The Imposter Illusion: How to Break Free of It – In Just 7 Minutes with Nina Cooke

Check out episode
  • Know more about the imposter syndrome and its effects as a hindrance on your business and its potentials
  • Find out what hinders you from improving your business through Nina’s Scorecard
  • Learn how having a constructive mindset and attitude can further improve your business



Does it feel like your business is stuck, that no matter how much money you put into it, it just doesn’t move forward? Are you about to lose hope on your business progressing?

Nina Cooke helps consultants and others build authority and boost their revenue within a year, and I know from personal connections, you’ve done a lot better than that with some people as well, by creating an unstoppable big action-taking mindset. She’s been featured in Forbes and on BBC, that’s the British Broadcasting Company radio.

In this episode, Nina shares her insights on the imposter syndrome and how it can take a toll on your business’ potential, output, and clients.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 1:34 – Nina’s ideal client: “My ideal client is entrepreneurs who feel that they’re not as far along as they should be. There’s something that’s holding them back. They’ve tried lots of different strategies. They’ve worked with different coaches; they’re throwing a lot of money at this and nothing is moving them forward. They’re stuck and they don’t know why.”
  • 2:31 – Problem Nina helps solve: “I help them to identify exactly what’s holding them back. So, what I do with my clients is we look at their end result, what is the goal that they want to achieve? It’s going to be a financial goal. It’s going to be a lifestyle goal. It’s going to be a work-life balance goal.”
  • 4:06 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Nina: “Listening to the imposter syndrome, they feel that they’re actually not as good as people think they are. They feel they can’t help their clients and get them the results they want. They’re terrified of being found out. Many of them, the highest values providing for their family and there are so scared because they feel they’re punching above their weight.”
  • 5:14 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Nina’s solution: “It’s looking in the wrong place. It’s investing and spending time and energy on things that will not work until they have their mindset in the right place. And I see this happening time and time again.”
  • 6:15 – Nina’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “To become aware of the thinking that stopping them from having all the success that they actually deserve. They have all the skillset they need. So, all they need to do is start identifying the negative thinking that’s holding them back and know that it’s lies. It’s not true about them.”
  • 6:56 – Nina’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Nina’s Scorecard:
  • 7:30 – Q: How easy is it to get rid of the struggle as an entrepreneur? A: The answer to that is, it’s absolutely possible. It doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to be a struggle.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Enjoy what you're learning and figuring out along the way, because that's what's going to make you more resilient in every area of your life.” -Nina Cooke Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Nina Cooke, with an E. Nina, good day, a very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Nina Cooke 0:22
Hi Tom. I’m in England, in sunny England.

Tom Poland 0:25
In sunny England, with COVID-19 locked down as the rest of the world pretty much is. Folks, Nina, for those of you who don’t know her, is an absolute freaking genius. And I’m not reading that from her bio because she’s starting not to put that in her bio. But she helps consultants and others build authority and boost their revenue within a year, and I know from personal connections, you’ve done a lot better than that with some people as well, by creating an unstoppable big action-taking mindset.

Tom Poland 1:00
She’s been featured in Forbes and on BBC, that’s the British Broadcasting Company radio, which is a pretty big deal I have to say because they’re quite fussy over there. Not like some of the other country’s radio shows where if you follow them then you’re on.

Tom Poland 1:17
So, our subject today is, “The Imposter Illusion: How to Break Free of it.” And we’re also going to be talking about The Millionaire Mindset. So, we’re going to do that all in less than seven minutes. Nina, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?

Nina Cooke 1:34
My ideal client is entrepreneurs who feel that they’re not as far along as they should be. There’s something that’s holding them back. They’ve tried lots of different strategies. They’ve worked with different coaches; they’re throwing a lot of money at this and nothing is moving them forward. They’re stuck and they don’t know why.

Nina Cooke 1:51
They get to the stage where they think that actually, it may not be any external thing that’s keeping me stuck, maybe it’s me. And that’s such a sweet moment, because when you realize that it’s you, then you could do something about it. And it puts you back in control, back in the driver’s seat. So, I help them to remove their blocks that are stopping them from charging more, for working with big clients they want to work with, from taking big action. I help them to start thinking really big about themselves, their vision, and what’s possible for them.

Tom Poland 2:21
Music to my marketing ears. Question number two, you might have already described it, but what is the problem you solve? Anything you want to add to that? Six minutes left.

Nina Cooke 2:31
Yes. I help them to identify exactly what’s holding them back. So, what I do with my clients is we look at their end result, what is the goal that they want to achieve? It’s going to be a financial goal. It’s going to be a lifestyle goal. It’s going to be a work-life balance goal. It’s going to be, maybe they want to travel or spend more time with their family, whatever it is. And then we work back from the goal and say exactly what thinking is stopping you from achieving those goals. What limiting beliefs do you have in place?

