- Learn how to master your mind to increase your happiness
- Upgrade your energetic vibration to experience more freedom
- Discover how to manifest more easily so you can create more delight in your days
- 5 Day Mini-Course on how you Unlock Your Intuitive Superpowers and Become Limitless: Visit: www.rebeccadavison.life
Rebecca Davison is a Conscious Thought Leader and Intuitive Coach who has worked with thousands of people to set them from fear and scared, into freedom, pleasure, and abundance.
In this episode, Rebecca shares how helping clients to know themselves on the deepest levels can truly empower them to walk their own path, follow their heart, and start a journey of thinking from fear to abundance and freedom.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:58 – Rebecca’s ideal client: conscious female entrepreneurs
- 02:17 – Problem she helps solve: I help people who are feeling stuck or indecisive that might be showing up as procrastination. I help them to shift into a different level of awareness.
- 03:05 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Rebecca: They are feeling indecisive. Usually, when people come and see me they say I feel stuck.
- 03:46 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: People go into the mind and they try and solve their problem just from the irrational mind. And of course, what happens is they get stuck in their mind.
- 07:55 – Rebecca’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): www.rebeccadavison.life
- 08:17 – Q: How expanded is my energy field right now? A: “Is it 20 feet? Is it 30 feet around you? The reason being the more expanded your energy field the more fulfilled that you’re going to feel, the happier you’re going to be, the easier it is going to be for you to create what it is that you want.”
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You need to start moving your attention out of your head and into your body.” -@findyourbliss07 Share on X “Realize that your heart is the center of those energy fields.” -@findyourbliss07 Share on XInfo about our correspondent host:Jigar Poojara is Leadsology’s man on the ground in India. Just like CNN has reporters worldwide, Leadsology is developing a small but selective network of hosts to interview guest so our reach is deeper and wider than ever before.
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Jigar Poojara: Very warm welcome to one more Marketing The Invisible podcast. My name is Jigar, joined today by Rebecca Davison. Rebecca, how are you today and where are you hanging out in the world?
Rebecca Davison: I’m good, thanks Jigar. I am in Christchurch in New Zealand at the moment.
Jigar Poojara: Oh, right. And what time is it?
Rebecca Davison: It’s about quarter to three in the afternoon.
Jigar Poojara:Oh great. And how about the weather, is it summer or…?
Rebecca Davison: Well it’s winter time in the southern hemisphere. So we’ve got a lot of snow in the mountains. I’ve got the heater cranked up but I’m feeling pretty cozy.
Jigar Poojara: Oh great. Rebecca, I wanted to introduce you to my audience. For those who don’t know who Rebecca is, Rebecca is a Conscious Thought Leader and Intuitive Coach who has worked with thousands of people to set them from fear and scared, into freedom, pleasure, and abundance.
Jigar Poojara: That’s an amazing story. Rebecca, how do you feel and for like, since how long have you been into this industry?
Rebecca Davison: I have been doing Intuitive Coaching now for seven years. So it’s all about helping people work with energy, frequency, and vibration. My background prior to that was in bankings so I do actually help people a lot with financial abundance and developing a relationship with money that really works.
Jigar Poojara: Oh great. So let’s circle back to the topic Rebecca. Here the topic is, “How To Start A Journey Of Thinking From Fear To Freedom”, in just seven minutes. And Rebecca is going to tell us how to do this. So Rebecca are you ready?
Rebecca Davison: Yeah. Let’s do it.
Jigar Poojara: Okay, let’s start your time. Your time starts now, Rebecca, who is your ideal client? Question number one.
Rebecca Davison: My ideal client are conscious female entrepreneurs. So conscious meaning that they’ve done a little bit of personal development and that they are either in business for themselves or they have an entrepreneur.
Jigar Poojara: Okay, great. You’ve got six minutes and 42 seconds. Question number two, what is the problem that you solve?
Rebecca Davison: I help people who are feeling stuck or indecisive that might be showing up as procrastination. I help them to shift into a different level of awareness. So I help them to develop their own intuition and what that does is it helps them to know themselves better, to develop self-trust, a sense of safety, and with that comes in pristine’s of confidence. So they can get the results that they want.
Jigar Poojara: Oh great. All right. Question number three, you got six minutes and eight seconds. What are the typical symptoms that people experience this kind of problems? When they tie their own and then they realized I need someone who can help us and they come to you. So, what are the problems they face before they come to you?
