- Learn how to differentiate yourself from the rest of the market and turn website visitors into customers
- Find out why going hustle mode isn’t always the best answer to your website problem
- Understand the importance of putting proof on your site and where should you actually be placing it
- To get the FREE Golden Glove Cheat Sheet that will make you stand out, click here: mymarketingcoach.com/golden-glove
Do you want to know how to turn your website visitors into potential promising clients? Are you ready to stand out from the rest and be the best?
Attracting customers and turning them into clients isn’t all about investing in more ads, putting out more content and hustling more. Most of the time it’s about claying the right message together along with a dash of proof!
Terry Dean has helped thousands of clients attract more new customers online since 1996.
Sit back and listen to Terry as he talks about his magic of messaging in marketing and how you can instantly hook up and turn your site visitors into loyal clients.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:24 – Terry’s ideal client: Ideal clients are consultants, coaches, and online course creators looking to attract more clients online, especially with automated systems.
- 02:48 – The problem he helps solve: Many experts and professionals struggle to clay a clear message that attracts their clients, especially in competitive markets.
- 03:33 – The symptoms of the problem: Well, if they’re getting visitors to their website, and people aren’t buying. People aren’t contacting them. People aren’t calling them, that’s a pretty good sign right there.
- 04:43 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Terry: One of the common mistakes I see people make is they go almost into a hustle mode, where they think that they have to do more, more, and more– publish more content, go on more platforms until they’re like totally overwhelmed and burnt out.
- 06:19 – Terry’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I call my basic formula for attracting new customers and clients, I call it the “Golden Glove”. And there are five steps in that system. And I’m gonna give you one of the steps right here.
- 08:12 – Terry’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get the FREE Golden Glove Cheatsheet that will make you stand out, click here: mymarketingcoach.com/golden-glove
- 08:52 – Q: What are the other four steps? A: We don’t really have time to reveal them right here.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Anywhere that you make a big promise, you should immediately back it up with proof.” -Terry Dean Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone! A very warm welcome to, yet, another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia joined today by Terry Dean. Terry, the second time around for you. We don’t have many guests on the show twice, so you’re doing well, sir. Thank you for being here again!
Terry Dean 00:26
I’m honored to be invited back.
Tom Poland 00:29
So, where are you based?
Terry Dean 00:32
Ocala, Florida. It’s nice and warm here.
Tom Poland 00:34
Did you say California?
Terry Dean 00:35
Ocala, Florida.
Tom Poland 00:37
Ocala, Florida! Was gonna say California. They’re having snow drifts at the moment! Yeah, so that’s very, very different. Okay, Florida. Yeah. All right! Thank you for that. So, folks, Terry’s got a very pragmatic approach to a subject that is often full of smoke in mirrors, which is marketing. He’s helped literally thousands of clients attract new customers online since 1996, almost pre-internet. And most of them must have been in the dial-up days, where you go to the internet and connect, and go– like that!
Terry Dean 01:09
I had a dial-up for the first few years. Yep.
Tom Poland 01:12
Right. And you got to make a cup of coffee while the internet connects, or handshakes, or whatever it is. So, folks, I just want to endorse Terry as a marketing coach because he’s one of the smaller percentages, if you like, of the very large options you have to get marketing advice who’s kosher and is very practical, and who is focused on real results, not just something like brand building and so on. The subject today, I’m really interested in, personally, it’s “How to Attract More Clients From Your Website.” And we all get website visitors. It might be a small number, or it might be a large number. But by and large for most websites around the planet other than E-shopping and our primary market here are coaches, consultants, trainers, authors, speakers, etc. By and large, most people come to a website and drift away and don’t do anything. They didn’t even opt in. The majority of the middle will buy something. So Terry’s gonna pull the curtain back on that, so how you can start mining some of the gold from all the hard work you’ve done in developing a website? Jerry, I’m going to click the start in the timer now. So our time will start just as soon as I find that stupid app. Here we go! Got it. It’s not the app that’s stupid, by the way. Alright, our seven minutes starts now, sir. Question number one, who’s your ideal client?
Terry Dean 02:24
Ideal clients are consultants, coaches, and online course creators looking to attract more clients online, especially with automated systems.
Tom Poland 02:33
Oh, you hit the sweet spot in two ways. First of all, that’s our ideal client, so there are going to be a lot of listeners. And secondly, the subject of automation and the relentlessness, and that’s also music to our ears– I’m sure. Question two, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Terry Dean 02:48
Many experts and professionals, struggle to clay a clear message that attracts their clients, especially in competitive markets. Because if you don’t call out your audience if you don’t have a message that it’s clear to the audience, you just look like everyone else. And as you mentioned earlier, you get a lot of visitors, but not very many conversions.
Tom Poland 03:07
Right. So there’s this- well, we might’ve unpacked that, but obviously, there’s the differentiation. They’re not standing out and they’re not motivating people to want to know more. Other than that, question three, six minutes left, what would you say are the typical symptoms of that, you know, coach, consultant, trainer, teacher, also speaker, who’s going, “I think I’ve done a pretty good job. Everything looks professional, but I’m not getting inquiries.” How do they know that they should be reaching out to you for help?
