- Discover and dive deeper into the areas in your life and business that have been limiting your success
- Learn the importance of setting up your personal foundation in your work and influence your business
- Understand the correlation the effect of finding back your courage and changing the world
- Want to know how to gain back your confidence and reignite your passion? Click here: https://kendfoster.com/
Do you want to learn how to channel your courage to unlock your inner genius so that you can give the best to your business and clients?
Having just a business isn’t enough if you’re mentally limiting yourself until the glass ceiling. Without the courage and the right mindset, you’ll only be bound and limited by what you believe in. Have the courage to unlock your i
Ken D. Foster is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, business strategist, and news personality, who owns a broadcast and media production company. He is the executive producer and host of the Voices of Courage Show syndicated on TV, podcast, plus radio and broadcast in 185 countries. He specializes in working with people who are committed to leveling up their lives, maximizing their highest potential, and contributing to making the world a better place.
Listen to what Ken has to share and get back your courage to unlock your inner genius by learning the secrets of success and business growth.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:08 – Ken’s ideal client: An ideal client is anybody that owns a business that is really ready to uplevel that business. They may be stuck in stop-start patterns.
- 03:41 – The problem he helps solve: Well, the problem I solve is the limitations of the mind. So individuals think that they want to move forward in some area, but there’s usually a belief or beliefs, a series of them that we really have to explore and look at.
- 04:27 – The symptoms of the problem: There’s if you have a lack in your life if you have upset and stress in your life if you have relationships that aren’t working in your business or your personal life if you have a health issue right now, those are symptoms.
- 05:15 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Ken: You know, I love that question because a lot of people want to make a big difference in the world, that’s great. My hat’s off to you. I work with a lot of people that are in service in many ways.
- 06:39 – Ken’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Well, let me just give you, I wrote this book. It’s called, the Courage to Change Everything: Daily Strategies and Essential Wisdom to Awaken Your Inner Genius. It’s 440 pages, hardback.
- 07:36 – Ken’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know how to gain back your confidence and reignite your passion? Click here: https://kendfoster.com/
- 08:30 – Q: What’s your message to the world? A: My message to the world is to use this there’s nothing stopping you but if you want greater success, you want more love in your life, you want more compassion, more understanding. Then it’s time to wake up.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Start with the foundation of you; change you, and the rest will change.” -Ken D. Foster Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you, as ever, from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Ken D. Foster. Ken, I know that you live in my favorite part of the whole of North America. Tell folks where you’re calling in from.
Ken D. Foster 00:27
Well, I’m in San Diego and yes, it’s the most beautiful place on the planet from my point of view.
Tom Poland 00:34
And in Encinitas, right?
Ken D. Foster 00:36
That’s correct. That’s in San Diego County area. Yes.
Tom Poland 00:40
yeah, it’s kind of like the northern outpost of San Diego. It’s all joined at the hop as you drive down the coast there. But Encinitas is just a pearl on the edge of the Pacific there. Folks, getting off geography, I’ll introduce you to Ken. He’s a keynote speaker. He’s a best-selling author. He’s a global business strategist. And I put the word “global” on there because I know how far his reach extends. He’s a news personality who owns a broadcast & media production company. He’s the executive producer and host of the Voices of Courage Show. It’s syndicated on TV, podcast, radio, and broadcast in 185 countries. I didn’t even know there are that many countries in the world. So and-
Ken D. Foster 01:23
There’s more!
Tom Poland 01:25
The beautiful thing about- how many, sorry?
Ken D. Foster 01:27
I said there are more countries, yeah. There are more countries than 185, and they keep adding.
Tom Poland 01:33
That’s a pretty good start, isn’t it, 185 countries?
Ken D. Foster 01:37
It’s pretty.
Tom Poland 01:37
And the beautiful thing. And the reason it’s a real pleasure to have Ken here is that his own specialty is working with people who really are committed to leveling up their lives to expanding and fulfilling their real potential, but also making a contribution to make their part of the world a better place. So Ken, a very warm welcome, again. The title is, “How to Have the Courage to Unlock Your Inner Genius”. Our seven minutes is gonna start now. Ken, who’s your ideal client?
Ken D. Foster 02:08
An ideal client is anybody that owns a business that is really ready to uplevel that business. They may be stuck in stop-start patterns. They may be in places where they have money now, and then they lose their money, and I work with a lot of individuals that have very successful businesses. They’ve overcome those challenges, so now what they’re trying to do is create a value culture within their organization. And to uplevel, it to 5 million to 10 million to 20 million to 30 million, 70 million. At one client, we took from 10 million to 70 million over the last five years. So those are the clients that I work with.
Tom Poland 02:47
So it’s up-leveling your personal game, in terms of your potential and expanding that fulfillment and contribution, but it’s also up-leveling the business game. That’s probably not-
Ken D. Foster 02:57
Well, you know, it’s all interrelated. It’s all interrelated, Tom, and so the up-leveling of the business, most people like to start there. They want to make more money. But quite frankly, unless we have the personal foundation in place, what happens, is they’ll make more money, and they’ll end up stressed out and going to the doctors, you know, paying medical bills, and you know, the productivity goes down— a lot of things like that happen, dealt with a lot of people like that. So when we’re talking about upload, when we’re talking about balancing out all areas of your life, so that now you have the capacity to increase the volume of success that you want.
