- Know the importance of completing and optimizing your Linkedin profile
- Learn how your exceptional optimized Linkedin profile can build your brand, generate leads for your business, and connect you with your ideal clients or referral partners
- Find out how to reach your target market effectively and convert connections into clients or customers through leveraging the power of Linkedin
- If you use LinkedIn (or you would like to start using it) to generate valuable connections, referral partners or new business. You will likely join Adam Houlahan’s Linkedin Quarterly Update Free Sessions. Join this Live Webinar Training On Tuesday, April 7th, 2020: https://www.adamhoulahan.com/webinar/
Are you wondering how many potential business prospects can Linkedin bring for your business?
LinkedIn lead generation could become one of your company’s go-to strategies for connecting with potential clients on social media.
Do you show up on LinkedIn or “show out”?
You see, you only have that crucial 5 seconds to engage – connect – convert. How can you make your Linkedin profile tick and attract clients?
Adam Houlahan is an International Keynote Speaker specializing in LinkedIn strategies for entrepreneurs, and CEO of the highly successful LinkedIn agency, Prominence Global. He hosts arguably the world’s largest free online LinkedIn training event with thousands of people registering every 12 weeks and is considered to be one of Australia’s leading experts in harnessing the power of LinkedIn for business. He is the author of three Amazon best selling books Social Media Secret Sauce, The LinkedIn Playbook, and Influencer.
In this episode, Adam shares how he helps business owners create powerful online presence through Linkedin resulting in growth and accelerated global footprint, builds their brand, generate leads for their business, and connects with their targeted leads and referral partners.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:28 – Adam’s ideal client: “Our ideal client will be the owner or partner in a business. They’re not a solo-preneur, they have at least a small team, and they’re very open to being highly visible and the face of their company.”
- 02:10 – Problem Adam helps solve: “The problem we solve is how to get quality leads at an affordable cost, which of course, we all want.”
- 02:31 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Adam: “They’ve done some form of lead generation before and had different levels of success. Whether that’s on LinkedIn or any, you know, other platforms, Facebook or Instagram, anything, they’ve usually tried something that hasn’t been hugely successful, and they’re a little bit jaded and a little bit put off by online marketing.”
- 03:46 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Adam and his solution?: “The first big mistake people make is not optimizing their profile correctly. So not taking the time or not understanding how important it is to have a profile that speaks to their ideal audience in a way that they want to be, sort of, why they want to consume the information..”
- 05:49 – Adam’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): The number one thing you need to do before you do anything else is to fix up your profile. Make sure that it’s looking very professional.
- 06:52 – Adam’s Valuable Free Action(VFR): If you use LinkedIn (or you would like to start using it) to generate valuable connections, referral partners or new business. You will likely join Adam Houlahan’s Linkedin Quarterly Update Free Sessions. Join this Live Webinar Training On Tuesday, April 7th, 2020: https://www.adamhoulahan.com/webinar/
- 07:18 – Q: When’s my next book coming out? A: It’s coming out on the 14th of January, next, which is only a few weeks away. What it actually is, is an update of the LinkedIn Playbook, which was written a few years ago, and over 12,000 people got a copy of that one. So, there’s an updated version very soon.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The number one thing you need to do before you do anything else is to fix up your Linkedin profile. Make sure that it's looking very professional.”-@adamhoulahan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to from the Sunshine Coast on Queensland, Australia, joined today by Adam Houlahan. Adam, good day, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Adam Houlahan: 0:23
Good day, Tom, good to be here with you. And I’m on the equally beautiful Dorcas, just a few hours down the road from you.
Tom Poland: 0:30
We could debate the relative beauty of our various places in Paradise, but they’re both pretty damn good. Sunshine, waves, what’s not to like. Folk`s, for those of you don’t know, Adam, he’s, I’ve worked with Adam very closely in this year. He’s a proven performer, who’s reliable, who has integrity, and who’s very professional. And those things don’t always go together in the same body and mind of a marketer, but in Adams case, they do. So, it’s a pleasure to have you on the show, Adam. For those of you don’t know him, he’s a multiple best-selling author, International Keynote Speaker specializing in LinkedIn Strategies for entrepreneurs, and he’s CEO of the highly, hugely successful LinkedIn agency, Prominence Global. Adam, that is a beautiful segue into our subject today, the title of which is, “How to Leverage LinkedIn for Lead Generation.” A subject near and dear to almost everyone’s hearts is, you know, mining the gold that is there in LinkedIn, which just so many people can’t seem to get into. So, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Adam Houlahan: 1:38
Tom, our ideal client will be the owner or partner in a business. They’re not a solo-preneur, they have at least a small team, and they’re very open to being highly visible and the face of their company. So other than that, they might be in certain countries around the world, essentially in English speaking countries.
Tom Poland: 1:59
Perfect. Thank you. So, global audience, business owners or people working in a business with multiple employees. So, what’s the problem you solve? That’s question number two, six and a half minutes left.
Adam Houlahan: 2:10
The problem we solve is how to get quality leads at an affordable cost, which of course, we all want.
Tom Poland: 2:17
Yeah. Okay, thank you, Question number three, just over six minutes left, before someone starts working with you, what are some of the typical symptoms they’re going to be experiencing that is going to flag the fact that they have this problem of not enough leads?
