- Find out why doing your copywriting doesn’t actually save you any money
- Understand how you can get your ideal buyers to say yes to anything you offer
- Learn more about the sales-changing roadmap that will get your copywriting game up on the boards
- Want to get the Buyers’ Roadmap? Click here: https://www.jonbenson.com/roadmap
Do you really think doing your own copywriting can save you tons of money?
Spend your time and effort on something else, and let someone do your copywriting for you. Or even now, in our techno-centric world, try incorporating AI into your sales copy. Words are just as vital as anything else, especially when you’re trying to sell. Say the best words, secure your ideal clients, and sell more with the right sales copy.
Jon Benson is one of the top copywriters alive, plus is the Founder of BNSN.AI, the “magic button” app for sales copy.
Listen in to Jon’s magical words on how you can persuade your ideal buyers to always say “YES” to you through the power of the right words and excellent copywriting magic.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:39 – Jon’s ideal client: Small business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs.
- 01:56 – The problem he helps solve: We give them words that sell. These words are used in everything! I mean, this is the one thing that I’m talking about.
- 03:17 – The symptoms of the problem: They have an offer or an idea for an offer, and they have no idea how to sell it, or they have no idea why it isn’t selling.
- 04:41 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Jon: It’s like trying to fix your car by yourself without being a mechanic. It’s not a good idea. Unless you’re broken down on the side of the road, you should call a mechanic.
- 06:19 – Jon’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I can send them to free training that I have that’s something they would start. And what that training does is help people understand what I’m talking about when I say understanding the words that their ideal buyer needs to know.
- 07:05 – Jon’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to get the Buyers’ Roadmap? Click here: https://www.jonbenson.com/roadmap
- 08:54 – Q: Why are words more important than say a video or something else? Why are words so vitally important? A: Everything is centered on words. And the ultimate form of persuasion is when people hear something, and they see it.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Copywriters are both scientists and artists combined, in a sense. We understand persuasion, so there's a psychology to it.” -Jon Benson Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Jon Benson. Jon, a warm good day from Down Under. Sir, where are you hanging out?
Jon Benson 00:21
We’re in Fort Lauderdale.
Tom Poland 00:22
Florida! How’s the weather in December?
Jon Benson 00:26
It’s scorcheous. Yeah, 70 degrees right now.
Tom Poland 00:30
A little birdy by the name of David Deutsch just told me you just got back from Italy. How was that?
Jon Benson 00:34
Wonderful, man. Wonderful! We had a great time and I had never been before but it became my favorite country to visit, for sure.
Tom Poland 00:41
Wow, fantastic! North or South, or all over?
Jon Benson 00:44
All over! The WiFi took me all over which was great and- but I fell in love with it totally.
Tom Poland 00:50
Well, welcome back just in time for Christmas! Folks, Jon is one of the top copywriters alive and that’s referenced by other top copywriters who regard them as being one of the top echelons. He’s also the founder of BNSN.AI, so Jon’s surname without the vowels– BNSN.AI. It’s kind of the “magic button” app for sales copy. So if you’ve ever struggled with words, and that’s probably 99% of the population, you got to be quite interested in this little interview. The title is– pleasingly from one of the world’s best copywriters– is, “The One Thing Small Businesses Can Do to 3X Sales”. Jon, you’ve got me on the edge of my seat. I’m all ears! Let’s kick off. Our seven minutes start now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Jon Benson 01:39
Small business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs.
Tom Poland 01:43
Thank you.
Jon Benson 01:44
Copywriters would be a second.
Tom Poland 01:45
What would be the second?
Jon Benson 01:47
Copywriters would be the second.
Tom Poland 01:48
The copywriter for the copywriters and small business owners. Question two is what is the problem you solve for your ideal client?
Jon Benson 01:56
We give them words that sell.
Tom Poland 01:58
Give some words that sell– love it! And where are these words used?
Jon Benson 02:03
These words are used in everything! I mean, this is the one thing that I’m talking about. The one thing that I’m talking about that will lift a business faster than anything else is understanding the words that sell to your ideal buyer to understand their buying language, is in specific. So that is what we help them do. We help them understand their ideal buyers’ buying language. Just like a love language, your ideal customers have buying languages and we help you decipher that.
Tom Poland 02:31
Makes a lot of sense! So they’re going to use them on websites and email campaigns?
Jon Benson 02:37
Tom Poland 02:37
Where have I missed it? What are the other main applications?
Jon Benson 02:41
Webinars, videos, sales letters, sales pages, ads, email campaigns. Email is just so drastically underrated as a marketing behemoth. We doubled our business this year. Doubled it, not in marketing speak but in literal income speak, simply by increasing the amount of emails that we send. So it’s just– yeah.
Tom Poland 03:00
Amazing! So let’s go to question three. Five and a half minutes left, plenty of time. What would you say are the typical symptoms of someone who needs to reach out and find out more about what you do? What’s going on in their business? Poor response rates? What else? What’s happening?
Jon Benson 03:17
Yeah, they have an offer or an idea for an offer, and they have no idea how to sell it, or they have no idea why it isn’t selling. The offer just isn’t getting traction, either on ads or emails, webinars, or whatever it may be. So that’s usually the people that reach out.
Tom Poland 03:33
Right. And this is a bit of a curveball question. How do people know the response rate could be a lot better? Do you generally find that people are just saying, “We’re just not getting. We’ve vision no responsiveness”? What’s the benchmark? Do you think it- Is there a benchmark that says, “Yeah, you could do a lot better.”?
