- Discover how discomfort and a falling apart life lead people to think they are mentally ill
- Learn about the symptoms and mistakes you should look out for which signify that you’re in that space of seeing your discomfort as a negative thing
- Find out why the pain of being human is something that we are all exposed to and isn’t actually a symbol of being ill
- Get to know more about Dr. Fred’s growth over the last few years through visiting https://welcometohumanity.net/
Are you one of those entrepreneurial parents who feel like everything in their life is falling apart?
Have you been wondering real hard about what you can do to move your life forward, gain some control, and heal the pain of what it is to be human?
Do you think that you’re ill because of the discomfort and breakdowns you’ve been having in life?
Get to see that belief in a new perspective as we interview Dr. Fred Moss today!
Fred Moss, MD is the Un-Doctor. He Un-diagnoses, un-medicates, and then he helps people Un-doctor-nate. He uses connection, creativity, and communication as the universal access to true healing and reclaiming lost lives.
In this episode, Fred mainly talks about the conflict an entrepreneurial parent face – their whole life falling apart. Here, he explains how his Un-doctor-nating deed helps people get through that problem of thinking they’re mentally ill, speaks about the mistakes people do that makes the situation worse, and reminds us all that we’re all humans who are supposed to naturally experience those things as we live.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:27 – Fred’s ideal client: “So my ideal client has been identified as typically entrepreneurial parent who has their lives falling apart – people who are really wondering what they can do to move their life forward and heal the pain of what it is to be human.”
- 02:09 – Problem Fred helps solve: “When you’re an entrepreneurial parent – when you’re a parent of young adult children, sometimes, you reach a point where your life is just really seeming to totally fall apart. Your kids aren’t listening, the relationship isn’t working, you don’t really have a purpose, and you’re kind of aimless and helpless.”
- 03:50 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Fred: “If it is actually the adult entrepreneurial parent, some of the symptoms might be that they’re kind of doing things on the side – they’re being secretive. Other symptoms that people might experience is that their children are failing in school or any kind of things that we all hope our children don’t go through.”
- 05:14 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Fred’s solution: “There is approximately four different ways to go. One is we can do nothing; another is they actually look to do it themselves; the third thing is they might hire insufficient or inadequate assistance; and fourth thing would be just hire me.”
- 06:52 – Fred’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “It really comes into title. The title is that these people and you – even if you are miserable – are simply not mentally ill. It is a conversation that’s supported by an agreement reality and the possibility is that you’re really just living life as a human walking through the planet.”
- 07:23 – Fred’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Get to know more about Dr. Fred’s growth over the last few years through visiting https://welcometohumanity.net/.
- 07:54 – Q: What’s the project I’m up to? A: Look out for October 10, 2021. It is the Mental Wealth Summit for the Earth.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Discomfort and even tragic discomfort is not representative of being ill; its representative simply as the title suggests – of being human.” -Fred Moss Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome everyone to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to- as always from- on the white sand next to the big blue ocean at little Castaways Beach in Queensland Australia joined today by Dr. Fred Moss. Fred, good day Sir. A very warm welcome. Where are you beaming out from?
Fred Moss 0:27
I’m beaming out from Grass Valley California which is somewhere between Sacramento and Reno up in Northern California. It’s warm out here today, yeah.
Tom Poland 0:35
Grass Valley – sounds like a nice part of the world to be in.
Fred Moss 0:39
It is.
Tom Poland 0:39
For those of you who haven’t met Dr. Fred Moss before, he’s actually the Un-doctor. I mean, he is the doctor but he’s the Un-doctor. He Un-diagnoses, Un-medicates, and then helps people Un-doctor-nate. This is– I think it’s very clever. He uses connection, creativity, and communication as a universal means to true healing and reclaiming lost lives. My spine is tingling, Fred. I think that’s just– the world needs more of this. Can’t wait to hear what you got to say. The title, folks, is that You are Not Actually Mentally Ill – You’re Just a Human! and Fred’s gonna share with us more about that in the following seven minutes.
Fred, our time starts now, Sir. Who is your ideal client?
Fred Moss 1:27
So my ideal client has been identified as typically entrepreneurial parent, and these are the people who are most affected by this: maybe their lives are falling apart, maybe their marriages are falling apart, their businesses are falling apart, their relationship with their now-growing-up children are falling apart, and you know, maybe even their whole family is falling apart; and these people are really wondering what they can do to move their life forward, what they can do to gain some control, what they can do to heal the pain of what it is to be human that we actually all experience.
Tom Poland 1:59
Sounds like their life is not going according to plan.
Fred Moss 2:02
Tom Poland 2:02
Question two, six and a half minutes left. How would you define the problem that you solve for these people?
Fred Moss 2:09
Well you know, when looking at this, you know how there’s– when you’re an entrepreneurial parent, and I know – I certainly have met that criteria before, when you’re a parent of young adult children, sometimes, you reach a point where your life is just really seeming to totally fall apart. Your kids aren’t listening, you know, the relationship isn’t working – like I said, and you know, no one’s listening, no one’s hearing you, you don’t really have a purpose, you’re kind of aimless and helpless.
