- Find out how to get quality leads other than creating content on social media
- Understand why you should stop hopping from one platform to another; instead, invest in real connections
- Learn how podcast guesting create connections and provide opportunities for more quality leads
- Are you ready to implement changes in your business? Hop on a conversation with Viv here: vivguy.com/call
Already feeling burnt out with social media with no one engaging with the volume of content you are producing? Much less getting quality leads?
Spending your time hopping from one platform to another with no result is just wasting your time.
Viv Guy is an online sales growth expert, serial entrepreneur, and host of a #1 Marketing Podcast. She teaches business owners how to hit their sales targets and make more money every month with her Profitable Podcast Method whilst saving them time and energy in the process.
Hear Viv out and learn how to connect and have conversation with people who already have your audience. Nurture relationships and that’s when you open up opportunities.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:39 – Viv’s ideal client: I work with service-based business owners, so think of course creators, coaches, consultants, the likes.
- 01:54 – The problem she helps her clients solve: I help people who’ve got an income plateau or seen a decline in sales and who are feeling really burnt out with social media.
- 02:37 – Symptoms her clients face before turning to her: Content that you’re creating, maybe social media is not getting much engagement and slow audience growth.
- 04:09 – Mistakes her client makes before reaching out: Adding more platforms, adding to that burnout.
- 05:52 – Viv’s Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Just stop creating volumes and volumes of content. Start creating connections.
- 07:29 – Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Hop on a call and get away with so much from a conversation with Viv: vivguy.com/call
- 08:10 – Viv’s actionable message: If you are really struggling to hit the right people, the thing that you need to go to before you put any strategy in place is messaging.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Go where your people already are and have those conversations, it opens up so many more opportunities for you.” -Viv Guy Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome everyone to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast here in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Viv, Guy. Viv, I believe you’re on top of the world. Welcome. Viv, where are you hanging out?
Viv Guy 00:22
Hi there, Tom. Thank you for having me. Yeah, I’m over in the UK in very wet Lancashire at the moment, rural Lancashire.
Tom Poland 00:29
Here, very, very dry Sunshine Coast, folks. Viv has got something that I absolutely love because it’s incredibly specific and it’s a really the pointy end of marketing, and it happens to be a thing that she does that I know works super, super well. So if you want a surefire way to generate more clients, something that’s been proven over and over and over again, you probably should listen up. She is an online sales growth expert. She’s a serial entrepreneur. She’s host of a number one marketing podcast. So real pleasure to have you on the show, Viv. She teaches business owners how to hit the sales targets and make more money every month with her profitable podcast method. Also, saving them time and energy in the whole process. So it’s like a no-fast, simple way, no-brainer way to bring on new clients. Lots of magic about this, title, without further ado is ‘How to Use Podcast Guest Interviews to Hit our Sales Targets.’ Thank you for being here. I will now shut up. The floor is yours. Question number one, seven minutes starts now. Who’s your ideal client?
Viv Guy 01:39
So I work with service-based business owners, think of course creators, coaches, consultants, the likes, people who are really passionate about changing the lives of other people for the better. So change makers.
Tom Poland 01:50
Our tribe. Perfect. Thank you for that. What’s the problem you solve for them?
Viv Guy 01:54
Well, I help people make more money. That’s the long and short of it if we want to be succinct, but I help people who’ve got an income plateau or seen a decline in sales and who are feeling really burnt out with social media. That’s the biggie in there as well. It’s a real thing.
Tom Poland 02:08
Not hard to get there. Is it? So many shiny things to change, with social media, but it’s really hard to generate leads, quality leads, certainly. So what would you say, question three is, what are the symptoms people go through when they’re kind of like a heads up, they should be reaching out to you and having a chat with you? One of them I’ve already heard of, which is doing a lot of social media and not seeing much result for it. What else is going on in their business or their life that might give them a bit of a clue as to whether they need to talk with you?
Viv Guy 02:37
Sure. So your content that you’re creating, maybe social media is not getting much engagement. Slow audience growth. So no matter how much you’re showing up, doing the thing, breadcrumbing people’s Facebook groups, all of that kind of stuff gets to your audience growth is slow. You’re not bringing in enough warm traffic to hit your enrollment goals and sales targets every month. Maybe you don’t know what action to take. Now you’re kind of of like, I’ve done social media. I’m really not sure. Do I YouTube? Do I blog? What do I do? What is missing? Maybe your content’s not converting and you just can’t scale your business. You can’t grow, you can’t go to that next level because you can’t get the income to that level where you can invest in the right team and systems to help you get there. So all of those things are kind of indicators.
Tom Poland 03:18
A whole bunch of symptoms there. Is it possible, one of the symptoms is they’re actually generating a bunch of leads, but it’s rubbish.
