- Learn how to make your leads flow instead of just trickle
- Discover one important asset that you should have so the host has all the reasons to have you on the show
- Find out how you can build relationships and strategic partnerships even after the microphone is put down
- Open the door to podcast guesting opportunities on top shows with this Media One Sheet Example. You’ll get media savvy, media-ready, and on message in minutes! Click here: https://www.mediaonesheetnow.com/
Are you making self-serving pitches that aren’t what the audience cares about?
Do you find yourself with an empty calendar, invisibility, not enough reliable lead flow, and frustration over not earning enough and making an impact?
Nancy Juetten is a Get Known Get Paid Mentor & Amazon #1 Best Selling Author. Nancy guides successful service providers to book themselves on top podcasts without hiring an expensive booking agency.
In this episode, Nancy Juetten shows how you can impact, make your leads flow, and earn the income you are supposed to be making with podcast guesting. She helps you deal with your mindset and beliefs and how to be ready for the show so you showcase your topics clearly and in a compelling way and get your mission accomplished.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:25 – Nancy’s ideal client: “My ideal clients are successful service providers who want to book themselves on the right shows without hiring an expensive booking agency.”
- 01:42 – The problem Nancy helps solve: “They may not be willing to make the leap to hire an agency and want to learn how to do this themselves. The problem that they have is chances are many of their speaking gigs got tabled during the COVID-19 scenario, and they found themselves with an empty calendar, invisibility, not enough reliable lead flow, and frustration about not being able to make the kind of money they want to raising their voice and making their impact.”
- 02:25 – The symptoms people have before working with Nancy: “You need to be podcast guesting if your lead flow is at a trickle instead of a flow. You have no speaking gigs on the calendar and no big conferences to go to because most of them have shut down. You feel locked out of the cool kids club, and you’re ready to do something about it. You are someone who may not love technology but loves to speak, and you want more opportunities to feel that joy more often.”
- 03:33 – Common mistakes people make before working with Nancy: “Number one is they make self-serving pitches that pitch their book or pitch their thing without paying attention to what the host is interested in, or their embedded audience cares about. Another is forgetting to tune into the podcast to make sure it’s the right vibe for your tribe and the right match for your message.”
- 05:03 – Nancy’s one Valuable Free Action (VFA): “One thing I want you to do is to deal with your mindset and believe and behave as if the most important opportunity is coming to you tomorrow. And that means being ready to go to the show before you go.”
- 05:42 – Nancy’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out www.mediaonesheetnow.com; it gives you 15 minutes of your time, you’ll have this done in 20 minutes, 15 to 20 minutes, and you’ll be ready to go to the show before you go.
- 06:29 – Q: What’s the most important part of podcast guesting that has absolutely nothing to do with being on the air? A: Podcast guesting is the start of a beautiful lasting relationship that can stand the test of time. When the microphone goes silent, if you know that you are a match for that host and vice versa you can co-create wonderful joint venture opportunities, strategic alliances, you can make introductions for each other, to cooler and even more magnificent people.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Be aware of what happens when the microphone goes silent, and seize the day to create not just a one-night stand but a lasting relationship that's ultimately satisfying for everyone indefinitely.” -Nancy Juetten Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome everyone to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to, as always, from on the White Sands Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Nancy Juetten. Nancy, a very warm welcome. Where are you based, where you’re hanging out?
Nancy Juetten 0:26
Hey, Tom, I’m here from Bellingham, Washington, which is just this side of the Canadian border.
Tom Poland 0:31
Sounds gorgeous. And that’s all the green trees and stuff in the background there. Sounds very nice indeed. Oh, well, greetings from on the sand of Little Castaways Beach. For those of you who don’t know Nancy, she’s a ‘get known and get paid’ mentor. Get known and get paid mentor, Amazon number one best-selling author. She guides successful service providers, probably you, to book themselves on top podcasts without hiring an expensive booking agency. It sounds like a really good plan because we know how profitable podcasts can be when they get done right. Nancy is going to help you with that title today, Making the Most of the Wild Wild West of Podcast Guesting for Good and for Profit. Great title, Nancy. Let’s kick-off; our seven minute starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Nancy Juetten 1:25
My ideal clients are successful service providers who want to book themselves on the right shows without hiring an expensive booking agency.
Tom Poland 1:34
Perfect. And that question number two is, what’s the problem you solve? So, that’s probably half the problem there. What else would you describe the problem?
Nancy Juetten 1:42
They may not be willing to make the leap to hire an agency and want to learn how to do this themselves. The problem that they have is chances are many of their speaking gigs got tabled during the COVID-19 scenario, and they found themselves with an empty calendar, invisibility, not enough reliable lead flow, and frustration about not being able to make the kind of money they want to raising their voice and making their impact.
Tom Poland 2:07
Perfect. Thank you very much, question three, we’ve got six minutes left. So, lots of time. What would you say, the people who become your clients, what’s going on in their life or business before they become a client of yours? What are some of the typical symptoms they’re going to notice that would give them a heads up that they need to find out more about what you do?
