- Find out why ads don’t really matter as much as you think it is in business
- Learn more on how you can create consistent leads and predictable sales without spending too much
- Understand why its more of a lead generation problem rather than a pricing problem
- To get more FREE tips on how to be friends with money, click here: https://www.lilachbullock.com/8-money-blocks/
Are you always scared that your leads and sales might not be the same the next month or the next year? Do you want to charge what you’re worth, and maybe even more?
Lilach Bullock has been listed in Forbes as one of the Top 20 Women Social Media Power Influencers. She has also been crowned the Social Influencer of Europe by Oracle. She is a recipient of a Global Women Champions Award for her outstanding contribution and leadership in business.
Get an over-the-shoulder experience on how Lilach turns prospects into long-term clients and how you can get out of the financial plateau and get increasing leads monthly without the stress of ads!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:48 – Lilach’s ideal client: For my ideal clients are B2B entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs, B2B market coaches, consultants. People who are looking to grow and scale their businesses, basically.
- 02:08 – The problem she helps solve: There’s lots of different problems that entrepreneurs face. Primarily, it’s how can they charge what they’re worth and more? How can they create consistent leads? How can they then convert and close them into sales?
- 03:08 – The symptoms of the problem: I love this question because, often, what people think is the problem. It isn’t a problem when you dig deeper into it. So, take for example, people who are afraid to put their prices up, or just charge what they know their worth. And there’s two parts to this problem.
- 04:42 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Lilach: I think the most common mistakes, and this is often perpetuated by the industry online, is how easy everything is. The reality is, is that we’re living in a very saturated competitive marketplace. And most people get bored too quickly.
- 05:59 – Lilach’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I think, ultimately, is to do what everybody else isn’t doing. Because as I said earlier, the market is so saturated. It’s so competitive. Everyone’s saying the same stuff. Nobody’s being bold enough to have a unique and strong voice.
- 06:40 – Lilach’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE tips on how to be friends with money, click here: https://www.lilachbullock.com/8-money-blocks/
- 07:30 – Q: What is the top lead generation tactic you should be doing? A: And the truth is that every single lead generation tactic works– every single thing! Whether that’s sending messages, whether it’s doing cold email outreach, or LinkedIn outreach, or ads or whatever it is that you’re doing, networking, webinars. The key is to do it consistently.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The truth is every single lead generation tactic works, every single thing! The key is to do it consistently.” -Lilach Bullock Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Lilach Bullock. Lilach, good day. A very warm welcome from Down Under. Whereabouts are you calling in from?
Lilach Bullock 00:24
Hi! Thank you so much, Tom. So, I’m actually in sunny Israel, but I’m from the UK originally.
Tom Poland 00:32
Right and well, that’s quite interesting, what a cultural shift. And a little birdie told me you’ve been there for about four years now. so fully acclimatized, are we?
Lilach Bullock 00:40
Oh my goodness, I still struggle with the language like you wouldn’t believe! It’s going really well. We’ve just finally bought a place here as well. So yeah, and my daughter’s just finishing graduating school. So, it’s gone really, really well.
Tom Poland 00:55
Well, folks, if you haven’t heard Lilach, she’s actually been listed in Forbes as one of the top 20 Women Social Media Power Influencers, which is pretty freakin’ incredible! When you think of all the social influencers, and our guest today is one of the top 20. She was crowned the Social Influencer of Europe by Oracle, the software company, some pretty heavy hitters. She is a recipient of a Global Women Champions Award for her outstanding contribution and leadership in business. So, a real privilege to have you here today. Lilach, thank you for joining us. The title of our little interview today is, “How to- dramatic pause- Quadruple Your Sales Without Spending Any Money on Ads”. Cool. Let’s rock and roll! Our seven minutes start now. Who is your ideal client, Lilach?
Lilach Bullock 01:48
For my ideal clients are B2B entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs, B2B market coaches, consultants. People who are looking to grow and scale their businesses, basically.
Tom Poland 02:02
Perfect! And question two, six and a half minutes left, how would you define the problem that you solve?
Lilach Bullock 02:08
There’s lots of different problems that entrepreneurs face. Primarily, it’s how can they charge what they’re worth and more? How can they create consistent leads? How can they then convert and close them into sales? How can they, simple things, like knowing how much money they’re making next month? Being able to forecast, being able to juggle the entrepreneurial journey, the mindset challenges, being the most productive, efficient and effective with their time, and making the right decisions and prioritizing, being totally focused, taking massive action, consistent action and the right actions, which are going to help them move the goals closer, move the needle closer to the goals that they want to achieve.
