- Discover how people are getting demoralized nowadays especially since pandemic
- Understand how owning what you do and branding it as yours help you navigate through the problem of marketing
- Find out things you can do to increase your brand credibility and help you stand out in your market through a resource given by the guest herself
- Wanting to instantly boost your brand authority? Visit bit.ly/23quickways and get your copy of the 23 things you can do in one hour or less that will increase your brand credibility and help you stand out in your market!
Are you a female entrepreneur who is still new to marketing and branding yourself online that you have no confidence to be comfortable in doing it yet?
Do you feel like you’re the Earth’s hidden treasure because despite having a life-changing product, you’re still invisible in the competitive market?
Do you want to boost your brand authority and finally turn the table from being a nobody to becoming the center of the market’s attention?
Make that dream come true as we interview Nkiru Asika today!
Nkiru Asika is the Founder of Women Building Authority, providing events, done-for-you marketing services, and an online membership to help women entrepreneurs get seen, get heard, and get paid.
In this episode, Nkiru talks about female entrepreneurs who want to become in demand from being an invisible part of the market for who knows how long. Here, she mentions how people get demoralized especially in today’s time, and shares tips on how you can successfully monetize your brand.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:20 – Nkiru’s ideal client: “My ideal client is a female entrepreneur whose business involves selling her advice, knowledge or expertise.”
- 02:08 – Problem Nkiru helps solve: “I help them stand out from the crowd. I help them create a market and monetize their online brand.”
- 03:07 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Nkiru: “A lot of people are just getting demoralized. They have heard from all the different online gurus that you need to be creating content or you need to be on social media or they’re trying to follow Guru X’s exact system and it’s just not working out for them.”
- 04:14 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Nkiru’s solution: “The first one is sort of putting your head in the sand and hoping someone will discover you and the second one is just getting caught up in a million marketing tactics.”
- 05:36 – Nkiru’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Take a look at how you work with your clients and own it. Create that signature process. Create that unique methodology and brand it.”
- 06:56 – Nkiru’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Visit bit.ly/23quickways and get your copy of the 23 things you can do in one hour or less that will increase your brand credibility and help you stand out in your market!
- 07:41 – Q: What about people who really aren’t new? A: Everywhere you are, just give value. Give value. You don’t have to be like the guru of all gurus. You just have to know a little bit more than the people you’re teaching.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Nobody’s going to discover you. You’re going to have to show up. You’re going to have to speak for yourself.” -Nkiru Asika Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming up from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia as ever, joined today by Nkiru Asika. Nkiru, good day. Welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Nkiru Asika 0:25
Hey, Tom. Hey, Tom’s peeps. I am in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and it’s my favorite time. It’s hot. And if you know Toronto, it’s not always hot. So yeah, it’s hot. It’s great.
Tom Poland 0:38
Yeah. You guys are having a great summer up there. I hope you’re well clear of any fires.
Nkiru Asika 0:43
Tom Poland 0:44
So folks, for those of you who don’t know Nkiru, she’s the Founder of Women Building Authority, providing events, done-for-you marketing services and online membership to help women entrepreneurs get seen, get heard, and drumroll – get paid. So the title of our interview now is How to Transform Your Brand From Invisible to In Demand Even If You’re New Online and Nkiru is going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Cool. Can’t wait.
So Nkiru, our time starts now. Who’s your ideal client? That’s question number one.
Nkiru Asika 1:20
Okay. So my ideal client is a female entrepreneur whose business involves selling her advice, knowledge or expertise. So that’s typically a coach or consultant, expert service provider, and it’s someone who isn’t new to business but is probably new to marketing and branding herself online and is not fully comfortable with it yet. And most people are, I would say, 40 and over. So that sort of thinking about impacts, they’re thinking about legacy, you know, and not just how to make a lot of money which we all want to do.
Tom Poland 1:54
Right. So it’s got to have a sense of purpose and a sense of mission, but there’s still a bank account.
Nkiru Asika 1:59
Yeah. Absolutely.
Tom Poland 2:00
Well above the empty point. Thank you.
So, question two and six minutes left. What’s the problem you solve for them?
Nkiru Asika 2:08
The problem I solve for them is to, you know, help them stand out from the crowd. The online space is so noisy especially since the pandemic, like everybody and their mother is online so I help take them – you know, as the title of the episode says – from invisible to in demand, essentially helping them create a market and monetize their online brand.
Tom Poland 2:31
So they’re probably quite good at something but they are feeling like the– possibly the world’s best kept secret because they just can’t get their voice in.
Nkiru Asika 2:40
Exactly. You know, they’re thinking that their work will speak for them, and their work does not speak for them.
Tom Poland 2:48
Right, because no one notices their work. Right. So tell us–
Nkiru Asika 2:51
No one.
Tom Poland 2:52
So, they have the sense of invisibility.
Question number three and five minutes left. What are some of the things that is going to be going on in their life or their business that would kind of give them a heads up that they need to find out more about what you do? The sort of the symptoms that are going on. That’s question three.