Nancy Juetten 2:25
You know, you need to be podcast guesting if your lead flow is at a trickle instead of a flow. You have no speaking gigs on the calendar and no big conferences to go to because most of them have shut down. You feel locked out of the cool kids club, and you’re ready to do something about it. You are someone who may not love technology but loves to speak, and you want more opportunities to feel that joy more often.
Tom Poland 2:52
And do a lot of your new clients tell you that they feel like they’ve been one of the world’s best-kept secrets, you know, they’re really good at what they do and they see others maybe with better marketing that aren’t quite as good probably. Yeah. Okay, so another sort of a clue that, if that feels like you, if it sounds like you, then we’re going to give you a hand with that in just a moment. Question number four, and we’ve got five minutes left; we’re really talking to an audience that is smart, they tend to be hard-working, tough, aggressive because they’re listening to podcasts. So, they’re going to try things to get more visibility to get more clients and get paid. What, in your experience, are some of the common mistakes that these folks are making prior to finding your solution?
Nancy Juetten 3:33
Number one is they make self-serving pitches that pitch their book or pitch their thing without paying attention to what the host is interested in or their embedded audience cares about. Another is forgetting to tune into the podcast to make sure it’s the right vibe for your tribe and the right match for your message.
Tom Poland 3:51
All of these things you did the opposite of before this podcast. You’re walking the talk. What else have you got?
Nancy Juetten 3:57
Another is not having a messaged audience match. You can’t sell a Rolex watch to a migrant farmworker. So, make sure you’re speaking to the right people. And then I think the really important thing is if you really want to be on the big cool shows, forgetting to practice the fine art of follow-up is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Because if you really want that show, and you really want to be in conversation with that host, want it enough to follow up, be clever about it, and turn their head in a way that makes a difference because it will.
Tom Poland 4:26
Right. So, folks, I’ve had first-hand experience working with Nancy as she’s a consummate professional, thinks things through, and has systems in place. So, there is no saying that, Nancy, not to stroke your ego, which I hope it does in a positive sort of way. But it’s just to give people a heads up that you’re walking the talk. And we’re going to give them a resource to help them see even more how you’re doing that, which will help them in turn. But let’s go to question five. We’ve got three and a half minutes left. This is about valuable free action. What’s a top tip, one step maybe that someone could take is not going to complete the whole journey for them, but it might get them started in the right direction.
Nancy Juetten 5:03
One thing I want you to do is deal with your mindset and believe and behave as if the most important opportunity is coming to you tomorrow. And that means being ready to go to the show before you go. You need a media one sheet that summarizes who you are and positions you as someone the host can’t wait to meet. Your hot topics need to be showcased in a specific, terrific, provocative way and how they can reach you, needs to be clear and compelling. And to that end, I actually have a useful gift to help you get that mission accomplished.
Tom Poland 5:34
Which could just be the answer to the next question, one valuable free resource, where can people go to get that media one-sheet guide?
Nancy Juetten 5:42
Go to www.mediaonesheetnow.com, mediaonesheetnow.com give you 15 minutes of your time, you’ll have this done in 20 minutes, 15 to 20 minutes, and you’ll be ready to go to the show before you go.
Tom Poland 5:56
Fantastic. And folks, the one-sheet is such an important asset for getting all the podcasts, probably came from the speaking world. Originally it is a one-sheet, and it really, the idea is just one page that gives a potential host everything all the reasons why they should have you on their show. Nancy, that’s going to be very invaluable. I know a lot of people are paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars to have one of these prepared, but you’re going to give it to people on a template and show you how to do it. Question six, we got one minute and 45 seconds left. Sorry. Question seven. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t.
Nancy Juetten 6:29
The question you should have asked me is, what’s the most important part of podcast guesting that has absolutely nothing to do with being on the air.
Tom Poland 6:36
Oh, and what is the absolute most important thing that has to do with podcast guesting that has nothing to do with on the air, in less than 90 seconds?
Nancy Juetten 6:44
Podcast guesting is the start of a beautiful lasting relationship that can stand the test of time. When the microphone goes silent, if you know that you are a match for that host and vice versa, you can co-create wonderful joint venture opportunities and strategic alliances. You can make introductions for each other to cooler and even more magnificent people. And magic can happen beyond which you had no idea how good it could be. So be aware of what happens when the microphone goes silent and seize the day to create not just a one-night stand but a lasting relationship that’s ultimately satisfying for everyone indefinitely.
Tom Poland 7:21
Great analogy. Nancy, thanks so much for your time and the rich wisdom of your advice. Folks, I hope you played this back a couple of times because there’s a lot of potentials to help a lot of people and make a lot of money here. Thanks again, Nancy.
Nancy Juetten 7:34
My pleasure.
Tom Poland 07:41
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.