Nina Cooke 2:59
So, there may be beliefs around I can’t earn that much. There may be beliefs around I’m not good enough. I don’t know enough, I’m a fraud. I’ll never get what I want. It’s scary to pay big. And once we identify this limiting belief, I take them through a really easy process that bypasses the conscious mind. Takes them to the subconscious where our limiting beliefs are stored, and then we release them one by one. And then they create a space in the subconscious. And then they plant a new empowering belief in the subconscious. That allows them then to start making decisions and taking action in their new empowered place of thinking, and it becomes automatic. And it becomes fun and easy.

Tom Poland 3:41
Oh, I love it, makes perfect sense too. Thank you for that. Just under five minutes left. Question three, what are some of the typical symptoms that someone’s going to be experiencing? Because I’m picking, you’re working with people who are already reasonably successful. So, what are they, frustrated, they can’t get to the next level? What’s going on in their life and in their business, in real quick short order, that they would go, “I’ve got that problem. These are the symptoms, I’ve got them.”

Nina Cooke 4:06
Listening to the imposter syndrome, they feel that they’re actually not as good as people think they are. They feel they can’t help their clients and get them the results they want. They’re terrified of being found out. Many of them, the highest values providing for their family and they are so scared because they feel they’re punching above their weight.

Nina Cooke 4:25
People perceive them as being very successful, millionaires, or multi-millionaires and they are struggling to find enough money every month to maintain this facade. You know, their kids may be in private school, they have very lovely homes, etc. They’ve got nice holidays, and they’re struggling because they think they’re going to run out of cash particularly now, where we are right now. So, they are very, very scared. They simply come crashing down around their ears.

Tom Poland 4:53
Thank you. Three and a half minutes left. Question four, this person has got feeling the imposter syndrome, knows they can perform at a higher level but seem to be stuck. There are stupid people, they’re going to be trying stuff. So, what are some of the common mistakes that your new clients tell you they tried that you’d kind of wish they hadn’t made those mistakes?

Nina Cooke 5:14
It’s looking in the wrong place. It’s investing and spending time and energy on things that will not work until they have their mindset in the right place. And I see this happening time and time again. It may be that they are trying to connect with bigger players in their field, but they just keep self-sabotaging their efforts because they feel that, “Why would they be interested in me? They could work with a big organization, I’m too small for them.” So, they talk themselves out of it. And they can be taking lots of action, but if you’re taking pure kind getting action. If you’re fiddling around the edges doing things that aren’t going to actually get you, clients, then that’s going to keep you stuck exactly where you are.

Tom Poland 5:57
Right. So, people pick up on that doubt and the lack of self-belief, and so on. Question five, what’s one valuable free action that someone could take who’s listening to this? May never become a client of yours, but it’s one thing that could take them a step in the right direction.

Nina Cooke 6:15
To become aware of the thinking that stopping them from having all the success that they actually deserve. They have all the skillset they need. So, all they need to do is start identifying the negative thinking that’s holding them back and know that it’s lies. It’s not true about them. So, anything that feels like a conflict within them that doesn’t feel good, is not true about them. The truth about them is that they are good enough, that they know enough, and they are absolutely capable of achieving everything they set out to achieve. The only thing that separates successful people from not so successful people is their mindset, and the actions they take as a result of their mindset.

Tom Poland 6:56
Amen to that. 90 seconds left. Questions six, I’m going to answer it for the sake of time because you give me the answer, thank you. One available free resource, folks, go to and be prepared to get blown away with the offer there because it’s all around the millionaire mindset scorecard. A tremendous gift, thank you, Nina. Question seven, last question. A whopping one minute left. What’s the one question that I should have asked you, but I failed to do so?

Nina Cooke 7:30
Great question. The one thing that you should have asked me is, how easy is it to get rid of the struggle as an entrepreneur?

Tom Poland 7:38
And the answer is?

Nina Cooke 7:41
The answer to that is, it’s absolutely possible. It doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. We’re on a roller coaster, but we can make it so much smoother and easier by being okay with setbacks, being okay when things don’t work out. Because we know that we still have the resources and the skillset to be able to figure it out and keep going forward to enjoy the journey. This is such a cliché, but you’re never going to get to the endpoint, you’re never going to get there. Enjoy what you’re learning and figuring out along the way, because that’s what’s going to make you more resilient in every area of your life. Enjoy that, don’t fight it.

Tom Poland 8:21
Nina Cooke, thank you so much for your time.

Nina Cooke 8:24
It’s been wonderful. Thank you.

Tom Poland 08:26
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