Nkiru Asika 3:07
Oh. I think first of all, you know, a lot of people are just getting demoralized, you know. They have heard from all the different online gurus that you need to be creating content or you need to be on social media, and they’re doing their best. They’re putting out content and it’s like nobody’s reading it; it’s actually like crickets. Or else, that’s fine to follow people and they’re trying to follow, you know, Guru X’s exact system and it’s just not working out for them and they’re like, ‘what does that mean?’ So, I think a lot of people are just getting sort of demoralized and thinking, ‘Oh, maybe this online thing isn’t for me.’ Yeah.
Tom Poland 3:43
No, they just can’t seem to figure it out. And probably, many of the gurus they’re following always have– already have a million email subscribers and 10 million, so what those people are doing – what the gurus are doing – may not work for someone who’s just doesn’t have a presence yet.
Nkiru Asika 3:55
Tom Poland 3:56
So let’s talk about– to question four and four minutes left. We’re right on time. What are some of the common mistakes that these folk – these solopreneur, female solopreneurs or entrepreneurs – will be making trying to get visible? What do you hear that people have done that you think, ‘Ouch, that was never going to work’ before they find you?
Nkiru Asika 4:14
Yeah. Well, I think the first one I sort of touched on before is just, you know, sort of putting your head in the sand and thinking ‘Okay, well I tried that, you know, I tried the online thing; didn’t work. Let me just put my head down and try and, you know, hope that–’
Tom Poland 4:26
Get to some networking.
Nkiru Asika 4:28
Yes, ‘hope that someone will discover me.’ Nobody’s going to discover you. You’re going to have to show up. You’re going to have to speak for yourself, you know.
I think the second one is just getting caught up in a million like marketing tactics. I think, you know, like I’ve certainly done this. It’s like ‘Oh, I need to be on, you know, TikTok or the Clubhouse, or you know, everybody’s Messengers, the thing, you know. You just get overwhelmed from the marketing–
Tom Poland 4:55
So true.
Nkiru Asika 4:57
You know, treadmill, and because it does all this activity, you think ‘Oh yeah, I’m really marketing’ but then he realized, ‘I’m going nowhere.’ Like, ‘I’m not actually, you know, moving forward.’ It’s so easy to get sucked into that.
Tom Poland 5:11
So don’t wait to get “discovered by the big name” because that’s probably not going to happen. Don’t just rush into the latest fad platform because by the time you hear about it, it’s probably too late.
Nkiru Asika 5:23
Tom Poland 5:24
We’ve all been there, done that.
Alright. So let’s go to question number five in two and a half minutes left. Valuable free action, like a top tip. Real quick. What’s one thing that someone could do that’s not going to solve the whole problem but it might start them on the right journey?
Nkiru Asika 5:36
Okay. Well one thing that I think someone can do because it’s completely within your control is to take a look at how you work with your clients and you know, own it. Create that signature process. Create that unique methodology and brand it, you know, because that is– that really can help sort of establish your authority. Well, it’s not going to eliminate your competition, but it does put you kind of in a category of one because you’re the only person doing it that exact way and you’re giving your clients a path to results, you know, you’re giving yourself a framework around which you can make content. So, it just– it makes your life easier. It makes you, you know, more of an authority and, yeah.
Tom Poland 6:14
Just to put some flesh on those bones. How do you do that personally? What is your unique thing that you do or style or- real quick.
Nkiru Asika 6:21
I’m glad you asked, yeah. Well, I have something called The Authority Essential Model and basically, it takes you through the five pillars that you need to go through to build your brand authority. The first is you’ve got to be memorable, right? You’ve got to be able to connect and resonate with people. You’ve got to be credible. You have to have that – whether it’s the marketing assets in place or the right social proof to show that you’re credible and win they’re trust – you’ve got to be visible. You’ve got to be profitable and you’ve got to be scalable.
Tom Poland 6:46
Fine. So let’s give folks some more on that. ‘Cause question six and we’re running out of time –75 minutes (seconds) left.One valuable free resource. Where can they go to find out more about that?
Nkiru Asika 6:56
Well, they could grab a short guide that I have called 23 Quick and Easy Ways to Instantly Boost Your Brand Authority. It’s at bit.ly/23quickways because building authority takes time. It’s a marathon; it’s not a sprint. These are things you can do in like an hour or less that will enhance your profile and you know, just sort of give you that momentum.
Tom Poland 7:17
So it’s going to help them get started.
Nkiru Asika 7:20
Tom Poland 7:21
So it’s bit.ly folks. bit.ly/23quickways. Go get it. Download it. It’s free. It’ll get you started on the journey of building authority, getting cut through, and differentiating yourself.
Question seven. We’ve got a whopping 25 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer please, in less than 20 seconds.
Nkiru Asika 7:41
Okay. I think you should have asked me ‘What about people who really aren’t new?’ You know, that like, ‘I knew where do I get started’ and I would say, remember the 80s movie about sales, Glengarry Glen Ross, always be closing. Flip that around, always be teaching, right? Everywhere you are, just give value. Give value. You don’t have to be like the guru of all gurus. You just have to know a little bit more than the people you’re teaching, right? You are– oh, we’re done.
Tom Poland 8:08
Thanks for your insights. It’s been a pleasure hosting you. Thank you.
Nkiru Asika 8:13
Thanks very much, Tom.
Tom Poland 08:01
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