- Discover how to secure more sales without the fear of being too pushy, aggressive, or salesy
- Find out how you can use your personality style to increase your sales and attract the right clients
- Learn how to stop the “bright shiny object” syndrome and start closing sales through conversations
- Want to find out what your personality style is to attract the right clients for you? Click here: https://www.nancyzare.com/alikeability-assessment/
Do you keep on trying different marketing tactics but struggle to secure a stable stream of sales?
Marketing doesn’t automatically equate to sales. For you to successfully grow your business, it is important to generate visibility and credibility. But for you to close sales, connecting with prospects through conversations is crucial.
Using psychology, Nance Zare, Ph.D. teaches caring professionals how to get clients without being salesy.
Marketing isn’t enough if you don’t know how to close sales. Sit in and listen to Nance as she shares how to authentically secure more clients without wasting a penny on your marketing. She also talks about how you can use LinkedIn to help grow your business through connecting and conversing.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:17 – Nancy’s ideal client: It is that smart, caring professional who is invested in his or her occupation to have that advanced degree perhaps a certification or license.
- 02:43 – The problem she helps solve: The problem I solve is that these people are shy about self-promotion. They don’t want to be pushy and aggressive, as you suggested. And at the same time, they need to make a good living.
- 03:39 – The symptoms of the problem: As I mentioned a moment ago, they have some sort of credential that enables them to give their service. They believe that no one taught them in the school or the training program they attended how to market, run a business or perhaps sell.
- 05:26 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Nancy: I believe that they suffer from what’s called the “bright shiny object” syndrome. In other words, they are lured by marketing messages that say, “You can 10x your income. You can make 10k a month by just following our techniques.”
- 06:52 – Nancy’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): So the tip has to do with reading LinkedIn profiles. You know, we look at somebody’s profile usually when we don’t know them, maybe they’re on our calendar. But what are we looking at?
- 08:42 – Nancy’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to find out what your personality style is to attract the right clients for you? Click here: https://www.nancyzare.com/alikeability-assessment/
- 09:23 – Q: Who am I as an individual? A: I’m very heart-centered and spiritually based. And I think that the people who work with me likewise gravitate to somebody who is also heart-centered and cares about people.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Marketing fills the sales funnel, as you know. It should generate visibility and even credibility. But in order to close sales, you're going to have to have a conversation with that prospect.” -Nancy Zare Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you, as always, from the Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by Nancy Zare. Nancy, good day! A warm welcome from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Nancy Zare 00:23
Ah, you’re at the Sunshine Coast? I’m at the Treasure Coast of Florida, which is the southeast corner.
Tom Poland 00:30
Sounds like a valuable place to be! The Treasure Coast, was that because there were a lot of pirates and sunken chests or?
Nancy Zare 00:37
Good question! I never inquired. I’ve been a recent resident for the last two years. I don’t know, but it is the sailfish capital of the world.
Tom Poland 00:46
Sailfish capital of the world! It sounds to me like a property developer decided to call it the Treasure Coast to get a whole lot of people from Massachusetts down your way. Anyway, it sounds like a delightful place to live in! And folks, we’ve compared climates and apparently, they’re quite similar even though we’re a long way apart geographically. Nancy has got this interesting thing going on. Because, first of all, she’s got a PhD. She uses psychology, and teaches professionals, like you listening to this and me, but caring professionals, people who care about other people and need more of that in the world, how to get clients without being salesy. If you’re like me, and you’re a bit of an introvert, and you don’t really want to put pressure on people and come across as being smarmy. And you know, if you don’t, by the day, the sky’s going to fall on your nose, and the price is gonna double tomorrow, so you better make a decision and so on. If you don’t want to be that person, then you’re probably going to want to listen up because Nancy is going to tell you how to still get the right people to sign up as clients, but to do it in a way that’s smart, and that honors the other person because you care about them as a human being. The subject, therefore, is, “How to Convert Clients into Prospects, not just using Psychology but also using LinkedIn”, specifically. Our seven minutes is going to start now, Nancy. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Nancy Zare 02:17
It is that smart, caring professional who is invested in his or her occupation to have that advanced degree perhaps a certification or license. They have a credential that enables them to share their gifts, and they love what they do, but they hate to sell.
Tom Poland 02:37
Gotcha! And that leads us nicely, probably, to question two, the problem you solve.
Nancy Zare 02:43
The problem I solve is that these people are shy about self-promotion. They don’t want to be pushy and aggressive, as you suggested. And at the same time, they need to make a good living. And of course, they have that desire in their heart to really help humanity, to help individuals. Hence, this is the dilemma, “How do I help people and at the same time transact” because it sometimes feels like they’re at odds with each other.
