- Discover how to continuously drive traffic into your funnel and multiply your sales
- Learn why you should start tracking your ads to invest more in the right one
- Know what’s the best and right funnel for your business and get high-ticket sales
- Want more tips on how to multiply your income streams? Click here: https://www.leadsurgebook.com
Do you want to know how you can implement the right funnel for your business and get a stream of high-ticket sales?
Growing your business by just relying on referrals and ads isn’t going to get you anywhere. You need to first establish the right funnel to drive traffic and generate constant high sales!
Terence Tam is the Founder of the Radical Marketing agency which drives growth for coaches and course creators. He recently authored Lead Surge which details 8 effective funnels for coaching businesses.
Grab your coffee and take a pen as we listen to Terence’s promising secrets on how you can find the best funnel for your business and get multiple streams of high-ticket sales.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 03:22 – Terence’s ideal client: My ideal clients are high-ticket coaches and course creators who want to scale. A lot of them have all this great, awesome information and products, but they don’t know how to scale.
- 03:54 – The problem he helps solve: Once you have built your funnel, you need to drive traffic, right? Otherwise, nobody knows about you. And that’s where we come in and write really awesome ads.
- 04:59 – The symptoms of the problem: From many of the coaches I’ve seen, they try to rely on referrals. They try to rely on organic social.
- 06:11 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Terence: There are so many potential things, but one of the things is they don’t have the right funnel for their particular business and their particular offer.
- 07:23 – Terence’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I believe what would be good if you’re not going to build a whole funnel is what I described in the book called what we call “lead ads”. So you’re basically generating leads online without actually building a whole funnel.
- 08:22 – Terence’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want more tips on how to multiply your income streams? Click here: https://www.leadsurgebook.com
- 09:21 – Q: Why should you build a funnel? A: The key is, if you have that funnel, basically, you can scale your business to the moon.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Track everything to make sure which ads are getting the right people into your funnel and getting you the ideal clients.” -Terence Tam Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by Terence Tam. Terence, good day, again! A warm welcome from Australia. Where are you hanging out?
Terence Tam 00:23
Great to be back, Tom! I am based in Kota Kinabalu, which is in Malaysia. And we’re a seaside town, which is a tourist town with lots of islands just nearby. So it’s, right, it’s kind of like Queensland, where you’re living in.
Tom Poland 00:36
Tourist town, I suppose there are lots of beautiful cafes and eateries and streets you can wander down.
Terence Tam 00:42
Yeah, we do actually! And there’s actually an Australian Street and it’s full of cafes here, and it’s a huge tourist attraction.
Tom Poland 00:51
I mean, understand this, people fly halfway around the world and then look for a restaurant from their own country, right?
Terence Tam 00:58
Tom Poland 00:58
All right. Well, we better get back to the subject at hand. Well, I’m fascinated and jealous about where you’re living. Folks, it’s Terrence’s second time on the show! He’s got such good value the first time. I’m delighted that he’s back again. He’s the Founder of the Radical Marketing Agency, which drives growth for coaches and course creators. He recently authored a book called, and this is an excellent title, “Lead Surge”, which details eight effective funnels for coaching businesses. And before we get into it, what’s a funnel?
Terence Tam 01:30
A funnel is basically a series of pages and communication that brings the prospects along the customer journey from completely not knowing about you to going, “Hmm, maybe Tom’s a nice guy”, to the point where, “Oh, I love Tom! I’m just going to buy everything from him.”
Tom Poland 01:49
We should have your funnels in our business. But that’s it, doesn’t it? It’s a series of emails, landing pages, and things called “trip wires”. And eventually, the idea is that if people have an interest, it’s a good way of convincing them of our credibility and giving them the reasons why they might want to start working with us. And the beauty about it is you don’t have to go to a networking meeting one-on-one. It’s not handing out business cards. It’s all happening while you’re asleep or on holiday. So let’s focus. The subject is- I just want to add those folks. If you want to scale, and you want to leverage your time, there’s this massive gulf between people who have to go to networking meetings and trade shows and hand out business cards, and kind of have to hope to get lucky. And those small businesses that heavily took scale, and the gulf is bridged by funnels. That’s essentially- that’s the most. If you’re looking at a combination of efficiency and effectiveness, that’s the most effective way to get over that gulf and switch from the one-on-one kind of wishing and hoping and praying, handing out business cards in meetings to something that’s more automated, more systematic, and more predictable. So that said, Terence, “How to Grow Your Coaching Business with the Lead Surge Book”. We’re going to focus a little bit on the book, folks. You don’t have to go and buy it, so good news for you on that front. We’ll talk a bit more about that towards the end of the interview. Let’s kick off, Terence. Question number one is, let’s give us a frame of reference, who’s your ideal client?
Terence Tam 03:22
Okay, my ideal clients are high-ticket coaches and course creators who want to scale. I mean, a lot of them have all this great, awesome information and products, but they don’t know how to scale. And that’s why I wrote the book for these people, as well. So they can find one of the eight funnels that I have listed, and find one of them that they can use to scale their business.