Tom Poland 03:33
Perfect! The foundation is there, the capacity. Thank you, sir. Five and a half minutes left. We’ve already talked about this a bit, but anything else you want to add to the problem you solve?
Ken D. Foster 03:41
Well, the problem I solve is the limitations of the mind. So individuals think that they want to move forward in some area, but there’s usually a belief or beliefs, a series of them that we really have to explore and look at. So I help people to dive deep and explore those areas that are limiting their success, whether it be in their personal life, their financial life, their business life, their spiritual life, or any area so that we start to evolve, start to grow our awareness, start to have more joy, more happiness, and more productivity all at once.
Tom Poland 04:15
Oh, there are a lot of rich words in that— joy, awareness. So let’s talk about how does someone know they’ve got a problem that you can solve? This is question three, what would you say are some of the typical symptoms? Four and a half minutes left.
Ken D. Foster 04:27
Yeah, there are symptoms. There’s if you have a lack in your life if you have upset and stress in your life if you have relationships that aren’t working in your business or your personal life if you have a health issue right now, those are symptoms. Maybe you’re gaining too much weight, you know you’re in that place, maybe you’re just in a place where you don’t feel like you are you and you really want to get rid of that feeling and step up back into you— the spirit, the soul, the powerhouse behind everything I do. That’s what I help people do.
Tom Poland 05:00
Thank you, sir. And we have four minutes left. A lot of people who are growth orientated and who care about making a contribution, they’re going to try stuff. What are some of the common mistakes that you see that people have made before they find your solution? Kind of like gone the wrong direction?
Ken D. Foster 05:15
You know, I love that question because a lot of people want to make a big difference in the world, that’s great. My hat’s off to you. I work with a lot of people that are in service in many ways. But what I have to say is that you need to change yourself before you change the world. Quite frankly, if you change yourself, you have done your job of changing the world— it’s quite that simple. Because what happens is, as you start to change and resonate, your energy, your power, your passion, your love, and your communion, in greater ways, influence other people to do the same. So we start with the foundation of you change you and the rest will change. You find the courage to change yourself. And that’s the biggest thing, we have a lot of people who have a lot of resistance to change. You may think, “I don’t have resistance to change.” Well, come and work with me for a little bit. And watch the resistance show up. And then I’ll help you like break through it, of course.
Tom Poland 06:11
And, folks, I’ve been involved in personal development and business development for well over 40 years now. And I can tell you that what Ken is talking about is his voice is the voice of experience and wisdom, so please listen to this again and again. More importantly, take action. Two and a half minutes left. Speaking of action, Ken, question five is one top tip, a valuable free action that people can take. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it’s going to send them off in the right direction.
Ken D. Foster 06:39
Well, let me just give you, I wrote this book. It’s called, the Courage to Change Everything: Daily Strategies and Essential Wisdom to Awaken Your Inner Genius. It’s 440 pages, hardback. You can get it at couragetochange.us. Why am I mentioning this? Because there are questions in there that I’ve outlined that’ll help you step in your courage. Let me give you one question. If you were courageous, what are the three steps that you will take today to solve the greatest problem that you’re facing? If you were courageous today if you were courageous, what are the three steps you’ll take today to solve the greatest challenge you’re having in your life? Write it down, answer it, start stepping into your courage, and get my book.
Tom Poland 07:24
So couragetochange.us.
Ken D. Foster 07:26
That’s correct. Yep.
Tom Poland 07:28
Perfect! Thank you. 90 seconds left, sir. Let’s give folks a valuable free resource. That’s question six. Where do people go to find out more about your work?
Ken D. Foster 07:36
I’d love to give you, remember, we talked about resistance and challenges that we might have in the subconscious mind? Well, I developed a program called “The Release Process”, and I give it away for free. It’s on my website. The Release Process will help you identify exactly those limiting subconscious beliefs that are stopping you from really blowing off the limitations, something I give to all my clients before we even start working together. And you can get it at Kendfoster.com. By the way, while you’re on that site, you can also, I’m giving it away for free to, for a short time, a session with me, but you’ll have to go there quickly because I shut that down from time to time so they can’t take on so many clients.
Tom Poland 08:20
Thank you! Kendfoster.com. Thank you for that, Ken. Question seven, the last question, 25 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Ken D. Foster 08:30
The question you should have asked is what’s your message to the world and my message to the world to use this there’s nothing stopping you but you if you want greater success, you want more love in your life, you want more compassion, more understanding? Then it’s time to wake up. Take off your limitations. hire a coach, me or Tom, or whoever stepping into it because you have greatness within you.
Tom Poland 08:58
You have greatness within. Ken D. Foster, thank you so much for your insights and your wisdom.
Tom Poland 09:03
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