- Find out what is your leadership style and how you can turn it into your entrepreneurial superpower
- Learn why you need to notice where your resistance is in your business to unlock abundance
- Understand how frustration can limit your effectiveness in your business
- Want to know what’s your secret entrepreneurial superpower? Click here: https://www.lizwolfecoaching.com/resources/quiz/
Do you want to know how you can grow your business without the stress, hassle, and expenses just by how you lead?
Your CEO leadership style plays a big and crucial role in determining if your business is out for success or failure. It can make or break your business if you don’t get it right. Stop the resistance and find out what your CEO leadership style is– your secret superpower!
Liz Wolfe is a business coach who helps entrepreneurs get unstuck so that they can create an abundant business.
Catch Liz as she shares the ultimate secret on how to grow your business— by embracing your strengths and loving your leadership style! She also talks about how to avoid potential pitfalls and unlock abundance.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:33 – Liz’ ideal client: My ideal client is anyone who feels stuck in their business. I mostly work with newer entrepreneurs, people who are in their zero to five years of their business.
- 01:52 – The problem she helps solve: The main problem I help people solve is to launch and grow an abundant business.
- 02:52 – The symptoms of the problem: Some of the symptoms are this idea of feeling stuck where you’re working really hard, or you feel like maybe you don’t have enough experience, and you feel like you don’t have the credibility you want or you feel like you should have better connections.
- 04:04 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Liz: The biggest thing is struggling against your leadership style. And I’ll give you an example. So that would be, if you are what I call a “Chief Enthusiasm Officer”, you’re someone who has a lot of ideas and creativity.
- 06:15 – Liz’ Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know what’s your secret entrepreneurial superpower? Click here: https://www.lizwolfecoaching.com/resources/quiz/
- 07:19 – Liz’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): Notice your resistance and know that that’s coming from your resistance to being a way that you are not naturally a way to be.
- 08:12 – Q: How do I get past this? And is this really possible for me? A: Absolutely. The answer is, we’re on this entrepreneurial journey together to be in discovery. So, be in that open space of discovery.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Ask yourself the question, what am I resisting right now? And I promise you, you will discover something helpful for you to move forward in your day.” -Liz Wolfe Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the very sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by Liz Wolfe. Liz, a warm good day from Down Under! Where are you hanging out?
Liz Wolfe 00:24
I am in New York City! We are far away from that. Although, I did grow up on a sheep farm and I know you have a lot of sheep in Australia.
Tom Poland 00:30
Yeah, I was born in New Zealand. We’re famous for that over there. We’ve got a lot more kangaroos though! You’ve not too many kangaroos where you grew up?
Liz Wolfe 00:38
No kangaroos in New York City!
Tom Poland 00:41
Liz is a business coach who helps entrepreneurs get unstuck so that they can create an abundant business. And I think what Liz does really well is she gets to the root cause of the “being stuck”. And if you’re one of these people who are wondering why you haven’t made the breakthrough that you feel like you deserve to make. I think what you’re going to hear in this little segment interview might shine a spotlight on the biggest bottleneck, which is you– which is good news and bad news. The bad news is you can’t blame anyone else. But the good news is you can do something about it! So the title today is, “How Your CEO Leadership Style Can Make or Break Your Business”. Liz, our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Liz Wolfe 01:33
My ideal client is, as you’ve mentioned, anyone who feels stuck in their business. I mostly work with newer entrepreneurs, people who are in their zero to five years of their business.
Tom Poland 01:45
Okay, so tell us then, let’s drill down a little bit on what’s the problem you solve. Question two.
Liz Wolfe 01:52
Absolutely! Well, the main problem I help people solve is to launch and grow an abundant business. So, now, what does abundance mean? That can mean money. That can mean time freedom. That could mean location freedom, so it is different for everyone. But many people, especially newer entrepreneurs, are struggling with that, how do I make this model work? And how do I break free from some of these restraints that I feel that I have in my full-time job or in my business that’s not quite working well enough yet?
Tom Poland 02:21
Right? And the word, abundance, implies more than enough, right? So folks, more than enough free time, more than enough lifestyle, more enough family, more than enough money, more than enough happiness. Pretty good plan! So, I guess- question three, what are the typical symptoms that someone who’s got this problem might be experiencing? I guess, it’s the opposite of all those things. Do you want to add that? Or unpack that? What are some of the symptoms that kind of someone listening to this is going to be able to go,” Yeah, that sounds like me”?
Liz Wolfe 02:52
Well, some of the symptoms are this idea of feeling stuck where you’re working really hard, or you feel like maybe you don’t have enough experience, and you feel like you don’t have the credibility you want or you feel like you should have better connections. And the work that I do with people is to help you recognize that your leadership style is actually your own biggest obstacle. It’s your biggest tool in your entrepreneurial toolbox. But it’s also your greatest obstacle because you don’t even realize, half the time, how you’re operating and the context you’re operating from.