Jon Benson 03:52
Yeah, there’s a lot of KPIs that we look at. But from a client point of view, from what they’re seeing, it’s measured in dollars. It’s not measured in much of anything else. I mean, there are a few people that we work with that are just high-reach people. They’re more interested in impact. So they don’t need to make the money, but that’s such a relative view. Most people just look at it by saying, “We’re spending X. We’re making Y. That doesn’t feel right. We should be doing better”, or “I should be doing better.”
Tom Poland 04:18
Yeah, they’re just not getting the ROI that we’re telling them. Thank you for that! And, look, we’re talking about people who are proactively marketing, right? So they’re wanting to grow their business. The intentions are there. They’ve got a serious intent. They’re doing stuff to try and grow the business. Question four, therefore, is what would you say are some of the common mistakes people make when they’re trying to solve this ROI problem?
Jon Benson 04:41
It’s like trying to fix your car by yourself without being a mechanic. It’s not a good idea. Unless you’re broken down on the side of the road, you should call a mechanic. Or you should go to a mechanic to fix your car if you don’t know a lot about cars. Likewise, copywriters are both scientists and artists combined in a sense. We understand persuasion, so there’s a psychology to it. So that’s a weird mix of things that makes it kind of rare for someone or an application is what I do, to be able to even do it. So trying to do it on your own is usually a mistake. Having input is absolutely vital. So if you work with a copywriter, or an application, like BNSN, that does understand what you’re trying to say and then combines it with what we know works, that’s going to give you the best of all worlds. Your message will get across, but in a way that lands and resonates creates action, and creates a kind of a compelling sense to buy versus a passing fancy. And that’s what we want. We want to compel people to really think this is the solution to the problem.
Tom Poland 04:44
Thank you for that! So big mistake– DIY. And people really got to get to the point where they– Mark Twain said, “It’s some of the things that we don’t know that helps, the things we think we know. It’s something that we can do that just ain’t so.” So let’s flip it! Two and a quarter minutes left. A free action, just a top tip that someone could take. Now, to be clear, it’s not going to solve their problem. They probably need to work with you for that or with BNSN, but it might take them a step in the right direction. What have you got?
Jon Benson 06:19
Well, I can send them to free training that I have, if that’s- I don’t know, if that’s cool on your show or not, but that’s something they would start. And what that training does is help people understand what I’m talking about when I say understanding the words that their ideal buyer needs to know. So we start by creating a buyer’s roadmap, like what is the roadmap of that language? What are their goals, hopes, fears, dreams? Where can you start? And the cool thing is you can use AI to get a lot of this done. So I have training on how to use ChatGPT to do that. Now there are easier ways. BNSN is by far way easier, but ChatGPT will get it done with some elbow grease. But this will get you introduced to the idea of this and why it’s so important. It’s like having a buyer’s Bible. So I think it’s important to have that.
Tom Poland 07:01
Well, let’s do that! Let’s give people some help. Where can they go for that?
Jon Benson 07:05
Sure, you can go to Jonbenson.com/roadmap for the Buyers’ Roadmap. So if you go there, you will see, it’s an opt-in and you can get free training. And that just puts you right into the mix.
Tom Poland 07:20
Fantastic. So that’s Jonbenson.com/roadmap. And the question, it’s kind of like a bonus value for you, folks. Because the next question I was going to ask you, Jon is, tell us about BNSN.AI, because people can go there as well, right?
Jon Benson 07:38
BNSN.AI is the world’s first promptless AI. We are the next gen of AI. We took this a step further and decided that we would not only train our models on only the best copywriters, and best copy campaigns in history, meaning that we were looking at multi 100 million dollar campaigns. And this is what it’s trained on rather than all of the internet. But we are also promptless, meaning that you don’t have to worry about what to type into the little window to get it to do what you want it to do. We take care of that for you. It’s very similar to what Steve Jobs did with the telephone. Remember, when the flip phones were around, and then Steve Jobs came out with the iPhone and everything changed? This is the same thing! I believe that AI is going into a promptless world. And that promptless world removes the need to be a prompt engineer to figure out what should I ask it to get exactly what I want when we’ve already figured out most of that for you. You just click a few buttons, choose from dropdowns, and copy and paste.
Tom Poland 08:39
So, folks, it’s BNSN, so Jon Benson, the surname without the vowels, BNSN.AI. And, Jon, got to wrap it up! An extraordinary value already, thank you, but one more question. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t, and the answer, please, in twenty-five seconds?
Jon Benson 08:54
Twenty-five seconds. So I’d say the question that you didn’t ask was, “Why are words more important than say a video or something else? Why are words so vitally important?” And the answer to that would be people think, “Oh, I should do video marketing. I should do YouTube. I should do this. I should do that.” Everything is centered on words. And the ultimate form of persuasion is when people hear something, and they see it. So your words have to match.
Tom Poland 08:54
Perfect! You know, there’s that old saying a picture speaks a thousand words, but 12 words can create a picture.
Jon Benson 08:57
Tom Poland 08:57
Explodes fireworks over, I don’t know, the Statue of Liberty on New Year’s Eve. Bang, there’s a picture in your brain! Probably less than 12 words. Jon Benson, thank you so much for your time and your contribution to making the marketing world a better place!
Jon Benson 09:41
Thank you, Tom. Appreciate it! Thanks for having me.
Tom Poland 09:44
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