- Find out how to speak out your message and convert you audience into clients
- Understand the importance and difference of educating from activating especially in speaking
- Learn how there’s nothing wrong with you and why it’s more about your marketing
- Want to learn more on how to achieve a talk that converts? Click here: www.makeyourmark.com/leverage
Are you struggling with marketing your expertise and want to learn how to use the power of speaking to turn listeners into clients?
Speaking and presenting can be so much profitable and enjoyable only if you’ve got the right audience and that captivating message that will bridge the gap between their problem and your solution.
Krista Martin is the Founder of Make Your Mark and the Six Figure Impact Academy. As a speaker and 7-figure business coach, she teaches her clients how to fill their coaching programs through speaking and scale their business to multiple six figures.
Sit back and grab a snack as you listen to Krista and what she has to share on how you can use your voice as an excellent and promising tool for your marketing to turn your listeners into active, high-paying clients.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:56 – Krista’s ideal client: My ideal client is a coach who’s been in business for a couple of years. They’re probably bringing in mid-five figures. And they haven’t gotten off that “getting clients hamster wheel”.
- 02:32 – The problem she helps solve: The problem that I solve is really helping people or it’s when people are unclear about how to convert from their speaking. So they’re speaking on the stage, but they’re not getting clients.
- 03:16 – The symptoms of the problem: This would be the person who does want to share their message in a really big way. And they’re getting great feedback when they’re in front of the room. But again, it’s just like you said crickets.
- 05:38 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Krista: One is, I touched on this a few minutes ago, where it’s like, over-educating. So they’re just pummeling their audience and their meaning well, with content, these four steps, that kind of stuff.
- 06:48 – Krista’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): What I would encourage anyone who’s listening to this saying is, “I really want to share my message. I’m really wanting to grow”, make a list of someone who’s gathering your ideal client.
- 07:54 – Krista’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn more on how to achieve a talk that converts? Click here: www.makeyourmark.com/leverage
- 08:24- Q: What is my favorite charity to donate to? A: There’s a homeless animal group here in Atlanta, that’s “Angels Among Us”, and donating to them is really a part of my bigger impact as a company.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“One of my secrets to growing quickly was really learning how to leverage other people's audiences.” -Krista Martin Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia where it is indeed sunny, joined today by Krista Martin. Krista, love your stuff. Welcome to the show! Where are you hanging out?
Krista Martin 00:24
I’m hanging out in Roswell, Georgia, just a little bit north of Atlanta.
Tom Poland 00:28
And that’s a big place, Atlanta, isn’t it? I mean Georgia’s a big place.
Krista Martin 00:32
Yes, absolutely.
Tom Poland 00:34
Everything else? Have you lived there long?
Krista Martin 00:37
Oh, I’ve been here. It feels like I’m a native in the sense I’ve been here, I hate to say, already 20 years. So pretty much, I guess, I think I just designated myself that “native badge of honor”. I’ll go ahead and do that, I guess.
Tom Poland 00:52
Yeah, this stuff was a bit of a shock to figure out how many decades we’ve been in the place or how many decades we’ve done something. And yeah, the clock is ticking. Speaking of clocks, we better get our’s ticking! Folks, Krista is really, really good at generating new clients. She’s the Founder of Make Your Mark, and it’s a Six-Figure Impact Academy. Now, Krista is going to tell us about how to generate new clients. “How to Leverage Speaking to FIll Your Coaching Programs”, that’s the title. And she’s a seven-figure business coach herself, so she’s leading from the front. She teaches her clients how to fill their coaching programs through speaking and scale their business to multiple six figures. And one of the things you say on your website, Krista, is that something like 90% of coaches aren’t making six figures. In fact, a lot of them are struggling. And I know from hundreds of speaking gigs, that it is the best way to fill the gap to generate clients and for coaching programs. So let’s get into it. Thank you again for being here. I’m about to shut up. But our seven minutes is gonna start now. Question number one, Krista, who’s your ideal client?
Krista Martin 01:56
My ideal client, I feel like I’m in Speedzone here, is a coach who’s been in business for a couple of years. They’re probably bringing in mid-five figures. And they haven’t gotten off that “getting clients hamster wheel”. Usually, they’re corporate escapees, meaning they had a corporate life prior. Always incredibly smart, but they just need help with putting, you know, that roadmap, their marketing roadmap, together.
Tom Poland 02:19
Yeah, I get it. And by and large, their service is not the issue. I mean, they’re good at what they do. They’re smart, as you said, they’ve probably got a lot of corporate business experience. So tell us more about the problem you solve, that’s question two.
Krista Martin 02:32
Yes, the problem that I solve is really helping people or it’s when people are unclear about how to convert from their speaking. So they’re speaking on the stage, but they’re not getting clients. And they have that stress and frustration of, “Hey, I shared my message. Now what?” You know, getting great feedback.
Tom Poland 02:52
So we’ve got, and so question three is around the typical symptoms that people are going to experience. In this case, speaking from the stage and not getting, I mean, the most obvious system is that their call to action is met with silence. What else is going on, do you think, in their businesses? And what I’m after here is someone’s listening to this and listening to the symptoms that you’re about to tell us and they’re going, “Geez, that’s me! You know, I need to reach out to Krista.” What’s happening?