Tom Poland 02:53
There’s a few challenges in there. So, what would you say is, this is question three, what would you say are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients, once they become your client, they told you that they were suffering from before they were your clients? Five and a half minutes left.
Lilach Bullock 03:08
So, it’s very- I love this question because, often, what people think is the problem. It isn’t a problem when you dig deeper into it. So, take, for example, people who are afraid to put their prices up, or just charge what they know their worth. And there’s two parts to this problem. One is they’re basing their pricing on what they see around them. And we all know that the stats are that 97% of entrepreneurs are not successful. So, they’re basing this pricing model, plucking things out in the air, basing it on 97% of other people who also have no idea what they’re doing, and probably not taking it very well. So that’s one part of the problem. The other part of the problem is total fear, because they don’t have enough leads coming to them. They have a lead generation problem. They think they have a pricing problem. They think that they’re not charging enough, but actually they have a lead generation problem. They’re simply not generating enough leads consistently so that they can say no to people, so that they can pick and choose who they want to work with. And so that they can forecast and see how much money they’re making next month, etc. So, they work from fear, panic, and just not enough knowledge. And we all know that knowledge is power.
Tom Poland 04:21
So, thank you for that. Question four, just over four minutes left. We’re talking about growth orientated individuals here that don’t have enough clients coming in. They probably aren’t charging what they’re worth based out of fear, but they’re still going to try stuff. So, what would you say are some of the most common mistakes that these entrepreneurs are making before they find your solution?
Lilach Bullock 04:42
I think the most common mistakes, and this is often perpetuated by the industry online, is how easy everything is. The reality is, is that we’re living in a very saturated competitive marketplace. And most people get bored too quickly. They just don’t realize the amount of huge action which is required, and the consistency involved in that. And they say, “Well, no one’s listening.” So, there’s just so many challenges. And I feel for entrepreneurs starting out today because, you know, I’ve been doing this for nearly 18 years. So, for me, I already have a margin. I already have a big idea. So, for me, if I post something out automatically, it’s going to generate reach. But when you’re starting out or your reach is small, or if you’ve had to pivot, which many of us have had to during Corona, then your message, you know, you could have the best message in the world, but it simply won’t be getting heard as much as somebody else who’s got a really large network.
Tom Poland 05:44
Wow, thank you for that. So, question five, three minutes left, what would you say is one, a top tip, a valuable free action that someone could take that’s going to shift them closer towards being able to quadruple their income without spending money on advertisements?
Lilach Bullock 05:59
So yeah, again, love these questions. I think, ultimately, is to do what everybody else isn’t doing. Because as I said earlier, the market is so saturated. It’s so competitive. Everyone’s saying the same stuff. Nobody’s being bold enough to have a unique and strong voice. Be controversial. Be raw. Be honest. Be transparent. The key here is to be memorable and visible. And when you get those two combinations combined with consistency, that’s a winning formula.
Tom Poland 06:30
Perfect! Thank you for that. Two minutes left, question six, one valuable free resource. Where can we direct folks to that’s going to help them more with this problem?
Lilach Bullock 06:40
Yeah, sure. So, I have an eBook. I say it’s an eBook. It’s really a very short, quick guide, because I know that people have a short attention span on how to overcome eight money blocks. And there’s the most eight common blocks there and you can download it, overcome your money blocks and charge what you’re worth and beyond.
Tom Poland 07:00
So that’s at www., L-I-L-A-C-H, Bullock, B-U, double L, O-C-K.com/8, and that’s the number eight, -money-blocks. It’ll be under the video, if you’re watching the video. But if you haven’t, then go get it. L-I- L-A-C-H, bullock.com/8, that’s number eight, -money-blocks. Last question, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? And we’ve got a full 60 seconds to answer.
Lilach Bullock 07:30
So, I think we touched on it earlier about people not having the right expectations about business. And they think it’s so easy and then they get bored because it’s taking too long. Everyone asked me what is the top lead generation tactic you should be doing? And the truth is that every single lead generation tactic works– every single thing! Whether that’s sending messages, whether it’s doing cold email outreach, or LinkedIn outreach, or ads or whatever it is that you’re doing, networking, webinars. The key is to do it consistently. And to take massive, massive action. I really can’t emphasize this enough. When people say things aren’t working, reality is, is that they need to do it more and they need to do it better and stronger. Also, don’t be afraid to ask. People are so nervous to ask for a sale. It’s like we’re all here to sell. What’s the point in networking? Everyone’s here to sell. Just ask. Don’t be afraid.
Tom Poland 08:29
Thanks so much for your time and your insights. Cheers!
Tom Poland 07:29
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