So what I do is I provide through creativity, connection, communication, and frankly, also the gifts of nature as a source of all healing for all conditions – a reframing if you will, a reconfiguration of the narrative that supports one actually being healthy even if they’re uncomfortable.
So, discomfort and even tragic discomfort is not representative of being ill; its representative simply as the title suggests – of being human. And once people really get the optimization that what they’re experiencing in life – painful or miserable or is intolerable as it seems – is really just a fundamental aspect of being human, we then can launch into a post healing phase where all sorts of new possibilities can arise.
Tom Poland 3:28
All set, Sir. Thank you.
Five minutes left. Question number three. Give us a few symptoms. We’ve talked about children aren’t listening, we’ve talked about life’s not going according to plan A, I suppose. What would you say some of the typical symptoms that would be the highlights of what’s going on in a person’s life where they go, ‘Gosh. I need to find out more about what Dr. Fred does.’
Fred Moss 3:50
Well, we can– thank you for the question. Here’s what we can do.
We can look at a couple of different spaces. If it is actually the adult entrepreneurial parent who we’re aiming at, and most of the time it is, some of the symptoms might be that they’re kind of doing things on the side, doing things– they’re being secretive. Maybe there’s drugs and alcohol involved, maybe there’s extramarital affairs involved, you know. Maybe they’re finding some sort of pleasure X over eating. Some of the addictive properties might be that, where they know that their life isn’t going as good as they might look like it is. So that’s one thing. Sort of a duplicity and how they’ve walked through the world would be one way to look at it.
Other problems, you know, or other symptoms that people might experience when talking – perhaps they’re contacting me for the care of their children – is that their children are failing in school or the children are, you know, committing crimes, or the children are having no friends or, you know, being violent or being – any kind of things that we all hope our children don’t go through. Those are also symptoms because children can be a very real barometer of how the family and the parents’ life is going.
Tom Poland 4:56
Fascinating. Thank you, Sir.
Question number four. We’re talking about entrepreneurs as parents, and they’re generally quite hardworking and proactive – they’re gonna try stuff to fix this. So question four is what are some of the common mistakes that people make trying to fix this problem before they find your solution?Three minutes left.
Fred Moss 5:14
Exactly. And so you know, I like to look at this, and there is approximately four different ways to go when we’re looking at any problem.
Number one. We can do nothing, right? We can just kind of do ‘Yeah. You know, life is meant to be painful and then you die and I’m just gonna hang in there, white knuckle and then that’s it, and this is the best I can hope for’ and some people really do – unfortunately – do choose that one.
Tom Poland 5:35
Fred Moss 5:36
And another common error that people might make is they actually look to do it themselves, like you know, the ‘I got this’, and entrepreneurials are really really focused on this. Like us entrepreneurials really habit that we can do all sorts of magic and we can do this ‘I’ve read books. I’ve talked to people. I know how to attend webinars or seminars or, you know, support groups’, and so they might do that.
The third thing that they might do is they might hire insufficient or inadequate assistance. Now that’s another thing which is actually pretty dangerous; kind of cutting corners like ‘I’m not sure I have the money. I’m not sure I have a time. Maybe I don’t have the energy’ and so they hire someone in order to, you know, meet the needs that they’re doing– have them believe that they’re doing something after all, but it’s insufficient or inadequate for the needs and really regretful.
Tom Poland 6:33
Right. Real quick, number four, real quick please.
Fred Moss 6:38
Yeah. The fourth thing would be just, you know, hire me.
Tom Poland 6:41
That’s probably a pretty good option.
We got 90 seconds left. Three questions to go. Real quick. A top tip, a valuable free action someone could take – not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Fred Moss 6:52
Well, it really comes into title. The title is that these people and you – even if you are miserable – are simply not mentally ill. It is a conversation that’s supported by an agreement reality and the possibility is that you’re really just living life as a human walking through the planet.
Tom Poland 7:08
And just that understanding and acceptance of that kind of help people a lot.
A valuable free resource. 60 seconds left. I’ll only give folks this. It’s https://welcometohumanity.net/. What are folk find there, Fred? Real quick.
Fred Moss 7:23
Oh, right there– this is a website that’s actually in construction and what they’re going to find is the growth of Dr. Fred over the last few years now. I was a more conventional doctor, but now I really started to reach out and use creativity, connection, communication as a source.
Tom Poland 7:39
There’s a lot of resource there – blog, podcasts, free stuff – so go get them. So many episodes there. I’ve been there; it looks terrific.
20 seconds left, Fred. What’s the one question I should have asked you and the answer please in 15 seconds.
Fred Moss 7:54
Yeah. ‘What’s the project I’m up to?’ Look out for October 10, 2021. It is the Mental Wealth Summit for the Earth and our good friend Mark Victor Hansen is involved perhaps. Many many top names are getting together to get on this cool topic.
Tom Poland 8:09
Dr. Fred, thanks so much for your time.
Tom Poland 07:41
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