- Find out how to let people know what you do and that you exist
- Learn how to have that staying and authority giving power in your business and industry
- Discover the visibility-building activities that will put your message out there to be heard and seen
- Get your FREE gifts from Jill, an action guide, and Publicity Masterclass where you get to be live and interactive with her getting your questions answered. Click here: http://publicitycrashcourse.com/freegift
Do you want to reach the right people and let them know what you do?
Are you on point with the message you put out there and get people to notice what you do?
Have you thought of ways to increase visibility and awareness of what you do?
Jill Lublin has 25 years of experience as a publicity strategist and has authored four bestsellers including Get Noticed…Get Referrals and her last book, Profit of Kindness. She also helps authors to create book deals with major publishers and agents.
In this episode, Jill shares how you can magnetize, multiply, and monetize yourself with visibility-building strategies and communicate messages that resonate with the people that you care to serve.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:26 – Jill’s ideal client: My ideal clients are consultants, coaches, speakers, authors, and then what I might call service providers.
- 01:47 -The problem she helps solve: The problem really is, how do you get visibility? You know, you have to let people know you exist.
- 02:30 – Symptoms of her clients’ problem: Well, the question is, could you use more clients? Could you use more people to know about you? And by the way, the answer to that one is always yes, even with your clients whose base is full. That’s a great time to be doing publicity letting people know you exist.
- 03:33 – Mistakes her clients commit before reaching out to her: Well, a couple of things assuming social media is the answer. Not, you know, number one, people sometimes aren’t reading your stuff. And it’s only a blip. I think that not even thinking about publicity, maybe needs to be part or maybe being afraid of it, taking four steps toward it.
- 04:53 – Jill’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): One thing is, Google Alerts. I want you to put your name in it because you’re an expert. Let’s say you’re a leadership coach; put in the word leadership. What this does is immediately literally tells you what Google’s searching for.
- 06:07 – Jill’s Valuable Free Resource (VFA): Check this out for a FREE action guide and publicity masterclass with Jill: http://publicitycrashcourse.com/freegift
- 06:07 – Q: What is a good first step to take? A: And the good first step to take is to focus on your message. What are you saying when people say, what do you do?
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The wonderful thing about publicity is that it magnetizes people to you, multiplies you, and monetizes you.” -Jill Lublin Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the little sunshine coast in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Jill Lublin. Jill, very warm, got it from down under. Where are you hanging out?
Jill Lublin 0:22
Well, I’m in your sister city to Sydney, I live in San Francisco, California,
Tom Poland 0:27
Sydney to San Fran, trust that little pond.
Jill Lublin 0:32
Tom Poland 0:32
Pacific. It’s a long haul, that flight. If you don’t know Jill, she’s got 25 years of experience, count them. As a publicity strategist, which means, she not only looks at the big picture of how you can get promoted, but she’ll help with the execution of the tactics, as well. She’s authored not one best seller but four bestsellers, including Get Noticed…Get Referrals. And the last blast book was Profit of Kindness. Fascinating. She also helps authors to create book deals with major publishers and agents. Is there anything else she can’t do? Let’s find out. Jill, very warm welcome! Our subject today is publicity, so you get seen. Let’s kick off with question number one, seven minutes starts now. Who’s your ideal client?
Jill Lublin 1:26
My ideal clients are consultants, coaches, speakers, authors, and then what I might call service providers. You can be in real estate, a chiropractor. You know, the people who serve others. Those are my most ideal clients.
Tom Poland 1:40
Same, same! Question two. And we’ve got six and a half minutes left. What’s the problem you solve?
Jill Lublin 1:47
The problem really is, how do you get visibility? You know, you have to let people know you exist. And the wonderful thing about publicity is that it magnetizes people to you, multiplies you, and monetizes you. All good things, M&Ms. This is the third M.
Tom Poland 2:08
Magnifies, monetizes, and multiplies. Love the alliteration there. So, let’s go to the symptoms. Question number three is, six minutes left. Someone listening to this, how would they know that they should be really reaching out to you and finding out more about what you do? What’s going on in their business or their life? Or they go, yeah, I’ve got those symptoms?
