- Learn how to make more money in your business
- Find your fastest and bravest path to clients
- Increase in your income, charge what you’re worth and profit-launch your brand
Jena Rodriguez is a Brand, Business and Brave Strategist who amplifies your visibility with the right marketing mix, catapults your client attraction and multiplies your revenue while fast-tracking your cash flow.
In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Jena shares how she brings together the art and strategy of business and brand success and how to be BRAVE MASTERS.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 00:45 – Jena’s professional background as a brand, business, and a brave specialist
- 01:50 – Her ideal clients: entrepreneurs, coaches, and experts
- 02:16 – The brand and strategy problems she helps to solve
- 03:00 –The symptoms her clients experience when trying to achieve the ‘non-negotiables’–visibility, leads and sales conversations
- 04:21 – Defining the Vital Phase Roadmap
- 04:45 – Jena’s Valuable Free Action (VFA):Elevate your visibility
- 05:55 – Jena’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Brave Master’s Free Video Series
- 07:17 – Jena’s Valuable Free Tip (VFT): Stop waiting to get the help that you need for the things you need for the things you do not know. Hire a coach or mentor.
Tweetable Takeaway from this Episode:
“Brave master is not something you arrive at. It's something that you practice every day, so absolutely I see that everyday level.” - @jenarodriguez Share on X
“Stop waiting to get the help that you need for the things you don't know. Hire a mentor, hire a coach, hire the strategist right before taking forever to figure it out and do it all on your own.” - @jenarodriguez Share on X