Viv Guy 03:29
Yeah, bad leads. So obviously as we said, maybe you’re not converting and maybe it’s just because you’re bringing in some people and they’re just not the right fit for you. So we kind of, yeah, it’s really frustrating.
Tom Poland 03:40
In a way, bad leads are worse than no leads because you’re wasting everyone’s time, the prospect’s time, your own time. Okay. You’re talking about coaches, consultants, speakers, authors, trainers, et cetera. These are pretty get up and go people, these are people that are going to be trying stuff. What would your typical client be saying to you that they tried before they engage your services that just you are thinking, well, that was never going to work. What are some of the common mistakes they’re making?
Viv Guy 04:09
So for a lot of people, they have tried adding more platforms. So maybe they started on Instagram or Facebook or maybe got to the thing last year everyone was hopping on over to LinkedIn. So if they had Instagram and Facebook, I’m now on LinkedIn. Adding more platforms, more, more places to try and kind of be visible, which is, getting to take more of your precious time. So adding to that burnout. So also I see people adding strategies in, so like podcast guesting and guesting in other people’s groups, but it’s really ad hoc, so nobody kind of goes all in and this is the big problem. It’s a little bit of dabbling here. I’m going to try a bit of this, I’m going to try a bit of LinkedIn, try a bit of maybe guesting in people’s groups. Maybe dabble in ads for a month or two. Oh, that didn’t work. So a lot of people jump. Again, shiny object syndrome is a big, big thing that people have. And it’s easy because you kind of look around in the online space and you see what other people do to go, oh, that’s working for them. I should try that strategy. That didn’t work for me. And this is the thing, people don’t give strategies and things long enough to really make a full analysis of whether they’re actually effective or not.
Tom Poland 05:12
And very often simply because they’re not actually aware of what an effective strategy might look like. I mean, we all start guessing, I suppose.
Viv Guy 05:22
Tom Poland 05:23
We’ve got these people, growth oriented, they’re assertive, keen to help people, keen to get more clients on board, keen to make some more sales, very active generating perhaps some leads that aren’t the best quality. And they want to flip the switch. They want to make sure, maybe they want to work less, but actually get better results. Question five is, what’s the top tip you can give these people that… A valuable free action, somebody to get them started. It may not solve the whole problem, but it might be a step in the right direction.
Viv Guy 05:52
Yeah, the big thing is to just stop creating volumes and volumes of content, you know; people want quality. Start creating connections. Do this through something called Hub marketing, which is basically connecting with people who already have a community of your people. Yeah. So these are kind of known as hubs. It’s a term I learned from someone called Tad Hargrave. amazing concept. but yeah, go where your people already are and have those conversations, which is where the beauty of podcast guesting comes in because conversations, it opens up so many more opportunities for you. Collaborations, joint venture partnerships, all kinds of things that can come out of that. Whereas kind of going in and hanging out got to and doing this content that’s just not getting seen. It’s taking so much time. Use that time, reallocate it to having conversations with people who already have a community of your people. And your results will just skyrocket. They will be happy.
Tom Poland 06:41
If you get someone on your podcast show who’s already an influencer and already has got a community, the podcast is a fabulous way to establish very quickly a high level of rapport and respect and relatability and reciprocity. It’s pretty much a… and who doesn’t want the genuine ego stroke of saying, tell us what you think. We would love to hear your thoughts. So let’s, I don’t want to leave people hanging. This is one of the surest best ways to do lead gen folks, but you might not want to try it on your own. So, Viv, I’m not getting commission from you. I’m just letting everyone know that. I just would love people to book a time to have a chat with you. What could they do to find a time to have a chat with you about whether this is right for them or not?
Viv Guy 07:29
Yeah. So it’s really simple. Go over to vivguy.com/call, again, vivguy.com/call. Let’s literally just hop on a call and talk through like what’s going on for you right now? You’re going to come away with so much value from these conversations.
Tom Poland 07:45
Alright. And just to be clear, folks, there’s no affiliate commissions changing hands here. There’s nothing setup or anything else. Not yet. No, as there may be, but the point is, I just invited Viv because I know this is the slam dunk way to get new clients. And if you’re needing new clients systematically, regularly, it might be a good idea to hop on a call with Viv, vivguy.com/call. 20 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Viv Guy 08:10
Oh, if you are really struggling to hit the right people, like not getting the right people on the call, the thing that you need to go to before you put any strategy in place is messaging. It’s the foundations that you’re going to build that house on that’s your business.
Tom Poland 08:22
Perfect. Viv Guy, thank you so much for a succinct and value-packed interview. Cheers!
Viv Guy 08:27
Thank you Tom.
Tom Poland 08:29
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.