Jill Lublin 2:30
Well, the question is, could you use more clients? Could you use more people know about you? And by the way, the answer to that one is always yes, even with your clients which base is full. That’s a great time to be doing publicity letting people know you exist. So, I’ve had people on both sides of the spectrum with no clients, oh, my God, how am I going to pay my rent, put their credit card down, have faith, and see it multiply quickly. And you know, you can be anywhere on the spectrum. But the point is publicity needs to be a normal part of your marketing activities. Look at the big companies, they all do it and spend millions on it.
Tom Poland 3:11
That’s right, you’ve probably alluded to one of the mistakes that people make, which is Oh, I got plenty of clients, what’s fast but those are going to dry up and though you need to be preparing for the next group of clients if you like. So that brings us nicely into question four: What do you think are some of the common mistakes that your ideal clients are making before they find your solution?
Jill Lublin 3:34
Well, a couple of things assuming social media is the answer. Not, you know, number one, people sometimes aren’t reading your stuff. And it’s only a blip. The power of what publicity does is staying power and its authority-giving power. And frankly, it’s third-party endorsement, which is even better, not just you saying how great you are. It’s powerful. So, I think that not even thinking about publicity, maybe needs to be part or maybe being afraid of it, taking four steps toward it. All of those are important. And by the way, I have a very broad definition of Publicity, meaning it’s about visibility-building activities, that can be everything from networking in your message when you speak. Two, publicity through the traditional sources, as well as a podcast, blogs, and all aspects of putting your message out there.
Tom Poland 4:26
That is a broad definition. It makes so much more sense than just the one channel because I mean people talking about websites, but it’s often about web presence, you know, to Google your name, and are you popping up all over the place? That’s a lot of credibility. Let’s flip it and go to stuff people can do to take action. Question five, three and a half minutes left. One top tip, a valuable free action someone else can do this that could take, it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step down the right direction.
Jill Lublin 4:53
Great. Well, one thing is, Google Alerts. Okay, I want you to put your name in it because you’re an expert. You’re watching this; you’re listening. You’re an expert; I know you are. And I want you also the one like, let’s say you’re a leadership coach, put in the word leadership. Also, under Google Alerts. What this does is immediately literally tells you what Google’s searching for. If you do get any media, you absolutely want to know, which is the part about your name, but also, you know, let’s say they’re doing pieces on leadership or there’s you know, a person in leadership in government, you will know what’s going on. And then you can comment, you can come in, you can be the resource that media is always looking for. You know, think of it, they use the word source. That’s why you’re the source, the expert who knows.
Tom Poland 5:39
Right. So, folks, you can go to Google and search Google for Google Alerts and sign up for an alert every time your name is mentioned on the internet somewhere. Terrific.
Jill Lublin 5:49
And your topic. And it’s free. It’s completely free.
Tom Poland 5:55
It was a good price. Thank you, Jill, for that top tip. Question six, we’ve got two minutes left, one valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about this information?
Jill Lublin 6:07
Absolutely. Well, I’ve got a great free gift for you. It is an action guide. You like this, just what you see, what we put in the action guide to help you take the second step and come to my publicity masterclass. Also free, where you get to be live and interactive with me getting your questions answered.
Tom Poland 6:26
Okay, so, folks, it’s www.publicitycrashcourse.com/free gift. The link is under the video if you’re watching this. If you’re on our podcast, publicitycrashcourse.com/free gift. You’re going to get a free publicity action guide there. Jill, we’ve got, it looks like 78 seconds left. Question number seven. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Jill Lublin 6:52
Do I like pina coladas? No.
Tom Poland 6:56
I think I know the answer to that.
Jill Lublin 6:59
It’s well, yes. And I like wine better. Red wine. In particular, I would tell you the one question that you all should be thinking about and wondering: What is a good first step to take? And the good first step to take is to focus on your message. What do you say when people say what you do? I just got off a consultation with a woman; an international artist was all over the place and distracted people when people said, ” What do you do? We got to be focused on where… from Cologne to New York City. She’s, you know, demonstrating her art. It’s just so much more powerful when you are focused and on point; people will trust you, and your message will be congruent. And I want you to be authentic and resonant to it. So, let’s start with your message.
Tom Poland 7:45
Perfect. Jill, we’ve got exactly 14 seconds left. Just enough time to thank you so much for your insights, expertise, and experience and for sharing with us. Thank you.
Jill Lublin 7:54
Thank you.
Tom Poland 07:56
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