- Learn how to craft an online marketing experience through your content capturing your ideal clients’ attention, introducing them to your brand, and turning them into customers
- Learn how to use your content to optimize your sales process
- Discover why content and sales go hand in hand
- Checkout Kronda’s Freebie: The 10 Minute Guide to Profitable Content https://karveldigital.com/profitable-content/
Kronda Adair is the creator of the Foundations Framework for service-based business owners. She is a content marketing coach and automation specialist for mission-driven badasses who want to scale their service business.
In this episode, Kronda shares how she helps entrepreneurs who are ready to stop spinning their marketing wheels and get serious about creating an online marketing engine for their business through a well-crafted content that captures audience attention, introduces the brand, and turns them into paying customers.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:06 – Kronda’s ideal client: “My ideal client, as you mentioned, is badasses service-based business owners who are really solid on their offer, like they’re killing it, and they’re delivering for their clients, but they need more of them.”
- 01:33 – Problem Kronda helps solve: “There’s a cycle that happens with service business owners in particular, where they’re doing their thing, they’re serving their clients, they’re rocking it out, while they’re doing that their marketing dies because they’re not marketing. “
- 02:37 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Kronda: “So, the biggest one is usually revenue. It’s that dreaded feast or famine cycle.”
- 03:25 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Kronda’s solution: “One of the biggest mistakes is they don’t automate. So, in order to have production be happening, like while you’re busy doing something else, you have to have someone or something.”
- 04:44 – Kronda’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Just take 30 minutes and sit down and write two things. Write down the 10 questions that you do get asked the most, that you’re answering over and over again. And write down the top 10 biggest mistakes that people in the audience are making. And that’s going to give you enough content for, you know, several months if not a year.”
- 05:17 – Kronda’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Checkout Kronda’s Freebie: The 10 Minute Guide to Profitable Content https://karveldigital.com/profitable-content/
- 05:55 – Q: Why are so many black women in particular, starting businesses. Like, black woman is one of the fastest-growing groups of entrepreneurs. A: Because we’re treated like shit at work a lot of the time. Like, I come from a tech background, I was in development world, I got fired for “culture fit” which is the thing that happens when you’re the one that seriously. So, one of my missions in particular is to help, you know, not just black women but marginalized groups in general to excel at their businesses because when you start a business then you can build the life that you want.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“ Write down the 10 questions that you do get asked the most, that you're answering over and over again. That's going to give you enough content for several months if not a year.” -@karveldigital -@kronda Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Kronda Adair. Kronda, a very warm welcome. Where about to you hanging out?
Kronda Adair 0:21
I’m hanging out in Portland, Oregon,
Tom Poland: 0:23
Portland, Oregon up the top.
Kronda Adair 0:25
Tom Poland: 0:26
So, folks, for those of you who don’t know Kronda, she’s the creator of Foundations Framework, which is for service-based business owners, pretty much everyone listening to this will be, Kronda, which is fortunate. She’s a content marketing coach and automation specialist, which is a terrific combination, for mission-driven badasses who want to scale their service business. Fantastic. Can’t wait. So, Kronda, the title of our interview today is, “How to Turn Your Content into Your Best Sales Tool,” and you’re going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Kronda Adair 1:06
My ideal client, as you mentioned, is badasses service-based business owners who are really solid on their offer, like they’re killing it, and they’re delivering for their clients, but they need more of them. They’re not reaching enough people so that they can help their target audience.
Tom Poland: 1:22
They can deliver, they just don’t have enough to deliver to. So, I guess that leads us nicely to question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Kronda Adair 1:33
So, the problem I solve, there’s a cycle that happens with service business owners in particular, where they’re doing their thing, they’re serving their clients, they’re rocking it out, while they’re doing that their marketing dies because they’re not marketing. So, they finish up the job, or the offer, and then they realize, “Oh, I need more clients.” And so, they go and they hustle and they get more clients and then the cycle starts all over again. And the way to fix that is by having something or someone that can work for you and be marketing your service, even when you’re busy delivering.
Tom Poland: 2:06
Keep pumping out the content, attracting the inquiries while you’re doing what you were born to do, which is to work with your clients. Make sense. So, we’ve got just under six minutes left now. Question number three is, what are the typical symptoms that people are going to be experiencing with this problem? You’ve mentioned one of them, which is that, sort of that cycle of producing content and then working with clients and, “Oops,” don’t have enough clients, and so on. So, what else is going to be happening in their business or their life that would make someone listen to this go, “Oh, gosh, that’s me, I’m suffering from symptoms.”