Tom Poland 03:13
So they want more clients, but they don’t want to be the salesperson as such. That gives us some idea, that brings us right to the answer to the next question, but maybe not complete. Question three is what’s going on in the lives of these people where they -kind of the symptoms that they would look at and go, “Yeah, that’s what’s happening in my life, my business.” It gives them a heads-up that they might want to talk with you about working together. What’s going on? What are the symptoms?
Nancy Zare 03:39
As I mentioned a moment ago, they have some sort of credential that enables them to give their service. They believe that no one taught them in the school or the training program they attended how to market, run a business or perhaps sell. I mean those topics were not discussed. And so they leave that institution and they’re excited with their credential. And they are mistakenly believed that credentials alone will bring them customers or clients. And of course, in their warm market, you know, people do know about them, but they suddenly were on the 8th to 12-month period in that business. They wake up to the fact that “I’m gonna have to spend 40%, 50%, 60% or more of my time marketing and selling what I do rather than doing what I love.” And so, empty calendar, they tried many marketing tactics and techniques, and the leads may come and go, but they’re not getting a full calendar of clients.
Tom Poland 04:46
Right, a lot of effort going on, not a whole lot to show for it. And I imagine, they’re attending a lot of free webinars and downloading free guides and buying a lot of books, and still haven’t had a lot to show for it. Frustrating! I’m sorry, folks, because I’m laughing. It’s just, I’ve been there and done that! I know how disappointing and frustrating it can be, but help is on the way. Question four, before we get to something that’s going to help people, something that might help them even more than before knowing what to do is what not to do. What would you say are some of the common mistakes that these folks that have made or your clients make prior to finding your solution?
Nancy Zare 05:26
I believe that they suffer from what’s called the “bright shiny object” syndrome. In other words, they are lured by marketing messages that say, “You can 10x your income. You can make 10k a month by just following our techniques.” And they are very open. They’re learning. They’re smart. They want to succeed. They’re ambitious. They’ve tried these techniques, and one after another has not brought them the success they richly deserved. So a mistake is pursuing marketing with the thought that “marketing equals sales”. Marketing fills the sales funnel, as you know. It should generate visibility and even credibility. But in order to close sales, you’re going to have to have a conversation with that prospect. And this is usually where that individual feels like a deer in the headlights. “I’m not sure exactly what to say.” And consequently, they’re not connecting with that prospect in an authentic way. Maybe they lured them with hype because typical marketing is appealing to that personality style that is “rah rah blah, boom!”, you know!
Tom Poland 06:40
Alright. Thanks for that, Nancy! Let’s flip it. Let’s go to a top tip. Question five is what’s one valuable free action that somebody could take that’s going to take them a step forward towards a solution?
Nancy Zare 06:52
I want to go back to the title of this program, “How to Convert Prospects into Clients using LinkedIn”. And so the tip has to do with reading LinkedIn profiles. You know, we look at somebody’s profile usually when we don’t know them, maybe they’re on our calendar. But what are we looking at? We’re looking at things like the name of their occupation, but we’re not actually looking at the psychological style, the personality style, of that individual. Well, that is the tip! The tip is to read their personality style and adjust what you say to match the style. It’s very authentic! It doesn’t mean that you’re becoming a copycat of who they are. You’re simply speaking the language of your prospect. And that is what will connect quickly and authentically, build trust, reduce sales resistance, and open the doors to doing business together.
Tom Poland 07:49
Nicely put! Can you give me an example?
Nancy Zare 07:54
I’m going to start with the smile because believe it or not, not everybody does smile when they put a photo up on LinkedIn. So someone who has a very serious look, maybe not smiling, maybe they’re grimacing– that’s a particular style. The person who’s warmly effusively smiling–that’s a different style. The person who is got a camera smile– well, that’s the third style. And the person who’s kind of smug, confident, and like “I could care less”– that’s yet a fourth style. Each of those styles, Tom, is associated with a personality style, and hence you can speak that language.
Tom Poland 08:35
And there’s so much here we could unpack, but, alas, we don’t have the time. Where can people go to find out more about these styles?
Nancy Zare 08:42
Nancyzare.com is my website, /alikeability-assessment. And the Alikability Assessment will help you identify your style. And, hence, give you a hint about your favorite client to work with.
Tom Poland 08:59
So, nancyzare.com/alikeability-assessment. And that’s where you can go and find out about the styles and how to tap into the psychology of personality represented by the person profile. Last question, question seven, Nancy, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Nancy Zare 09:23
About who I am as an individual because I’m very heart-centered and spiritually based. And I think that the people who work with me likewise gravitate to somebody who is also heart-centered and cares about people.
Tom Poland 09:38
It’s very much an individual and authentic and being who you are. Nice job! Thanks so much for being on the show, Nancy.
Tom Poland 09:47
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