Tom Poland 03:44
Lovely! So the problem you solve is scaling, obviously, but I guess it’s lead generation at scale. Anything more you want to add to that?
Terence Tam 03:54
Yeah. So, once you have built your funnel, which is your whole process from getting someone cold to warm to hot, you need to drive traffic, right? Otherwise, nobody knows about you. And that’s where we come in and write really awesome ads, in my humble opinion, to drive this traffic and the right people to come into your funnel. Well, I think that’s the two components that we cover. The third component would be to track everything to make sure which ads are getting the right people into your funnel and getting you the ideal clients. I mean, that’s something that people don’t do.
Tom Poland 04:29
Yeah. It’s amazing, isn’t it? But it’s so true! It’s a very easy one to neglect. So you’re setting up the funnels, driving the traffic, looking at the data, one source of reality, which is the numbers not what we wish on having to pray for, but the numbers, and then presumably tweaking that funnel accordingly.
Terence Tam 04:49
Tom Poland 04:50
People that don’t have what you’ve got, what’s going on in their business or their life? In other words, what are the symptoms of people who’ve got the problem that you’re solving?
Terence Tam 04:59
So from many of the coaches I’ve seen, they try to rely on referrals. They try to rely on organic social. And that could be a lot of hard work for very little return or, most importantly, unpredictable returns, right? One day, you get a ton of leads, then for the next month, you don’t get any leads, and no sales. So that is the problem that we see a lot of coaches have.
Tom Poland 05:24
So it’s the lack of predictability, the lack of consistency. If you like the lack of knowing that if you’ve taken certain actions, you’re going to be getting some leads flowing in– it’s the lack of that.
Terence Tam 05:38
Tom Poland 05:38
Coaches and course creators are progressive individuals in my experience. They’re people who have often jumped the job track. They’ve got the courage to start their own business, and have accumulated success. So what I’m saying is they’re going to be trying stuff before they find your solution. What would you say are some of the most common things that people are trying that are actually just flat out will never work? What are people telling you that they’ve tried and failed at, we could say some people listening to this save some time and frustration perhaps.
Terence Tam 06:11
Okay, yeah! So I think that there are so many potential things, but one of the things is they don’t have the right funnel for their particular business and their particular offer. And also, you need to take into consideration who is your target market as well, right? Say, for example, if you’re targeting C-level executives, and you’re running a webinar funnel that’s three hours long, even 60 minutes long, they’re not going to show up. They just don’t have the time to do it, right? Whereas a different funnel might get you the result that you want. So I think it is just making sure you’ve got the right funnel for the right target audience. And that’s something that people often miss out on.
Tom Poland 06:52
Right, so matching the medium to the market, as some people say. So instead of, perhaps, a one-hour webinar for busy executives, it’s a series of two-minute sound bites or videos or something. So matching the medium of the funnel to the market. Big mistake not doing that! Let’s flip it. We’ve got three minutes left. We’ve talked about the problems, the symptoms, and the mistakes. What’s a top tip you can give someone who is not going to build a whole funnel for them, but it might be a step in the right direction?
Terence Tam 07:23
Okay, so I believe what would be good if you’re not going to build a whole funnel is what I described in the book called what we call “lead ads”, right, which is basically a funnel. This funnel kind of thing. So you’re basically generating leads online without actually building a whole funnel. But what we describe is the back end, the follow-up system behind that, to make lead ads work because a lot of people say, “Oh, yeah. I run lead ads and get all these leads, but they’re all useless.” And that’s because they don’t have that back-end system in place that is necessary to make these leads work. So yeah, that’s one of the things that I described in the book. Hey, that should be the first thing you do before you go any further!
Tom Poland 08:04
So, let’s talk about the book then. Quick, question six is, I normally ask guests, can you give us a valuable free resource? You’ve got this book set up for free, Eight Radically Effective Marketing Funnels for Coaches and Experts. The tip you just mentioned is part of that book. Where do people go to download a copy?
Terence Tam 08:22
Okay, you can go to leadsurgebook.com.
Tom Poland 08:25
So, it’s www.leadsurgebook.com. And they’re going to get- folks, this is not an eight-page brochure. It’s a 218-page book. It’s got eight funnels laid out for you. It’s six-figure businesses probably wanting to scale them audible six. If that sounds like you, leadsurgebook.com. I’m not receiving any affiliate commissions or remuneration for this interview. I’m interviewing Terence because I think this is highly valuable information and you should probably go get it. There’ll be a link under the video if you’re watching the video. Otherwise, if you’re on iTunes or Stitcher or something, leadsurgebook.com. Terence, last question. 45 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t, and the answer, please?
Terence Tam 09:21
One question you didn’t ask is probably why should you build a funnel, right? We talked about predictability, but also the important thing about having that funnel is that if you’ve got the right funnel, you can put $1 in, and $2, $3, or more comes out on the other end. So the key is, if you have that funnel, basically, you can scale your business to the moon. So that’s what I would say is the missing thing.
Tom Poland 09:48
Good answer. Terence Tam, thanks once again for your time.
Terence Tam 09:52
Thanks, Tom. It’s been awesome again!
Tom Poland 09:54
Tom Poland 09:55
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