- Discover the secret power of podcasting as a marketing tool
- Learn more on the importance of loving and treating marketing as a hobby
- Find out how to overcome those limiting beliefs and get the most out of your marketing
- Check out Tim’s Website: smallbusinessbigmarketing.com
Have you always had a grudge when it comes to marketing? Does hearing the word “market” or “marketing” instill fear in you? Do you feel limited when it comes to marketing your product or business?
Well, fear not. Podcasting is the answer to that! Get the stress out of marketing and let your business grow beautifully and your profit greatly!
Tim Reid is the Host of Australia’s #1 award-winning, 12-year-old Small Business Big Marketing Podcast. He is one of the true early pioneers of podcasting.
In this episode, Tim shares his insights on the beautiful hidden secrets of podcasting that can guarantee you less stress and fear when it comes to marketing, while more profit and promising customers for you!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:09 – Tim’s ideal client: “I love talking to business owners with turnovers of less than $5 million who have respect for marketing, but at the same time are incredibly frustrated by marketing.”
- 02:31 – Problem Tim helps solve: “I’m really big on mindset. There’s plenty of things that all these small business owners can do, but unless they got their head straight around marketing, and my dream is that I take them from a mindset of frustration to making marketing a hobby. Because when something’s a hobby, you’ll find time, you’ll find the resources, you’ll find the energy, you’ll put it in your diary, and you can’t wait to do it next time.”
- 03:30 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Tim: “These symptoms, I call them limiting beliefs, and when it comes to marketing, or podcasting, which is you know, a component part of marketing, three limiting beliefs stop them from cranking out great marketing or a great podcast.”
- 04:39 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Tim’s solution: “They try to do everything themselves. And I kind of get that. I mean, particularly as business owners, we’re control freaks, and we don’t like letting things go because our business is our baby. We gave birth to it. We want to nurture it through.”
- 06:02 – Tim’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Embrace helpful marketing. I wrote about helpful marketing in my book, The Boomerang Effect. It’s a very simple concept and it’s around- it’s literally being helpful. It’s actually not pushing people away through sales messages. It’s pulling people towards you by being incredibly helpful and being helpful in your marketing returns you more customers and makes you more money.”
- 07:21 – Tim’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Tim’s Website: smallbusinessbigmarketing.com
- 08:20 – Q: What are you really curious about? A: The well-being of middle-aged men.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Do a little pivot and try again because sure enough at some point you'll crack the magic code. Make time for your marketing!” -Tim Reid Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and another very warm welcome to yet another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you from Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia joined today by Tim Reid. Tim, good day, mate! Where are you hanging out?
Tim Reid 0:23
Good day, Tom. I am in the downtown Parisian beach which I think I could probably hit a decent one ward into your backyard.
Tom Poland 0:30
Normally, I’m interviewing people on the other side of the world, in New York or France or London or somewhere but you are literally like, I mean, you’d have to have a pretty strong arm but it’s almost a stone’s throw away from where I am on-
Tim Reid 0:39
It is.
Tom Poland 0:39
On the beach.
Tim Reid 0:40
And is a significantly better location than London, Paris, or New York.
Tom Poland 0:46
Yeah, well, it’s not too shabby. Life’s wise is it? Folks, Tim and I have known each other for quite a number of years, actually off and on. It was until just recently, we reconnected. Actually, most recently at the local cafe next to the beach, and the second beach down from where I live and Tim lives in between. But enough of the geography lessons, Tim.
Tim Reid 1:04
Yes, I agree.
Tom Poland 1:03
For those of you who’ve been living under a rock or in a cave, and don’t know you, let me just introduce you. Tim’s the host of Australia’s #1, by a longshot, award-winning, 12-year-old Small Business Big Marketing Podcast. Tim is one of the true early pioneers of podcasting. And, I remember Tim, you know, years and years and years of you- the quality of the production and the introductions and the dialogues and the guests you had was phenomenal! And yet for many years podcast was kind of like one of the world’s best-kept secrets, but you kept that at all those years and have been when I say, an in-demand conference speaker, I know that for a fact, you know, every week you’re speaking on stages around the world pre-COVID. And I’m sure that’ll happen again, post-COVID. But that brings us nicely to the subject today, folks, which is Tim’s going to reveal in seven minutes or less, How to Use Podcasting to Grow that Big, Beautiful Business of Yours. So, Tim, thanks for rocking up, sir. Our time starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Tim Reid 2:09
I love talking to business owners with turnovers of less than $5 million, Tom, who have respect for marketing, but at the same time are incredibly frustrated by marketing.
Tom Poland 2:19
Which is pretty much all of them.
Tim Reid 2:22
Pretty much everyone. Yeah.
Tom Poland 2:24
Tell us about the problem you solved. That’s question number two, six and a half minutes left. Give us a bit more detail on what’s the problem you solve for those people.
Tim Reid 2:31
I’m really big on mindset, Tom. There’s plenty of things that all these small business owners can do, but unless they got their head straight around marketing, and my dream is that I take them from a mindset of frustration to making marketing a hobby. Because when something’s a hobby, you’ll find time, you’ll find the resources, you’ll find the energy, you’ll put it in your diary, and you can’t wait to do it next time. And I’ve interviewed 541 successful small business owners on the Small Business Big Marketing Podcast, and they all talk about marketing as if it were a hobby.
