- Find out how you can authentically and predictably convince people to bite on your offer
- Discover why the generic marketing tactics you’ve been doing aren’t working
- Learn more about the importance of aligning your beliefs with your marketing and expertise
- Wanting to know how you can presell your online course without the stress? Click here: elinatoli.com/presell
Do you want to know the secret of how you can monetize your expertise authentically and with certainty?
In sharing your expertise, it is crucial to be mindful of the impact you’re capable of first. If your mindset is all about the money, then marketing your expertise and monetizing from it will just be as hard as climbing Mount Everest! Align yourself and be authentic first so that the profit will come pouring in later on.
Eli Natoli is an international bestselling author, speaker, and marketing strategist. She helps experts scale their income, impact, and freedom with one-to-many offers without the complexity and overwhelm. Her unique approach to strategic service-first marketing has helped thousands of coaches and business professionals sell one-to-many offers– online courses, membership, group programs– to the tune of over $40M in sales.
Eli Natoli shares how you can monetize your expertise so that you can make a profit out of what you love doing. She also opens up the world of authentic and predictable marketing by giving her powerful insights on why you should stop using those cliche marketing tactics and start aligning your values to your own marketing.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:39 – Eli’s ideal client: Experts who have a mission. They have a purpose, and they just want to make sure that it gets in front of the right audience.
- 03:15 – The problem he helps solve: So a lot of times, Tom, what I hear from them is, “I know what I have is result driven. I know what I have can really impact people’s lives. It’s really, really important. And my problem is, I can’t get it in front of the right people.”
- 04:23 – The symptoms of the problem: So the top three that I usually come across are constantly strategy hopping or tactic hopping, meaning they go from this platform to this tool to this advice to that tactic, thinking that’s going to solve their problem.
- 05:39 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Eli: Again, the top three things that are happening there are that they’re chasing money instead of impact, right? They’ve gotten so caught up in the day-to-day of running their business that they lost sight of the impact that they’re capable of making.
- 07:29 – Eli’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): If you are after that consistency, and be able to scale your business with one too many offers, because that’s what I love to add to any business, is to pilot it.
- 08:12 – Eli’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Wanting to know how you can presell your online course without the stress? Click here: elinatoli.com/presell
- 08:58 – Q: Remember I said like this third symptom that a lot of people have is they don’t know how to convey the right message because they don’t really spend the time to uncover who they are, and make sure they bring that to the table. A: That to me is the glue that holds everything together.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“A lot of people don't know how to convey the right message because they don't really spend the time to uncover who they are, and make sure they bring that to the table.” -Eli Natoli Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Eli Natoli. Eli, good day! A warm welcome from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Eli Natoli 00:23
Thank you for having me! I’m from Maryland, USA.
Tom Poland 00:27
Maryland, so where is that for the waves down under– east, right?
Eli Natoli 00:31
It’s very cool. Yeah, it’s on the east. They’re close to Washington, DC. And I’m about 30 minutes away from Washington DC.
Tom Poland 00:39
Are you having one of these super hot summers where you are?
Eli Natoli 00:42
Oh, my gosh, hot and humid! Usually, it is hot and humid here during this time of the year, but this year has just been horrific. Yeah.
Tom Poland 00:49
Yeah. Okay. We’ll get off the climate. And we definitely won’t get into climate change, because we’ve got less important but still very vital information to share. And folks, Eli’s got a superpower. And it’s around monetizing your expertise and really scaling that. So a lot of you will have something that you’re extremely good at, and the challenge is how to get the genie out of the bottle, if you like, and really potentialize the profit and also the potential to help people within that expertise. So that’s what I’m going to be drilling down on with Eli’s help! She’s an international best-selling author. She’s a professional speaker. She’s a marketing strategist. And that’s a really important distinction, the strategy, the marketing strategy, the ability to look at your marketplace in the big picture and figure out where the opportunities are. She helps experts scale their income, impact– a scale that as well– and freedom with one-to-many offers. And think of it like, we’re not going to go fishing with a fishing pole, we’re going to hop on someone’s trawler and get a lot of fish, right? But one of her specialties, because doing that normally creates a lot of complexity, and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed, and one of her specialties is to simplify this service strategic approach. So that sort of opportunity is available to all of us, almost all of us. She’s got a very unique approach to strategic service-first marketing. She has helped thousands of coaches and business professionals sell one-to-many programs, offers, online courses, membership groups– all those good things you’ve heard about you thought you should be getting into. It’s even possible Eli was behind some of those success stories because she has generated sales in excess of $40 million, so it might be worth listening up. Eli, thanks so much for accepting our invitation to be on our little show. Our title today is, “Pilot Your Profits: Monetize Your Expertise in a Predictable Way.” I love that word, predictable! Let’s kick-off. Our timer is going to start as soon as I find that countdown timer– here it is! Seven minutes start now. Question number one, Eli, who’s your ideal client?
Eli Natoli 01:39
Experts who have a mission. They have a purpose, and they just want to make sure that it gets in front of the right audience.
Tom Poland 03:06
Perfect! Question two, what’s the problem you solve for them? They’ve already got the expertise, right? They’ve got the mission. They’ve got the drive. Where do you come in?