Rebecca Davison: So usually what’s happening is they are feeling may be indecisive. Usually, when people come and see me they say I feel stuck. So that means that they are feeling uninspired. They probably feeling out of alignment. They’re not really feeling inspired or getting the results that they want. And it could be showing up like I see it as procrastination or generally just not knowing which to reach, tend to go. So inner shock.
Jigar Poojara: Oh, okay. Now question number four, you’ve got 5 minutes and 17 seconds. What are the common mistakes people make when they try to solve this kind of problem on their own?
Rebecca Davison: So what I see happening is a lot of times people go into the mind and they try and solve their problem just from the irrational mind. And of course, what happens is they get stuck in their mind. So one of the first things I help people to do is actually realize that you can’t solve especially an emotional problem by thinking about it. You actually need to learn how to feel and also true with intuition. We have to realize that we know that the subconscious is way more powerful than the rational mind. The subconscious remembers everything that’s ever happened. But what we need to do is to tap into a greater power which is our expanded energy. Some people may call that spiritual power, connection to a higher power, or a source of energy, but learning what it takes to shift our vibration into a higher frequency. So usually that’s what happened. People come to me and they’re thinking that it’s one thing but the energy shows me that it’s something else completely.
Jigar Poojara: Oh great. Amazing Rebecca. Now question number six Rebecca, you’ve got four minutes. What is the one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that would further help them with these kinds of problems?
Rebecca Davison: Okay. So one thing people can do immediately realizes, you need to start moving your attention out of your head and into your body. Most people live from the head up that we have energy centers all the way through the body.
So one of the best things to do is to realize that your heart is the center of those energy fields. You know you have your seven chakras as they know it in the body. So taking the attention to the heart space, and this can be really simple. It can just be a matter of closing your eyes, putting your hand on your heart, taking some deep breaths, and bringing your attention into the heart space.
What this does is it helps people to be in their body more. To turn it up a little bit more. You can actually start thinking of something that you feel right all over. And what I always love to do is to add light to this part of your body because it’s going to help you to be more present to your body. Your body is the barometer of your soul and of course, your body is talking to you all the time and giving you intuitive information. So we need to start learning a language of our own intuition to start receiving the information.
Jigar Poojara: Okay great. So question number six Rebecca, you got two minutes and thirty-three seconds. What is one well valuable free resource that you know you can direct people to that will help further with this kind of problems?
So people can go to my website which is www.rebecca, R-E-B-E-C-C-A, davison, D-A-V-I-S-O-N, .life, and if you sign up here I’ll send five free videos about some of these steps actually. One of course which is how to think or how to be aware of the fact that you are not your thoughts, you are actually the observer of your thoughts. And when we can start creating space between us as a limitless being and your thoughts, we can start regaining control over what it is that we thinking. Which can be a game-changer in regards to our happiness, personal happiness. The next thing, looking at our limiting beliefs and the one after that we’ll talk about intuition. And then how you can start activating that to go beyond your rational mind. When we do that we move into a quantum field of energy. We kind of segue a little bit into quantum physics because of course, that’s how we starting to create our reality. And from there I talk about, especially for women, what it takes to be a really good receiver. Especially if we’re in business we need to get really good at giving but also learning how to receive. And then of course comes back to a sense of self-trust as well.
Jigar Poojara: OK great. Excellent, actually. I just want to confirm the landing page where people can go. Guys you can go to www.rebeccadavison, spelled as R E B E C C A, davison.life. And you can also reach out to her on Twitter and you can type findyourbliss07. Rebecca, you got 40 seconds. And the next question is, what is one question that I should have asked you but I didn’t?
Rebecca Davison: ] Okay so I think when people are starting to develop their intuitive awareness one of the really great questions that you could ask yourself to start being aware like how can I increase my intuitive awareness is to ask yourself, “How expanded is my energy field right now?” Like if I was tuning in and having an awareness of how expanded, some people might say your aura, that your energy fields around you. Is it 10 feet? Is it 20 feet? Is it 30 feet around you? The reason being the more expanded your energy field the more fulfilled that you’re going to feel, the happier your going to be, the easier it is going to be for you to create what it is that you want. If you are stressed your energy field is probably quite tight around you and of course what we want to do is live in a place where we feel relaxed and harmonious. I mean you can do that by increasing our awareness, increasing our consciousness, and expanding our energy fields.
Jigar Poojara: Wow, that was amazing. Rebecca, well, thank you so much for joining this podcast. We really enjoyed and thanks for that praises. Have a nice day.
Rebecca Davison: Thank you.
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