Terry Dean 03:33
Well, if they’re getting visitors to their website, and people aren’t buying. People aren’t contacting them. People aren’t calling them, that’s a pretty good sign right there. They’re not getting any momentum from other marketing that they might be doing as well. And here’s a big one that people probably don’t even think about– they might be experiencing a lot of price resistance, where people basically come back to Monoprice. They’re not willing to pay the prices that they’re charging. And that’s usually because you look too much like the competition, you’re just another commodity.
Tom Poland 04:03
Alright, so they think it’s just like buying one set of golf clubs versus another. It’s a price thing. So the lack of differentiation leads to people haggling around prices. So a couple of symptoms there. People go to your website, folks, they’re not converting the clients or they are making inquiries but haggling about prices. So question four is, I want to explore the common mistakes that our listeners might be making, you know, some might before they engage your services. What would you say? Because we’re talking about people, people that are self-employed or who got their own business tend to be growth orientated, so they’re going to try stuff all the time. What would you say are some of the common mistakes that you’d recommend people avoid?
Terry Dean 04:43
One of the common mistakes I see people make is they go almost into a hustle mode, where they think that they have to do more, more, and more– publish more content, go on more platforms until they’re like totally overwhelmed and burnt out. And they’re generating a lot of visitors, they might even be generating more leads at that point because you know, enough volume coming in. Maybe they’ll generate some leads, but they’re still not attracting the clients that they want. And they’re especially not attracting the quality of clients that they want, in that case. In other places, they might be running ads. They may be wasting money on more advertising, and the advertising is not working. And I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of clients say, at some point in time, “Advertising just doesn’t seem to work for me.” Well, you know, maybe they’re not targeting the right audience, or maybe they don’t have the right message for the audience. So that’s another issue as well. And then maybe, they are focusing on their message, but they’re missing a few of the important parts because I find that there are several key elements that you have to have to make sure that your marketing works. And you have a real message that speaks to your ideal clients. So I mean, those are some of the things that they’re going to do, some of the mistakes they’ll make, and some of the things they try.
Tom Poland 05:51
Yeah, that’s so true. There’s a certain number of elements that come together. It’s not like there’s this one thing you do and everything can change. So let’s flip this now. Question five, we’ve got three minutes left, plenty of time. I’m after a top tip, something that is going to take someone listening to this in the right direction, whether they work with you or not. They should reach out and find out more about what you do, but let’s just give everyone who’s listening to this a top tip, a valuable free action that might take them a step in the right direction.
Terry Dean 06:19
I call my basic formula for attracting new customers and clients, I call it the “Golden Glove”. And there are five steps in that system. And I’m gonna give you one of the steps right here. It’s actually the third step because it stands out the most. And it’s one that I can teach real quick. And that is one of the things that my clients and I have done to increase ourselves consistently is to add more proof and move the proof earlier on our websites, in our emails, and basically bringing an element of proof to everything that we’re doing. Now, proof– there are a lot of different formats. There are testimonials. There are case studies. There’s your own background story, your own case history, and you could bring in studies, or quotes from experts, and recognized authorities, on the topics such as a university that might have done a story. There are a lot of things you can do for proof and one of the best things you could do is move that proof earlier. An example of a test that a client did is he had a long sales video because again, he was making most of the sales straight from the video, like a 17-minute video. We improved his conversion considerably by taking his testimonials and moving them to like minute two in the video. So we moved them almost in the very beginning when he called up the audience. And here are “before and after” testimonials, and that dramatically change the conversion. You can do the same thing on your website, emails, and all types of things!
Tom Poland 07:31
And all you’ve done is change the sequence of the testimonials where they appear. Very interesting!
Terry Dean 07:36
Yeah, and I’ll say this too. Anywhere that you make a big promise, you should immediately back it up with proof. So there are a lot of times, I’ll take a claim as a strong headline and will immediately put a testimonial right after the headline, or right after a subhead to back it up.
Tom Poland 07:49
And that’s a really good example of what you were saying before about how there were a lot of different key elements. It’s not necessarily just having something that’s benefit-rich, you’ve got to have the sequence of your message in the right order in order for people to stick around and generate interest. It’s fascinating stuff! It’s a whole world of psychology to unpack here. Let’s go to question six, a valuable free resource. I think you’ve got something that’s going to help people even more.
Terry Dean 08:12
I do! Well, I mentioned earlier my “Golden Glove” which is the five-step persuasion system. You can go over and you can pick up my cheat sheet and a series of free videos showing you how to get started with the Golden Glove and use it to improve your conversion at mymarketingcoach.com/golden-glove.
Tom Poland 08:29
So it’s mymarketingcoach.com/golden, and then there’s a hyphen or a dash, glove. Does that sound right?
Terry Dean 08:35
That is correct. You can get your five-step cheat sheet there.
Tom Poland 08:39
Golden glove, get the cheat sheet. I’ve been on the page. There are videos. There’s a cheat sheet. It’s extensive. It’s comprehensive, and it’s going to help you folks. Go get it! Question seven, sir, has 20 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Terry Dean 08:52
Well, I said that there are five steps in my system, but I only gave you one of them here. You could have asked me what the other four steps are, but we don’t have really time to reveal them right here.
Tom Poland 09:00
Yeah, five seconds left. So just enough time to thank you for your insights and for being back on the show again. Thanks, Terry.
Terry Dean 09:06
Thank you.
Tom Poland 09:07
Tom Poland 09:09
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