Eli Natoli 03:15
So a lot of times, Tom, what I hear from them is, “I know what I have is result driven. I know what I have can really impact people’s lives. It’s really, really important. And my problem is, I can’t get it in front of the right people. I don’t know what it takes to get it in front of them. And when I do, I don’t know how to convince them to buy it, like the value to buy, to buy that offer.”
Tom Poland 03:40
So it’s really a twin problem you’re solving. It’s getting the offer, making sure that the offer is in front of the right people. But also, I would imagine, naturally, authentically, and gently leading those people to make the decision that’s going to be beneficial for everyone. We’re talking about people who have done the hard yards and they’ve got experience. They’ve got something that’s helping people. So they’re probably pretty good at what they do. They’re pretty smart and they’re wanting to grow. What would you say other than wanting to grow and they’re not getting runs on the board, are there any other typical symptoms they’re going to be? It’s kind of like, giving people listening to this a heads up as to what’s going on in their business or their life. They’re going, “Yeah, I could do with some of this.”
Eli Natoli 04:23
Sort of like, so the top three that I usually come across are they’re constantly strategy hopping or tactic hopping, meaning they go from this platform to this tool to this advice to that tactic, thinking that’s going to solve their problem. They are making money, but it’s just constant struggle, constant hustling. They don’t know how to get it to a place where it’s just predictable and there’s consistency there. And they are creating offer after offer. Like they create an online course that’s really not selling at the level they wanted, and then they go to a group workshop. So they have all these different offers, but none of them are really selling at the level that they’re hoping.
Tom Poland 05:08
Right. So it’s spluttering along, hoping that the next marketing guru has the answer. And very often they don’t. This is me speaking as a marketing person, by the way. But, 100%, that’s my observation, as well. There are so many people that tell us that there’s been so much money on so many things, and then I have a lot to show for it. So a big symptom right there. They’re going to try stuff. You’ve just mentioned that they’re trying a lot of stuff. What are some of the most common things that your clients tried that we’re just never going to work on before they find your solution?
Eli Natoli 05:39
Again, the top three things that are happening there are that they’re chasing money instead of impact, right? They’ve gotten so caught up in the day-to-day of running their business that they lost sight of the impact that they’re capable of making. The second issue is they’re following generic marketing tactics that are not in line with who they are, their values, and their beliefs. And the third thing is they just don’t know how to clearly communicate or convey their message in a way that lets our audience know what they bring to the table. So a combination of those three things is usually the culprit here.
Tom Poland 06:17
Give me a quick summary of them again, if you would. I think there’s so much gold in there. One, number one was? A quick summary.
Eli Natoli 06:25
The number one is they’re chasing money instead of impact. Number two, they’re fine, with generic marketing advice that’s not meant for them. And number three, they’re not able to convey their message clearly.
Tom Poland 06:39
I’m the message one because if the message isn’t communicated clearly it just sounds like “blah, blah, blah”, in the minds of the marketplace. So it’s not getting cut through and because it’s not getting cut through, there’s a snowball’s chance of actually motivating somebody to do something. So foundational, isn’t it? And, yet so many are chasing the next squirrel. You know, they haven’t got that foundation in place. Try mixing my metaphors there. That’s wisdom that’s come from observation of what’s happening in the marketplace. So with running a little checklist, a little side wall of what you’re doing, and see if any of those boxes get ticked. And the good news is that if you do have those symptoms, and you are making those mistakes, help is at hand. Let’s get on to the help side of things. Question five, two and a quarter minutes left, what would you say would be like a top tip that you could offer folks listening to this? It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Eli Natoli 07:29
Absolutely! So if you are after that consistency, and be able to scale your business with one too many offers, because that’s what I love to add to any business, is to pilot it. To create a minimally viable product version of it, and create a marketing engine around it that actually helps you sell it, instead of wasting a lot of time creating something that it’s not going to sell or you’re not sure if it’s going to sell.
Tom Poland 07:56
Right. Yeah, so it’s a dip of the toe in the water. Pilot product, market the heck out of it, and figure out what works, what doesn’t work. Great idea! Question six is one valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about what we’ve been talking about?
Eli Natoli 08:12
So I actually have a roadmap that I walk people through. It’s free training, and it’s on my website. They can get their hands on it. They can watch this training. If they go to elinatoli.com/presell. It takes you right into that training,
Tom Poland 08:28
So elinatoli.com/presell. I’m on the page right now. “Presell your online course and get paid to create it! You don’t have to spend months or years (which some people do) planning, scripting, filming, editing, and all that other mayhem to monetize your expertise online. Subtext is, if it isn’t mine, then it doesn’t work. There are plenty of people who have done. Thank you for that! Elinatoli.com/presell. Go get it, folks! Question seven, Eli, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? 30 seconds left.
Eli Natoli 08:58
Absolutely! So remember I said like this third symptom that a lot of people have is they don’t know how to convey the right message because they don’t really spend the time to uncover who they are, and make sure they bring that to the table. And that to me is the glue that holds everything together. Right? If you really go deep and find that out, you can actually not fall into following this generic marketing advice. And make sure that everything that you’re doing is lined up.
Tom Poland 09:34
So it’s aligned with your values, your personality, your ethics, your beliefs, and your gift to the world. Eli, that’s refreshing, absolutely refreshing, and very valuable! Thanks so much for your time and your insights.
Eli Natoli 09:45
Thank you for having me!
Tom Poland 09:48
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