Tom Poland 3:03
Something that I look forward to. That would be a phenomenal transformation for a lot of folks! I could have not agreed more that if they’re enthusiastic about it, they’ll do it. And if they’re not, if they see it as a chore, then probably not going to. So, let’s look at question number three, six minutes left. Someone listening to this, what’s going on in their business? What’s going on in their life, that they go, “Yep, that are symptoms that are telling me that I need to find out more about what Tim’s talking about.” What are some of the typical symptoms?
Tim Reid 3:30
These symptoms, I call them limiting beliefs, and when it comes to marketing, or podcasting, which is, you know, a component part of marketing, three limiting beliefs stop them from cranking out great marketing or a great podcast. “I think it’s going to take way too much time.” Not true. If something’s a hobby, time becomes irrelevant. You’ll find the time. You’ll book it into your diary. Another limiting belief is, “Marketing and/or podcasting is too expensive.” Not true. You know, the smartphone is a marketing machine. We’ve all got one. It’s a great starting point. Got a great microphone. It’s got a great speaker. It’s got social media marketing, email marketing. So, you know, you’re all ready to go. The other limiting belief, Tom, is that “This marketing cape is too complicated, it’s got a language of its own.” And again, it’s just a limiting belief. So, if you can overcome those, get the head straight, then marketing becomes a hobby.
Tom Poland 4:20
So, let’s take this business owner, under 5 million, has respect for marketing, but is frustrated by it. They’re intelligent people. They have typically had working growth orientated. They’re going to try stuff. So, question number four, with four and a half minutes left is what are some of the common mistakes that those folks are going to make before they find your solution?
Tim Reid 4:39
They try to do everything themselves. And I kind of get that. I mean, particularly as business owners, we’re control freaks, and we don’t like letting things go because our business is our baby. We gave birth to it. We want to nurture it through. But trying to do everything itself, yourself is fraught with danger and we live in a world of outsourcing and it’s amazing what we can do when we bring in a team to do as- I get cash flow’s a problem. You got to be able to cash flow out, but again things aren’t as expensive as we may think they are. Business owners give up too early on the first iteration, Tom. You know a classic example is, “Oh, yeah. I’ve tried Facebook Ads. It didn’t work.” But you think about advertising again as a component part of marketing. It’s like, you’ve got to get your headline right. You’ve got to get your image right. You’ve got to get your link right. You’ve got to get your targeting right. There’s a lot to consider, so don’t give up when you get it wrong the first time. Here we go. We use the “P” word. Do a little pivot and try again because sure enough at some point you’ll crack the magic code. And they don’t make time for it, that’s another common mistake. But again, you know, you make time for your accountant. You make time for your solicitor. Make time for your marketing!
Tom Poland 5:46
Well, your hobbies. Perfect, which probably leads us quite nicely, three minutes left, into question number five. What’s one step someone could take, a valuable free action they could take that’s not going to solve the whole problem but it’s going to take him a step in the right direction?
Tim Reid 6:02
Embrace helpful marketing. I wrote about helpful marketing in my book, The Boomerang Effect. It’s a very simple concept and it’s around- it’s literally being helpful. It’s actually not pushing people away through sales messages. It’s pulling people towards you by being incredibly helpful and being helpful in your marketing returns you more customers and makes you more money. And I show you how to do that in my book, The Boomerang Effect.
And if you want a starting point as a valuable free action, it would be simply to go and identify every question you’ve ever been asked by a prospect, an existing customer, a past customer and go about answering it and create a knowledge center on your website. So, therefore, it’s not an FAQ list, it’s a knowledge center broken down by category and then identify one question, provide one rich answer to it using video, audio, the written word, infographics, however, you want to do it. And over time, build up this incredible treasure trove of answers to frequently asked questions that Google is going to love and that you can send one-on-one to a prospect that has a particular question for you. It’s a great place to start when it comes to being helpful in your marketing.
Tom Poland 7:12
Perfect. Thank you, sir. 95 seconds left. Question number six, what’s one valuable free resource we can direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Tim Reid 7:21
Head over to smallbusinessbigmarketing.com. That’s where you’ll find 540 plus episodes of my podcast. It’s where you can buy my book, The Boomerang Effect. And, it’s just- you know, it’s got a blog with about 120 blog posts all around helpful marketing and it’s going to be a great place to start or just subscribe to my podcast on your favorite podcast app!
Tom Poland 7:39
Smallbusinessbigmarketing.com. Thanks, Timbo. And we’ve got- wow, a whopping 70 seconds left for the last question. Question number seven is what is the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer, please?
Tim Reid 7:49
You know, as interviewers we are curious folk by nature and we’re here to represent our listeners. So, the one question you should have asked is the one that has me talking about whatever you’re most curious about when it comes to what I do. And that’s what I do in my interviews. You know, I’ve got two interviews coming up. I’ve got all the questions set out but there’s one big question that I’m curious about with each person and I want to make sure I get that answered.
Tom Poland 8:18
So, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Tim Reid 8:20
It’s to you! It’s like, what are you really curious about? You know me to a certain extent so putting all your seven questions-
Tom Poland 8:27
I’ve got an idea! What are you really curious about? Less than 25 seconds to answer that one.
Tim Reid 8:31
The well-being of middle-aged men.
Tom Poland 8:35
Right. Wow! That’s interesting. You- one rabbit hole that goes very deep.
Tim Reid 8:41
Why not?
Tom Poland 8:42
Absolutely! Life’s too short. Tim, thanks so much for your time.
Tim Reid 8:45
Thanks, Tom.
Tom Poland 08:47
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