay, actually, too little for the most important things.
Tom Poland 03:23
Trying to figure it all out probably by Google reviews or sales pages. And they really need someone outside their own head who knows what they’re actually talking about to figure it out for them. Does it sound right?
John Mac 03:32
Like their closest friend to tell them. Yeah,
Tom Poland 03:34
Right. There’s this Mark Twain saying, you know, “It’s not what we don’t know that often hurts us. It’s what we think we know that just ain’t so.” So that’s a big mistake. Four minutes left. Let’s flip it and go to the top tip. What would you say is one valuable free action that someone can take, that is not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step forward in the right direction?
John Mac 03:54
Well, I’m an advocate for owning a platform. People are paying too much for renting expensive monthly platforms. One thing I would recommend, first of all, to do, is review, what are you paying for? And what type of platforms are you on that you can free yourself from? Because you can run so much for your own system fully on it on WordPress.
Tom Poland 04:14
Right! Certain, why would you not want to do that sort of thing? Especially, I mean, I can’t think of one reason which is- Yeah, one reason is that people don’t have the expertise to build a great WordPress site. Extraordinary, flexibility, extraordinary options, but also with that, people like me don’t know how to do it. So that’s one reason, but that’s what you’re there for. So we can end up renting the platforms. And extraordinary, good-priced plugins. You’ve got shopping carts. You’ve got membership sites. You’ve got certification. You’ve got online courses. I mean, the list is absolutely endless! And you touched on this before, you said, “You know, the big thing that often holds people back is they’re just not even aware of what’s possible.” So rent rather than own. Do an inventory of the platforms you’re looking at. Let’s help people even more. Question six, is one valuable free resource. Where can people find out more about your work and maybe even more about getting started with this?
John Mac 05:10
Yeah, well, through my years, one big main thing I’ve seen with customers’ experience is terrible hosting. So I started offering my own custom WordPress premium hosting that’s been working really well and got popular. And we had to expand it. So we launched WP Alchemy, and we got something on that site to help people actually rethink and discover what they can use. It’s a free guide, and we call it, “Own It“– own your platform.
Tom Poland 05:34
Right. So www.wp, for WordPress, alchemy, A-L-C-H-E-M-Y, .io/ownit. Thank you for that, sir! Question seven, just over 90 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
John Mac 05:51
I think we usually come down back to hosting, actually, because that’s basically- it that’s the fundamental part for everybody’s business. Everybody has a business online now, a website, or maybe other apps and solutions but they run it on terrible hosting. And I’ve seen so many people get hacked, they crashed during launch. And even just a simple thing that WordPress cannot send emails, system emails, like usernames and passwords.
Tom Poland 06:15
John Mac 06:16
So review the past, and review the hosting.
Tom Poland 06:20
All right. Well, John Mac, I really appreciate your time and your insights. Thank you very much!
John Mac 06:25
Thank you for speaking to your tribe.
Tom Poland 06:27
Tom Poland 07:19
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