Kronda Adair 2:37
Yeah. So, the biggest one is usually revenue. It’s that dreaded feast or famine cycle where your revenue, you know, maybe it’s 20k in one month, and then it’s, you know, two or 4k the next month, and that’s because when you stop marketing, you know, it doesn’t hit you right away, which is why people get into that cycle. It hits you, you know, two, three months down the line and then it hurt. So that is the biggest indicator.
Tom Poland: 3:02
Okay, thank you. So, question number four, someone’s got this problem of cyclical content production, client attraction, client work, and going round and round that particular circle. They’re going to try some stuff. So, what are some of the column mistakes that people make? So, four and a half minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that people make trying to break out of that cycle before they find your solution?
Kronda Adair 3:25
One of the biggest mistakes is they don’t automate. So, in order to have production be happening, like while you’re busy doing something else, you have to have someone or something. A lot of people when, especially if it’s early on, they don’t have the revenue to hire someone, but you can hire something and you can use automation. And in fact, I just spent the last week on vacation in San Diego getting some sun, it’s a little cold up here. And my content was going out every day while I was going to San Diego Zoo, and mobile Park, and on the beach, and all that stuff and there was no break in my content.
Tom Poland: 4:00
Fantastic. Thank you. So, that’s a mistake that people don’t make is that they don’t automate their content production. Anything else before we go to question number five?
Kronda Adair 4:10
Yeah, the other biggest mistake is they don’t get help. You know, I don’t know what any successful business owners who got there without getting help and mentorship and someone else. And so, if you try to do it on your own, it’s just a recipe for disaster.
Tom Poland: 4:23
Yeah. It’s true, the best sports people in the world have coaches, right? And the best singers and the best actors, they all have coaches at some point. So, question number five, it’s three and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that a listener to this podcast could take that’s going to help them, may not solve the whole problem but it’ll take them a step in the right direction?
Kronda Adair 4:44
One of the things that keeps people from creating content is they don’t know what to write. So, if you sit down right now, just take 30 minutes and sit down and write two things. Write down the 10 questions that you do get asked the most, that you’re answering over and over again. And write down the top 10 biggest mistakes that people in the audience are making. And that’s going to give you enough content for, you know, several months if not a year.
Tom Poland: 5:06
That’s a terrific action item. Thank you for that. Question number six, two and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free resource that we could direct people to that is going to help them even more?
Kronda Adair 5:17
I have taken everything I’ve learned about content marketing in the past few years and distilled it into the 10-minute guide for profitable content. So, you can go to karveldigital.com/content, and you can grab that resource. And it’s not, you’re not going to do it in 10 minutes, but in 10 minutes you should be able to absorb the lessons and make a plan.
Tom Poland: 5:39
Fantastic, thank you. So that’s karvel, K-A-R-V-E-L, digital.com forward slash content, go get it. Question number seven, and we’ve got two minutes left so plenty of time. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Kronda Adair 5:55
Oh, I should have prepared better for this one. The one thing you should have asked me but didn’t. One thing that I’ve been talking about lately is why are so many black women in particular, starting businesses. Like, black woman is one of the fastest growing groups of entrepreneurs.
Tom Poland: 6:10
Kronda Adair 6:11
And, yeah. And the answer is because we’re treated like shit at work a lot of the time. Like, I come from a tech background, I was in development world, I got fired for quote unquote culture fit, which is the thing that happens when you’re the one that seriously. So, one of my missions in particular is to help, you know, not just black women but marginalized groups in general to excel at their businesses because when you start a business then you can build the life that you want.
Tom Poland: 6:43
And you don’t have to put up with a dick head boss.
Kronda Adair 6:47
Tom Poland:Tom Poland 6:47
That’s a bit like accusing someone else of having an accent. It’s like, “Cultural fit. No, no, you don’t fit.” If you’re firing me for not being culturally fit, then you’re not culturally fit, I’m sorry. Okay. Alright, we better not go there. A very insightful. Thank you so much Kronda, I appreciate your giving up your time and your insights. Folks, karveldigital.com/content, go get it. Thanks, Kronda.
Kronda Adair 7:14
Thank you.
Tom Poland: 7:15
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