Krista Martin 03:16
Yes, this would be you know, the person who does want to share their message in a really big way. And they’re getting great feedback when they’re in front of the room. But again, it’s just like you said crickets. You know, nobody’s raising their hand, saying, “Hey, Tom, I want to find out more about whatever.” So they’re educating versus activating, which is really one of the core ways that we work with clients is to get clear on what that difference is. Because as coaches, we tend to love to deliver value, but that also can be at the expense of and actually sabotage, are activating, getting people motivated to take action. And usually, they’re incredibly frustrated and tired. And I think about myself when I was at that stage, bringing $40,000 a year in my business, and I was just exhausted, because I thought I was doing all the things, but I wasn’t getting the results. And so it really felt like that uneven energy exchange of give, give, give, but we weren’t, you know, receiving anything as far as clients coming back. And the other symptom could be too, that people are getting sales calls after their speaking engagement, which is great. But very few of those clients or I would say less than 50% of them are converting to becoming clients. So it’s a lot of sales calls, and we teach that process as part of the speaking process. But it really is just where you feel like you dropped the ball, I got the person, either to say “Yes”. And then we got on a call, and then they said you know “No”, or whatever the reason was, so a lot of-
Tom Poland 04:45
I’m gonna guess one more symptom, and that is that they need clients so badly but they end up taking him clients that are really kind of like a square peg in a round hole, and then they don’t look forward to meeting with those clients because it’s such hard work. Because we’ve both been there, done that, I’m sure.
Krista Martin 05:01
Oh, definitely! And you start to lose faith in yourself and if you are, you know, sharing your right message or getting in front of the right people even.
Tom Poland 05:10
It’s so true. Because, folks, you’re probably very, very good at what you do, and when clients interact and engage with you, they’re getting transformational results. So you get really frustrated– “Why don’t I have more clients? What is wrong with me?” Probably nothing wrong with you, actually. It’s probably more just your marketing. So let’s go to question four, three and a quarter minutes left. Give us a couple of the mistakes that these smart, growth-oriented individuals are making in their marketing.
Krista Martin 05:38
Yes, one is, you know, I touched on this a few minutes ago, where it’s like, over-educating. So they’re just pummeling their audience and their meaning well, with, you know, content, these four steps, that kind of stuff. And really talking to the four or five things you need, versus really bringing in the energy that is helping them to see the gap between where they are and where they want to be. And also the cost of staying where they are. A lot of times they aren’t in front of their ideal clients. And they may not even have an audience either. So they’re just kind of speaking wherever they can, which then leads to the exact thing you said, where then they get non-ideal clients, which then sabotages their confidence. And it’s this bad, and like, I’m just picturing a snowball running, getting down the hill building momentum in the wrong direction.
Tom Poland 06:23
Right. And it might be valid to speak anywhere you possibly can to start with, but eventually, you get some practice, but eventually, you got to get focused. That’s so true. You know, it’s all very well done and even the best talk in the world even wants to work with you. If they’re speaking to the wrong crowd, they don’t get the right result. Let’s move on. We have two minutes left. One valuable free action, like a top tip we can give folks that are going to help them a little bit, at least.
Krista Martin 06:48
Yes, I would definitely! And one of my secrets to growing quickly was really learning how to leverage other people’s audiences, which is a mouthful. And so what I would encourage anyone who’s listening to this saying is, “I really want to share my message. I’m really wanting to grow”, make a list of someone who’s gathering your ideal client. It could be an association. It could be a networking group. It could be the yoga studio down the road, and ask yourself, then when you have those lists, how can I offer immense value to them? So it really is a win, win, win– a win for you, a win for them, and a win for the attendees. And you’ll see opportunities starting to show up when you just go through that simple exercise.
Tom Poland 07:29
Folks, I’m just hearing the voice of experience here, because this is, you’re just nailing it. It’s been- it’s such a common experience that I’m sure those people who have not been so successful will relate to what you’re talking about. But those people that have figured it out, we’ll also be going, “Yep!” Let’s give people some more value. Question six, where can people go to find out more about your methodologies and get more help?
Krista Martin 07:54
I would love to share that. In fact, I like shortening the learning curve for everybody. So if you go to makeyourmark.com/3steps, and it’s the number three, then you’ll see a guy that really outlines not only the process to have a talk that converts but also really three critical phases of the talk that most people aren’t even talking about.
Tom Poland 08:18
Makeyourmark.com/3steps. We’ve got four seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Krista Martin 08:24
Oh, gosh, I would say, what is my favorite charity to donate to?
Tom Poland 08:30
Oh, then what is it?
Krista Martin 08:32
There’s a homeless animal group here in Atlanta that’s “Angels Among Us”, and donating to them is really a part of my bigger impact as a company, and yes! And so it’s a great-
Tom Poland 08:43
Krista Martin, thanks so much for your insights. Cheers!
Krista Martin 08:46
You’re very welcome. This was super fun!
Tom Poland 08:51
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