Tom Poland 03:24
Right. Because we’re kind of stuck in our own head, right?
Liz Wolfe 03:28
You think it’s the right way.
Tom Poland 03:31
Yeah, otherwise we’d be doing something else! So question four is we’ve got these entrepreneurs, and almost, by definition, they’re growth-orientated. They’re trying things and they’re going to conferences. They’re going to trade shows. They’re reading books. They’re listening to podcasts like this one. What would you say though, are some of the big mistakes they make before they find your solution? What are they doing that could be saving people some heartache and some time and maybe some money, even, by avoiding these mistakes?
Liz Wolfe 04:04
Yeah. Well, the biggest thing is struggling against your leadership style. And I’ll give you an example. So that would be, if you are what I call a “Chief Enthusiasm Officer”, you’re someone who has a lot of ideas and creativity. And in your mind, you think, “If only I were more disciplined”. You know, like this guy over here, he seems to be so disciplined and you think. Instead of channeling the energy that you have, you think, “I should be different than I am”, because this is a little bit of bumping up against those hidden barriers because you feel like you could be better at this than you are. And so my goal is to have you embrace the strengths of your style while also recognizing the pitfalls. Hey! I’m not going to stop you from striving, let’s say, to be more focused and be more “disciplined”– I hate that word– but disciplined in your work life, but if you struggle against it, you’re going to spend a lot of time in your business feeling frustrated. And I want you to avoid that experience. You’re not effective when you’re frustrated.
Tom Poland 05:11
Right. So, this individual style, and a lot of our listeners are going to be that “Chief Enthusiasm Officer”. That could be a hindrance, as well as, quite helpful. Is that right?
Liz Wolfe 05:24
To be a Chief Enthusiasm Officer, everybody loves you. They want to party with you. You’re always the one, like me, staying up until two in the morning because you’re working on some creative idea or at some party and you’re always the last one to leave. Okay, I’m overgeneralizing, obviously!
Tom Poland 05:41
It can be a double-edged sword, I guess, is what I’m asking?
Liz Wolfe 05:44
Absolutely, because you’re a connector and you’re always enthusiastically approaching your work at the same time that you’re scattered and you feel like you get to the end of the day, and you haven’t accomplished anything.
Tom Poland 05:55
So I’m going to flip a couple of questions around here because I think it makes more sense in the order. I was going to ask you the two next questions, which were a top tip. And then where can people go to find out more about the four CEO styles? Let’s go to the first one first. Where can people go, and you’ve got a quiz? Where can people go to take that quiz and figure out which of the four styles they are?
Liz Wolfe 06:15
So they would go to my website, which is lizwolfecoaching.com/quiz. It’s easy to remember– wolf with an E. Remember, I grew up on a sheep farm. So wolf and sheep go together. So lizwolfecoaching.com/quiz and do that quiz. It’s short, it’s fun, and it will tell you what you are– enthusiast, expert, excellence, or empowerment– which one of those styles you have. And then you will be able to utilize the tools that come up.
Tom Poland 06:46
Right, because once you’re aware of what your tendency is- I think that’s the word you’ve used- your tendency is that awareness really gives you the power to actually harness the potential of that, but also to guard against the potential pitfalls of that. So given that resources there, lizwolfecoaching.com/quiz, what would you say would be a top tip? So it’s not gonna solve the whole problem, but once people are empowered with that knowledge, what would you say would be one thing they could do, a top tip, that would help them move in the right direction?
Liz Wolfe 07:19
Yeah, well, resistance is a very powerful experience. And so we talked about the law of attraction, but we don’t talk a lot about the law of resistance. So as you notice your resistance to something that may be different, like, “Oh, I have to sit down today and do my billing”. You know, when you notice that resistance because you want to be out creating new exciting things. Then, what you want to do is notice your resistance and know that that’s coming from your resistance to being a way that you are not naturally a way to be. So I want you to ask yourself the question, “What am I resisting right now?”, and I promise you, you will discover something helpful for you to move forward in your day.
Tom Poland 08:02
Pull the lid back. But that awareness does give people power because then they understand what’s going on. Thank you for that. Top tip! 24 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Liz Wolfe 08:12
That’s a great question! The question you should have asked me that you didn’t ask me was, how do I get past this? And is this really possible for me? And I think, absolutely. The answer is, we’re on this entrepreneurial journey together to be in discovery. So, be in that open space of discovery.
Tom Poland 08:30
Embrace that discovery! Liz Wolfe, thank you so much for your time and your insights.
Liz Wolfe 08:34
Yes, thank you so much, Tom!
Tom Poland 08:37
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