Adam Houlahan: 2:31
That’s a good question.
Most of the time, people that we, that come to us, they’ve done some form of lead generation before and had, you know, different levels of success. Whether that’s on LinkedIn or any, you know, other platforms, Facebook or Instagram, anything, they’ve usually tried something that hasn’t been hugely successful, and they’re a little bit jaded and a little bit put off by online marketing.
Tom Poland: 2:56
Right. What a shock, right?
Adam Houlahan: 2:59
Tom Poland: 3:00
Alright. So, question number four, five and a half minutes left. Feel free to take a little time on this one because I know it’s important for people. This next question, folks, can save you years of frustration, disappointment and probably tens of thousands of dollars if you listen up carefully. Question number four is, what are some of the common mistakes that your ideal clients have made before they find your solution? They’re going to understand they have a lead gen problem. They’re going to be experiencing the symptoms of frustration, of stress, of worry about where the clients are going to come from. What are some of the things they’ve tried that just flat out and never going to work, never would have worked, before they find you?
Adam Houlahan: 3:36
Thank you. Yeah, that is the big question. Now I’m going to, I’m going to answer that when they’re specifically now trying to do this on LinkedIn, because this is the problem we truly solve.
Tom Poland: 3:45
Fair enough.
Adam Houlahan: 3:46
And what that really is, is the first big mistake people make is not optimizing their profile correctly.
So not taking the time or not understanding how important it is to have a profile that speaks to their ideal audience in a way that they want to be, sort of, why they want to consume the information. And of course, in a way that just actually makes sense. Often people are using it like a resume, in which, you know, is understandable, this is kind of where LinkedIn started, but it’s so much more than that now. Even if they did solve that problem, and which is easy to solve, and we’re going to actually help people solve that today.
The next thing, of course, is that they really think LinkedIn is all about connecting with people, and then just pitching and saying, “Hey, this is what I do, why aren’t you buying my stuff?” And as we know that, you know, marketing these days, you know, we have to meet those multiple touch points, we have to create the know-like-trust factor, before we get to the point of, you know, that next step of maybe doing something together.
And that would be the biggest mistake is that, that process is everyone’s trying to do that in a very short timeframe instead of taking the time to do that particularly well. Even if they get that right, then the final big mistake is that they’re not sharing quality content. LinkedIn now is very much about our content platform.
The people that really leverage it well, to be really clear that the space we play in with that, and our clients have been looking to get them to play into the top 0.02% of users on LinkedIn. So even the top 1% these days is, it’s a crowded space. That’s almost 7 million people in the top 1%. It’s not high enough these days.
Tom Poland: 5:34
Alright. Cool. Thank you, Adam, valuable stuff there. Question number five, two and a half minutes left, therefore, what is one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to take them a step closer to solving the problem? Not going to solve the whole thing, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Adam Houlahan: 5:49
Definitely the step in the right direction, the number one thing you need to do before you do anything else is to fix up your profile. Make sure that it’s looking very professionals. It’s got background images and summary, position, descriptions that make sense.
Tom Poland: 6:03
And the photos should not be, probably, one of me at the last party blowing a party balloon up with a beer in my hand, right?
Adam Houlahan: 6:11
No weekend BBQ selfies, you know, we’re talking about professional platform. Another big thing is it should be fairly relevant, brace it as in, you know, taken in the last couple of years.
Tom Poland: 6:21
Yeah, I’m not sure that’s going to be to my advantage, but never mind. Question number six, what’s one valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more? One minute 40 seconds left.
Adam Houlahan: 6:33
Well, of course, leading on from that last question, we have a free profile course that anybody can take advantage of. It will put you into the top at least 5% of all profiles on LinkedIn. Over 16,000 people around the world have already used it. So, you’re more than welcome to that.
Tom Poland: 6:50
Wow. Where do they find that?
Adam Houlahan: 6:52
On my website, adamhoulahan.com, and just go to the resources section there and you’ll see it linked there.
Tom Poland: 6:59
Perfect. Thank you very much. So that’s Adam Houlahan, H-O-U-L-A-H-A-N, dot com. Go to the resources section there and dive into that. Question number seven, just over a minute left, under a minute left, sorry, what’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t? And the answer, please.
Adam Houlahan: 7:18
Well, I think the question you should have asked is, you did say a multiple award-winning author, you should have asked me when’s my next book coming out?
Tom Poland: 7:26
When is your next book coming out?
Adam Houlahan: 7:28
Oh, I’m glad you asked. It’s coming out on the 14th of January, next, which is only a few weeks away. What it actually is, is an update of the LinkedIn Playbook, which was written a few years ago, and over 12,000 people got a copy of that one. So, there’s an updated version very soon.
Tom Poland: 7:45
How will people find it?
Adam Houlahan: 7:46
As always, you can get it on my website, the same, on the Amazon, or we’re going to have a launch webinar on that same day of release.
Tom Poland: 7:53
Terrific. Folks, get yourself to adamhoulahan.com, subscribe, and you’ll get a notification of the book when it’s coming out, early January 2020. Adam Houlahan, thanks so much for your time.
Adam Houlahan: 8:04
My pleasure, Tom. Great to be with you.
Tom Poland: 7:53
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.